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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. The ship seemed to shudder, the waves buffeting as the Dog struggled to stay her course. She could hear the cries below, the cries of those in the rigging about her and heard the rent of canvas. Quickly she moved to fist the sails below her perch ,The Foremain Sail. She lost her grasp as the ship shuddered again and the sails she had gathered slipped free of her grasp and she cursed roundly grabbing to steady her position. One of those closest to her helped stay her from falling and she thanked him before reaching again for the canvas. Her wrist protesting the strain put on it but that only made her more determined to see the job through. Again the ship bucked and she had to hold on and let go of the canvas. Once she had regained her balance she quickly began to gather and reef the sail, nearly done the ship shuddered again and she had to cling tightly before her job was finally finished and shakily she moved back to her safe "perch." She glanced about to see the others all safe and nodded to them. Quickly she called down "Foremain Sail reefed, Sir!"
  2. Bess Darlin, I love yer banner..Just had to tell ye that.
  3. Aye Texas is rough..But state prison is way too cushy. We pay for the inmates to have AC and heat and food and amenties and even rehab and yet we have horrid health insurance. The people who really need it suffer. I agree bring back the olden days of justice. A hanging at high noon could well be a good thing.
  4. As Tempest bandaged her wrist and dismissed her she inclined her head and made it back on deck just as the bells to summon her to duty were rung. The winds by now whipped at her clothing and she lifted her head to face the winds, it would seem the trade winds had found them. She knew the winds blew steadily from the east and slightly towards the equator at anywhere between 10 and 13 knots. It would also seem they were traveling against the currents. Knuckling to Mr. Badger she hurried to the ropes and quickly swung upwards though with the winds and her wrist her ascent was much slower that she would have liked. Gritting her teeth she clambered on till she reached her post and there settled in again. The winds seemed stronger here and she glanced down to see the deck and all those scurrying about making sure the sails were tuned minute detail. Settling back she watched the horizon for she also knew that the trade winds often were heavily laden with moisture and could often produce squalls close to the Isles and oft at sea. She glanced down and about taking note of the Telltales, small free lines left to flow in the directions of the breezes and enabling them to better adjust the sails if needed. Shivering slightly in the winds she took her long braid and placed it down her shirt and wesket to keep it from her face and took wary notice of the sea and the horizon again.
  5. And here I thought he was a going with me..Ok So who is taking ME to the parties????
  6. I never realized what an intresting topic this would be. i too prefer to be a pirate, but seeing what is written now I guess I would not mind much being playfully termed a wench...And only by those that know me well.
  7. Spent the night in the ER t hinking I was having a heartattack only to discovere I am severely anemic and my heart is struggling to pump what I do not have to pump..So William besides livere what do you have to offer..... *Feel really horrible* Figured this was the best to let those on the WatchDog know without messaging all of you...
  8. Mr. Pew had given her his leave though he had said nothing further so she did not know if she had offended him or if he mulled over her words. Reaching the deck she knuckled to Mr. Badger and quickly scurried aloft missing a handhold in her distraction and slipping causing her strained wrist to nearly yield her hold. But gritting her teeth she managed to gain her lofty perch and take her duty. Sometime later the bells tolled and her duty was over for about two hours, she pushed at her windswept braid and narrowed her eyes over the ever changing sea and the winds which seemed determined to buffet the ship. Carefully she climbed down careful of her wrist and leapt to the deck again knuckling to Mr. Badger before heading for the galley below. Seeing Owen she inclined her head to him and quickly sat to eat her victuals and sipped at her rum. Excitement lingered in the galley and brought a smile to her face as she listened to the bartering between most. As her belly was now full she decided to seek the Surgery before heading for her hammock for a nap about her wrist. Knocking upon the door she waited without hiding a yawn. Her thoughts turning to Martinique and what it would be like.
  9. Because your a male...You ARE a male are you not????? (Sorry MJ I just could not resist..*hugs*)
  10. i agree with story, but that sentence does seem a little light.
  11. Barbaric? I think he's getting off lightly...Four before and four when released? I think they should give him the full eight going in and another full set when he leaves! Then he'll never assault anyone else again.
  12. So the Spanish Inquisition is After Mad Jack for stealing the Spanish map yet they know not about the Dutch map or do they?
  13. Tis no worries...We are even dressing up to help promote sales!
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