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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Thanks Zephaniah but hopefully we can meet at the festival, Im hoping to meet those from Texas that attend at any rate..lol
  2. Capt. Sterling that was great. Little Ol Lady prolly did not know what to think, I can almost picture it! As for you Doc? Why does that not surprise me..lol I was going to work a pirate Party at work for a little boy and was fully dressed in my stuff hat and all and was sitting at a red light next to a firetruck. When the light turned green all these firemen were looking at me I guess to figure out just what I was wearing and started to cross into oncoming traffic..Luckily the driver realized and corrected his mistake so there were no accidents. But it was rather funny when it was all said and done...
  3. Unfortunately so, I cannot drive right now and my hubbys's boss's wife is driving, so it will be she and I and my wee one for the day only.
  4. The spell the song had cast was abruptly broken by the clanging of the bells and she hurriedly leapt to her feet amazed at the passage of time. Not wishing to see but pretty sure she knew who the lovely alto voice had belonged to she scrambled to the armoury to clean her one lone weapon. A dagger. It was all she had been left with in the past and she would allow none to take it from her. Quietly knocking upon the door she heard the masculine voice bid her enter and she quickly scurried in knuckling to him before requesting to clean her weapon. She looked upon him once then hastily lowered her eyes fighting her blush. She winced as she caught the door as the ship shifted upon a swell to keep it from closing.
  5. actually to both of you. Zephaniah will you attend TRF OCT.14th? I will be there that saturday and would love to see one...
  6. How much do you charge for the making of them?
  7. Did I hear Plunder? Good day to ye sir and glad ye made the Pub along with the rest of yer crew. Hope ye enjoy the bounty here as much as we do, Now as for Plunder...*Holds out empty tankard* A Plunder Me Cherry will suffice..Extra cherries O'Course!
  8. The song came to another end and she too was loathed to abandon the song that seemed to burn into her soul. Her voice stilled and she took a steadying breath and lifted her lids to peer at the sea and took note of the quietness of the ship but for the slap of sail cloth, and rope, the song of the sea as they passed. But quietly the song continued, not in word but in note, a humming if it could be called that, a gentle tripping of notes and she stood slowly remaining in the shadow of the barrels and again blended her voice shyly, uncertain with the Altos. But the voice of the other drew her on till her voice once more soared, the notes powerful, before drifitng away into something whimsical and playful, the notes darting to and fro trilling here rising there and skipping about teasing the other to follow.
  9. The sound of song had her spirits lifting as well and she tapped her foot keeping her wrist still, listening to the beautiful alto voice that cascaded over the waters, floated over the ship like some surreal dream, soon blended with the voices of the others. Then the song was over and she could hear the call for another song and soon the lovely voice came yet again. She tried to not sing for she oft kept her voice quiet, she sang only for herself, but the voice called to her, lured her on and she could do no other than obey. A sultry soprano soon rang out, the notes haunting at first then soaring high and the husky voice blending perfectly with the alto. She still sat hidden in the coils of rope but let loose all the passion she felt within and gave it wings to fly in the song. Her eyes drifted closed so that she knew nothing but the song, Did not realize when the others halted to listen to the two voices so perfectly in tuned to the other, The beautiful clear alto and the husky soprano, She only knew she had to sing.
  10. Quickly bored she leapt from the barrel and moved to the galley in search of victuals and seating herself quickly ate keeping to the shadows of the galley as much as possible. Finished she rose and quickly scrubbed her own utensils before moving to find her hammock. Settling in her hammock she glanced about then quickly shut her eyes and drifted to sleep. Her sleep was troubled, the trouble with Owen earlier reminding her of her very near escape from a near fate she wished to forget. Tossing and turning in her hammock she finally awoke with a hoarse cry and tumbled free of her hammock landing hard upon the floor. A throbbing in her wrist had her grimacing, cradling her wrist she quickly sat up to make sure she had disturbed no others, rising she moved to the deck needing to feel the breeze upon her face, to know that her demons were far behind her...Thanks to William. Once aloft the breeze had her calming and with a wild shudder she noticed the passage of time had barely changed at all. Rubbing at her wrist she moved to sit upon a coil of rope and leaned back to look up at the skies.
  11. Looks like we will attend the 14th and 15th. My Husbands boss's wife will attend with me and my wee one.
  12. LOL I did forget the Pirate and Smuggling Museum! and walked about one weekend on Padre Isle dressed as a Pyrate...
  13. Hmm 7-11, was pulled over by an officer once because of my hat!, Toys R Us, Out to eat several times, the Mall, The theater of course, the Grocery Store and nearly cause a firetruck to have an accident.
  14. Kidd Dread I had that problem so hubby installed Java and now I too have been in the chat more. As William stated earlier most come in then leave again before anyone can greet them.
  15. I suppose I should wish Angus a Happy Natal Day as you are kith and kin and I have nev'er clapped eyes upon the man. So Happy Natal Day!!!!!
  16. I know tis a day earlye but tis time to start a celebratin! Hope yer Natal Day is full of wonderful plunder and excitement! *Im a thinkin the WatchDog may have to do something special fer ye*
  17. Well Done Shipwreck! And now I can really tell where you are from. I will have to try this, Hester I cannot open the file once it's downloaded, can someone assist me please?
  18. Now off duty and at loose ends which she hated to be, she moved towards the rails and watched the sea flow past, the smell of the salt, the spray upon her face, her hair whipping about her she sighed with contentment. Truly there was nothing better than being upon a vessel in the heart of the ocean and taking each day as it came. It was so much more exciting being out here than stuffed in some moldy parlor sipping tea and chatting inanely over fashion. This was living, braving what came and knowing in the end you were alive, had lived through the storm or battle and let the rush of life fill your soul. Nay she would never do the pretty for she was wild, a daughter of the sea, and it's life liquid flowed in her veins the same as any old salts. This is where she belonged, the snapping of canvas had her glancing upwards and watching the clouds as they scuttled overhead before looking to where others also off duty sat, one repairing a flute and another a violin to play. Quickly she hopped upon a barrel nearby and listened to them talk and laugh. But her gaze often returned to the sea.
  19. The Rum is always gone because I must have it for me Plunder Me Cherries, so in conclusion Mad Jack, twas I that drank yer rum!
  20. She was not one to carry tales and had Owen not approached none would have been the wiser, yet at Mr. Pew's words she felt at ease but her eyes retained their stormy appearance. As she was given permission to give Owen a piece of her mind she decided to make it a wee piece and knuckling to Mr. Pew she quickly spun about and called to Owen as she went. Placing one foot upon the ladder she waited till he approached and shot him a look over her shoulder eyes flashing with anger. "If you so much as try such an antic again Mr. Owen, you will not like the consequences. I may be young and a woman Sir, but I assure you I can and will hold my own with you or any." That said she quickly moved up the ladder not giving him time to speak to her again and it was very clear he had wished to. In fact he had reminded her of a fish out of water the way his jaws kept working as he tried to edge in a word here or there. Having not really said what she had wished to say she still felt all the better for what she had. She had wanted to flay his hide with her sharp tongue but she had no wish to make an enemy on board, And Owen had friends.
  21. It sounds wonderful Odorless Eye! Cannot wait for the next round of Pics, so sorry I missed viewing it firsthand.
  22. "Aye Ransom and Than ye, next round be mine." Meanwhiles scoots her chair just enough to see the young lad and arches a brow as she continues to study him. "Protection, Strength, and Honor Eh?"
  23. So it would seem Ransom So it would seem now the Question I be askin is why should we member John Flint? Rubs a finger along her jaw as her eyes move to John Flint and regards him most boldly. Waves her hand about urging him to explain.
  24. OMG I laughed so much on the first one..That was just too much! lol
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