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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Arches brow Curiosity clearly piqued.."Aye if'n ye please. Now How did ye know?"
  2. Ok Two question..But first..About the blood Mr. Lasseter I too had heard that, since the flesh blood would insure there would be no infection. As to my Question..I read somewhere that if you needed stitching it was safest to sew with your own hair as the thread..And that if you had a freely bleeding wound if you could find a spiderweb and it was free of debris you could use that to staunch blood flow..Anyone else heard this?
  3. Let me be the first to welcome ye Hacksaw Riley..As for detachment..I prefer to keep all my limbs..*Grins* Plunder Me Cherry if you please, I am feeling a wee bit parched.
  4. As the voice hailed her she took her eyes from the twin shadows to look down to see Mr. Pew and Mr. Flint. "Off the Larboard bow Sirs!" She called back knuckling to them both before looking back out and scanning for any sails. Of course being so near to The Antilles this could be nothing more than merchants, or it could be something far more dangerous.
  5. She was too nervous to do more than keep a steady eye on the ship that seemed so harmless, and yet she was wound tighter than a the rope about the capstan, or a longtail cat in a room full of drunken sailors. The horizon seemed to lighten just faintly enough to make out the shadow of the ship...Ships! Wait! She shifted and sighted through her spyglass, A second shape stalked the first. Her stomach rolled with excitement and she gripped her spyglass all the more, her breathing coming faster and she had to steady herself. She peered harder to make sure and then motioned to Ciaran who bade her make the call. She grinned to him then saluted him before calling down... “Boat Ahoy, Second Boat Ahoy!” She called down, her voice laced with excitement and tension.
  6. Hmm..Honest! he must be honest, and intelligent. Someone who downplays my exuberant ways sometimes, a good smile, a good listener. Someone who will sit beside me and read. Or snuggle with on the couch to watch movies. Can't forget important days like my Birthday, will allow me to be who I am without putting my wants and dreams down. Someone who will be my partner as I will be to him. I do not think how he looks matters as long as he loves me.
  7. As they were dismissed she knuckled again and looked to the weapon know in her hands, sighing heavily she turned to listen to Mr. Pew then knuckled yet again heading back to the deck and passing Mr. Lasseter on his way down. She knuckled to him then hurried to keep up with Flint and the others letting their muted voices washing over her, she listened with half an ear too absorbed in what had just happened and feeling as if she were dreaming. But the weight of the weapon in her hand was only too real..and all too deadly. She licked suddenly dry lips and shook her head clearing away her doubts and moved towards the rigging and looked about once, slipped the musket over her shoulder and headed aloft yet again. She looked out over the sea thinking that time had moved slow, it felt as if it should be sunrise by now, and yet she still felt a bit dazed by the recent events. Reaching her post and swinging a leg over and taking her position she shifted the musket, it’s weight unfamiliar and yet..comforting.
  8. As Flint and Marchande entered followed by Woodington, Hingerty and Smyth she quickly shifted more to allow the others into the room. Her gaze had gone to the muskets in question but figured they were preparing in case of issues with the known ship lurking on the horizon. She listened intently to The Captain as he spoke and blinked once, felt her heart beat twice before what he said was fully digested. She was completely stunned but her mind soon took on a thoughtful bent as she looked to the other ‘chosen' and felt a pride that she had been selected and only hoped their esteem in her had not been misplaced. But she would make sure that she would live up to their expectations, and her own. As they were told to choose weapons she knuckled with the others and waited till she could slip in between Smyth and Flint to pick her own. Satisfied she quickly stepped back into place and awaited further instruction. She only hoped no one could hear the loud pounding of her heart, Adrenaline now her companion for the day.
  9. I too followed suit...Add me Siren
  10. Movement below had her peering down and though lantern light spilled silhouettes, they were just that, shadowy specters upon the deck causing a shiver to run up her spine. A barked command had her struggling to make out any detail for though she was not certain it had sounded clearly like the voice of Mr. Lasseter. She waited a length of time, her gaze cautiously scanning for trouble and finally assuring herself that there would be none she resumed her duties gazing out to sea and the last known position on the horizon the other ship had lain. She rolled her shoulders bringing a hand up to scratch at her forehead before frowning and peering down again as another made his way aloft to relay the message she was to report below. Tilting her head with a frown she let her mind race over a mental checklist for her duties and could think of no reason to be summoned. As she swung about to begin her descent she noticed Ciaran also making his way down. She chewed thoughtfully on her lower lip contemplating this summons. Her curiosity had her moving as fast as she dared in the dim to non existent light till her feet finally touched deck with a muted thump. Shivering again she patted her stomach as it growled and waited for Ciaran and as he approached she whispered, “They summoned you to? What is amiss, unless they wish to prise us on the ship spotted earlier.” Ciaran gave a smile “Perhaps, Shall we report?” So saying he swung on his heel leaving her to trail like a wraith in his wake. She passed several of the starboard watch now bearing arms and felt her eyes widen, anticipation settled low in her belly and she paused to look out over the rail again to the calm seas before moving quickly after Ciaran and down below keeping close to him till they entered the brightly lit wardroom causing her to blink several times to adjust. Seeing William and Mr. Pew she knuckled to both then stood silently by Ciaran. Remebering her earlier encounter with Mr. Pew she felt her face heat in the light and shifted warily wondering if this summons were about that, but if so why would Ciaran attend. She kept her gaze straight ahead waiting and wondering.
  11. I cannot get in either.
  12. Grins My fave was the Honeymooners Salad Nothing but lettuce..... Dressing is Optional..*Wicked grins and a wink* Bloody Mary Poppins Put ice cubes in a tall glass. Fill with tomato juice, celery stalks, caster oil and a spoonful of sugar. Helps the medicine go down.! Finger Sandwiches A delicious appetizer.They're simple to make and fun to eat. Just takes five fingers - anybody's fingers - and put them between buns. This is known as a HAND SANDWICH. Unfortunately, it's also known as a felony. Well what's life without a few risks. If there are no fingers on hand, you can substitute toes. Frankensteinfurters One of my favorite main courses. They're just the ticket for the indoor barbeque during a freak electric storm... just watch those monsters plump when you sock the juice to 'em! Make sure you get the weenies with the crude stitching on the side, signifying freshness... or a sloppy butcher. They contain no preservatives because preservatives won't help. To cook FRANKENSTEINFURTERS, just hold them over an open fire 'til they burst with flavor or confess... whichever comes first. By the way these are Courtesy of Elvira's website..
  13. Carve your pumpkin on-line! Halloween Greeting Cards Halloween Hangman Top 13 Superstitons you may not have heard And remember...until next time....Unpleasant dreams...Mwahahah!
  14. She was sleeping soundly when her hammock rocked wildly and she nearly tumbled out only to come face to face with Owen who was laughing. She shot him a glare but held her tongue and rolled out of her hammock quickly knowing their watch was on duty. Quickly she made for the deck and into the humid sea air, Bracing herself as the Watchdog plowed through a swell. Finger combing her hair she quickly plaited it as she moved to her assigned perch and hid a yawn behind a hand. Stretching she wiped at her eyes and paused as she was tapped on the shoulder. A word was whispered into her ear and she immidiately became alert and looked out to the still dark sea. With a nod she quickly scrambled aloft keeping watch for any sign, a flare of light, A glint of metal, even the sound of voices. Reaching her perch she settled in and shivered at the cooler temperatures and wondered if they were being stalked. If so it would be her first sea battle and she could feel apprehension heavily weigh upon her. Swallowing hard she looked down to the shadowed decks below and then up to the starlit pre dawn sky and made the sign of the cross and whispered a prayer heavenward. Then looking to the sea whispered another hasty prayer to Poseidon himself.
  15. Hides the exit link so William cannot find it! Welcome Ronny and hope to see more of you.
  16. hmm Jill for you I would say 1 and 2 Mr. Lasseter I would say 1 and 2.
  17. Ahh then my felicitations to you and the lass. Best wishes...
  18. Jacky I think any woman would be lining up to become the next Mrs. Jacky. I hope you find her.
  19. I think as a woman we are a little of all those things in one package. some just have a wee bit more in some areas than others. Since coming to the Pub I have found me wicked side..never thought I had one of those..*grins*
  20. That sounds fun, I had a friend from Norway who was teaching me Norweigian..but I do not know if the mods will let you teach it here...
  21. Yum Steak...Bless you William and my compliments to the chef!
  22. Wait! Just hold up! Be skittles the candy kind or human??????
  23. As the starboard watch began to appear on the decks she took one last cautious look around, the ship was sailing more smoothly, the winds were warm and humid and the heavens were ramshackle with stars that glittered and twinkled like thousands of diamonds on a bed of black velvet. Sighing she carefully swung from her post, gingerly testing the weight she could bear on her wrist and finding it not so very bad inched her way through the rigging ever downwards till her sandaled feet touched the deck. She stifled a yawn as she moved to the rail to see if she could further make out the land she had spotted earlier to no avail, but she was too keyed up to sleep. The slap of the waters against the ship was soothing in it's way and she leaned with crossed arms over the railing watching the mystery that surrounded them ease them to new destinations. Again she lifted her face towards where Martinique lay, where the sea now took them, and blocked out all the sounds about her for the moment, for now it was just the spray of saltwater upon her face, the breeze caressing her frame and the exuberant feeling within her heart. The sea was a bewitching enchantress and it was clear why men gave their hearts to her, sighing she bumped into Owen who grinned at her before she moved past him with apology and down below to seek her hamock.
  24. Nope..But ill bet it will be in a....???????????
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