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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Captain Bo!!!!!!! How wonderful to have ye back! You have been missed as for Mad Jack he's still about. Welcome back, and a Plunder Me Cherry please good sir. *Callenish-Tis good to see you as well!*
  2. That's a new twist on "red light" district! Ok So why am I the only Rudolph here? I stick out like a red nose..lol
  3. *licks lips* Sounds good to me!
  4. Huzzah! to William and his Queen!!!!
  5. Be my luck I would ruin it..If there is a way to do so I will unerringly find it.
  6. You Are Rudolph Sweet and shy, you tend to be happiest when you're making someone else happy. Why You're Naughty: You sometimes stick that nose where it doesn't belong Why You're Nice: Christmas would be a sad affair without you! Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whichofsantasrei...deerareyouquiz/
  7. Perhaps Patrick but he was not beloved..lol MJ how did ye know I have a thing for monkeys? And Silkie, You just keep grand company!
  8. As Silkie says Beware, she is quite deadly when crossed. As for the banana Foster..Ill definitely have to try it..You truly light it up?
  9. Charles IV Oh well may be crazy as a loon but Im a beloved loon..
  10. I have never had it..Bring it on..
  11. Lovely Pic. And yes costumes have come a long way, can you imagine what they will look like years from now? Our kids will think they had cheesy costumes. And I can remember digging through bins to find just the right one as well..And then opening the boxes and you would think it was the greatest costume ever.
  12. I found this and thought to share it. Some pretty old vintage costumes, models and such. http://www.goblinhaus.com/store.htm
  13. *Smacks lips* Im so tempted to steal that Pot! William that is wonderfully grand...So what's for dessert?
  14. Go Virgo's! Dances on the tabletops..
  15. My condolences, I too found him a great actor, I especially liked him as Frank in Everybody Loves Raymond...My thoughts and prayers to his family.
  16. Glad you have been well received, your roleplay group looks very intresting. And I love the Logo for it! ~The Siren~
  17. Robin Williams, I especially loved him when he played Popeye. I had a huge six foot cut out poster of him in my room to scare all my nightmares away...
  18. Intresting sort of play...Patrick Sorry I hit yer nose on the way in mate..Tis most unusually long fer some reason..lol
  19. After a few hours sleep she awoke in her hammock unable to sleep more, her thoughts on her beloved brother and his death at the hands of a madman. Her step-Father had lured her mother in with false proclamations of love, when in truth he wanted to lay claim to the only man having the heart of the famous courtesan. Though her mother had been clever knowing the ways of men and had protected her wealth leaving it for Treasure upon her death. The Earl nearly destitute in funding but rich in land had coveted Treasure for that wealth and tried to bend her to his will and eventually killing her brother to force her compliance causing her to flee. And now from a position of wealth to freedom. A freedom she was grateful for with every breath she took, her brother Anthony would have loved the sea, as she did. It was both generous and treacherous and always filled with Surprises. She owed William ,now the Captain much, if not for him she would not be here at all and perhaps not be alive herself. It was true her mother had trained her to follow in her steps and readily could she do so if needed. But William had offered her a different life and one more eagerly embraced, though she would never forget her roots, who she was or who her mother had been. Feeling the need for the sea upon her face she moved soundlessly past those asleep in their hammocks and sighed feeling her spirit lighten as the sea winds tugged at her loose hair, her clothing. How different the sea looked at night, the sea black and gilded by the touch of the stars and the moon. Staying free of those working she glanced to her post to see Ajayi and waved once to him and was smiling as he returned her wave. He was so different, quiet and yet she sensed a ruthless quality to him, like an animal that lay in wait. Perhaps it was part of being a slave, she knew well what it was like to not have options though her situation had differed greatly from his. Turning from him she glanced out over the sea, riveted by it’s dark beauty and laid her hands upon the rail eyes closing allowing herself to be willingly seduced by the sea. Opening her eyes once more she took in the Heron and the Maastricht two so very diffrent ships whose destinies would now be forever changed by their attack. 'You should have let sleeping dogs lay" She whispered.
  20. I too wish to welcome you as I am originally from Beaumont and now reside in the Austin area. Tis welcome to have ye and Aye, there be a crew in Galveston..Black Deacon's. And the PirateKind has one in the Austin area. So how bout fillin up me tankard..twas a long speech.
  21. No cats as Nora is allergic to them...but Everytime I sew or crochet My cockatiel "Buddy" Assists me by holding the thread in his foot. I am trying to teach him to sew but so far he has not picked up on it as of yet...*sighs*
  22. The ringing of eight bells assured her her watch was over and she smiled wearily at the Ajayi who was climbing to take her place. He was perhaps the quietest on the ship, and she loved to hear him speak for his voice was accented and musical. She slipped into the rigging and nearly lost her grip as the musket swung hard against her as the Dog leapt through a wave. The sea had grown rougher in the past two hours and she felt large steadying hands upon her holding her steady. Her muscles quivered and she placed her forehead against the ropes and caught her breath and looked down. Twas a long fall, she thanked Ajayi huskily smiling at the concern in his dark eyes and climbed down more slowly. Once her feet hit the deck she was swaying with exhaustion and wanted nothing more than to find her hammock but her musket needed tending, and then she must eat. Rubbing at tired eyes she moved towards the armory to take care of her weapon weaving through her fellows with a few greetings and once finished moved to the galley and only took a crust of bread and a tankard of water. Eating quickly and finishing her water she moved to take her ease in her hammock. All too soon the rocking of the ship had her deeply asleep and the trauma of the day before had her dreaming of her little brother and her step father.
  23. arches a brow.."A drynk in friendship is all that is required. I do not think that qualifies for a blade to any belly be it mine or yours. And please do put away the knife before ye hurt yerself, all are friendly here."
  24. Strolls into the tavern and grins, "Well there be rum, loot, pillaging, Rum, wenches, Mast-er and Command-er and more rum. As ye be new tis yer honor to buy all of yer brethren a round and ye can start me off with a Plunder Me Cherry. Oh and beware yer purse, there be some nimble fingers here bouts." Looks about then moves to the bar and leaps up to take a seat. "Extra cherries with that drink..And by the way welcome to the Pub."
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