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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Ok..LOL Aye I was thinking something like the 700.00 ship..But maybe for those who wish to just collect just have half a ship and then you could show the furniture and stuff in minitaure down to the brigs..lol I don't know..I just wondered if one had ever been done as I saw a doll house that was made like a tree house..It was unique and really stood out. Though I'd settle for a Pirate Ceiling Fan too..
  2. Aye Rumba..In December of last year I went into the hospital my blood count had dropped to a four and had to have a major blood transfusion. I still have the issue that causes me to severely anemic and it's considered life threatning and cannot afford the surgery to fix it. So If I disappear again it's for more blood. And BayPirate yer a sweet scallywag..."Ray make that two buckets fer the gent"
  3. Why thank ye Jacky as long as it not be rare..and bring on the A1 sauce. As fer Silkie..gives her a hug and a bottle of rum..As foer not leading them to their doom tis most fun..*pouts*
  4. We sang this in choir and this is the verses we have What shall we do with a drunken sailor? What shall we do with a drunken sailor? What shall we do with a drunken sailor? Early in the morning. Chorus: Way-hay, up she rises Way-hay, up she rises Way-hay, up she rises Early in the morning Put him in the long boat til he's sober x3 Early in the morning Chorus Pull out the plug and wet him all over x3 Early in the morning Chorus Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him x3 Early in the morning Chorus Heave him by the leg and with a rung console him x3 Early in the morning Chorus Tie him to the taffrail when she's yard-arm under x3 Early in the morning Chorus Put him in the bilge and make him drink it x3 Early in the morning Chorus Shave his belly with a rusty razor x3 Early in the morning Chorus Soak 'im in oil til he sprouts flippers x3 Early in the morning Chorus Put 'im in bed with the Captain's Daughter x3 Early in the morning Alternate Version: What'll we do with a drunken sailor What'll we do with a drunken sailor What'll we do with a drunken sailor Early-Aye in the morning? Alternate Chorus Way-hay and up she rises Patent blocks o' diff'rent sizes Way-hay and up she rises Earl-Aye in the morning Alternate Verses (repeat all 3x) 1. Sling him in the long boat till he's sober 2. Keep him there and make 'im bale 'er 3. Pull out the plug and wet him all over 4. Take 'im and shake 'im, try an' wake 'im 5. Trice him up in a runnin' bowline 6. Give 'im a taste of the bosun's rope-end 7. Give 'im a dose of salt and water 8. Stick on 'is back a mustard plaster 9. Shave his belly with a rusty razoe 10. Send him up the crow's nest till he falls down 11. Tie him to the taffrail when she's yardarm under 12. Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him 13. Soak 'im in oil till he sprouts flippers 14. Put him in the guard room till he's sober 15. Put him in bed with the captain's daughter (captain's daughter is reference to a whip) 16. Take the Baby and call it Bo'sun 17. Turn him over and drive him windward 18. Put him in the scuffs until the horse bites on him 19. Heave him by the leg and with a rung console him 20. That's what we'll do with the drunken sailor.
  5. And a tankard is hoisted high! The siren is hopefully back for a wee bit to stay until the anemia beings me low again..So Ill be buying the rounds as me hold be full of swag and me pockets be deep..yet beware for if ye think to accost my purse I'll sing ye to yer grave..*Winks at Ray* Now about that Plunder Me Cherry..extra cherries o' course.
  6. Ok I was looking about today at some really cool minature items for doll houses and such. But...I did not see anything for Pirate ships..Has anyone ever thought of creating a ship so that it opens up and a child can play with it as one does a doll house? Or as a collectible? Im probably crazy for even posting this..but it seems intresting and I know we have very talented people here.
  7. Bites her lip to hide her smile and clears her throat to hide the laugh dwelling within and moves to sit atop the bar and nibble on pilfered cherries as she watched in amusement.
  8. Jacques had been given over to Eric one they had come aboard and she had made a small collar and leash out of some scrap rope and fastened Argus to the mast so she could make her way up. The pup was noisy that was for sure but she could not leave him to his fate, it would not have been a good one. And she was a firm believer that one good turn deserved another and so Argus had been brought up and allowed to stay for a trial period of sorts. Nibbling upon her lower lip she fastened the pup to the mast and told him to sit, this just caused him to wriggle excitedly and his long tongue shot towards her face causing her to fall over backwards upon the deck. Much laughter accompanied this event and face burning she shoved off the Pup and bid him stay in a no nonsense and very firm voice. The pup cowered and stuck his tail betwixt his legs and did as was bidden with a whimper. Immediately she felt the heel and squatted before Argus and scratched his ears. “You have to learn to mind, and you have a short time to do it in else you have to go back. I did not mean to hurt your feelings, but we have to find some way to communicate else we will both be in trouble up to our eyeballs and I would avoid that fate if possible.” She whispered to him. Glancing about she noticed Ciaran eyeing her arms crossed over his chest and watching her and then moving to Argus. “Ye have yer work cut out fer ye lass, but yer a persistent one. But yer right, he needs to mind his manners else he will be left behind. Good luck and if’n I were you Id start on his manners right away.” That said he patted her shoulder and walked past. Rubbing a hand over her face she stood and moved to ask for a small bone from Mr. Gage and returned. Over the course of the afternoon she grew more frustrated and eventually began yelling as the pup sought the bone and refused to do as commanded. When her voice grew weary she resorted to hand actions and finally some semblance was made and the pup soon learned to sit by a simple drop of her hand, to lay down by keeping her palm flat and pushing down as if on top of a desk, and by not barking by a shake of her finger. Satisfied he had at least learned something she made the command for him to lay and watched as he warily did so then handed him the bone for his reward. “We two are much alike I see…both of us stubborn, but we have to work together for this to work.” She kissed his nose and then rose and stretched and wondered how the day had passed so quickly.
  9. I cannot get to PiP but danged if I do not fancy that sweet little pistol posted...
  10. OMG Norrington! But that's all I'll say. The movie itself was awesome, In fact I enjoyed it the best out of all three movies. So much was going on but it did leave a lot of things settled and then opened new doors as well. I stayed glued to the edge of my seat and will definitely go see it several more times before it is gone. I just wish I could pre-order it now..lol So yes the movie is more than worth it and the critics should be made to walk the plank..again it is Critics who do not like pirates..and if you do not like something then you should not critique it. So my critique is ten thumbs up!
  11. I did indeed mention Cibola, my own Isle that would be a bit like Tortuga and open year round to tourists. It would be just like stepping back in time complete with tall ships and such. But it takes money...
  12. Angelina Jolie...I have been told my lips are full..not as full as hers..but full..and I think she is very pretty..I can see her playing The Siren..lol
  13. Well if ye insist..Identical twins Eh? Now whar be Dorian to set this issue in the clear..*grins*
  14. Perhaps ye should buy him a drynk to wet his whistle afore he passes out from thirst Aye? *laughs* Ray a Plunder Me Cherry and whatever Silkie and Mr. Lasseter would require, put it on my tab.
  15. Moves to take a seat on top of the bar and has to take a double look see.. "Ye are related to Captain Dorian?"
  16. Toys R Us in my area has a cool PotC alarm clock, TV, DVD player and the remote looks like the compass, The chest of Davy Jones boombox, and a portable/personal DVD player that looks like the compass. So love working at Toys R Us...I get to play with all the cool toys...
  17. Treasure had refused to leave and Maeve had not been found so the little priest had cleaned the pup who it was discovered not seriously wounded though would bear a scar. Still was a small pallet made and Treasure bundled with the pup and lay awake for a long time her face badly bruised and throbbing, her eye now black. A blanket, a clean one had been exchanged for the dirty one and finally she had slept. But now twas dawn and as she sat up the pup whimpered in his sleep and she ran a hand over his malnourished body. She could not leave the pup, but would William take on the dog, already his paws were massive and with daily food he would be huge. She went to smile and felt her face pull and slowly sat up taking the blanket with her, her body was sore and she did not see the little priest but Jacques was sound asleep and had her things bundled beside him. Rising quietly she crept over to Jacques, the lad was fine, taking her seamans bag she moved into the confessional and changed quickly shoving her torn dress deep within. Once more dressed as a Lad she stepped out to find Jacques awake and the pup sitting next to the confessional whining. Leaning down she rubbed his head “Argus, what am I to do with you? Eh?” Looking to Jacques she spoke softly “I have to return to the WatchDog.’ He seemed to understand and rose as well then moved to take her seabag despite her protests and touched her cheek anger flaring in his eyes. Calling to Argus she took one last lingering look about and they left the small church to go back to the docks and wait upon the beach.
  18. She struggled wildly, kicking out and making a connection causing loud curses to hiss by her ear. She was feeling dizzy from lack of air and went limp hoping to gain the upper hand. As she went limp her body fell forwards and her captor struggled to hold her upright and just when she thought freedom was well within her grasp, other hands began to rove her figure. She had to get the hand over her mouth and nose to move soon or she had no hope at all. Thoughts raced, plans made and discarded, and suddenly she was being tossed into a nearby stall, as she was dropped she began to roll reaching for the dagger strapped to her thigh. “Don’ le’ her away me lads..Ripe for the plucking be this one!” This time she could see faces and recognized two of them from earlier. Before she could reach her dagger she tripped over the hem of her gown in the shifting hay and was again brought low the breath knocked from her. Balling her fist she swung as the first bloke straddled her hips and she could hear the crunch as she broke his nose and blood sprayed over her, over him. Jeers and comments rang out and her hands were seized and dragged over her head, she could feel hands upon her ankles moving under her skirt. Suddenly Jacques was there a shovel swinging at the head of the man at her ankles. As he fell away the one holding her hands hastily backed away holding out his hands not wishing any further part of the fun. The man straddling her seemed unaware she was being rescued intent upon her ravishment and as she reached for her dagger she was soundly slapped, her lip splitting. Again did Jaqcues swing but before he could land the blow a rather large figure of a dog barreled through, growling, teeth bared as he leapt at the mans arm and latched on viciously swinging his head from side to side. Jacques taking in the dog quickly moved to help her up from beneath the pair fighting. The screams were loud coming from the man, but the yelp from the dog was louder. Somehow her knife had fallen into her attackers hands and the dog had taken the blade across his ribs. Jacques relifted the shovel and swung hard and the sound of his skull cracking was sickening. “We have to hurry and leave, someone will have heard that. She made to leave but the pitiful whimper drew her back. It was the same pup from earlier, how could she leave it? Shaking she knelt to scoop the dog to her chest and Jacques placed a blanket about her to cover her torn and bloodied gown. His face angry in the dim light as he touched the wildly swelling bruise upon her cheek. Soon they were out into the rain and making for the church. Jacques beating upon the door till the father unlocked the door and peered out blinking as he spied upon them. Recognizing Treasure and seeing her face he quickly pulled open the door and ushered them within. “Father we need a Doctor..The pup is injured.” Gesturing to Jacques he spoke rapidly and the only words she heard was Maeve.
  19. Time passed all too quickly in the Inn and seeing Captain Lasseter leaving she inclined her head to him. Jacques curious and asking questions around mouthfuls of meat pastries and ale. Treasure merely shook her head and he shrugged and they continued their meal, when every crumb had been sopped up with warm fresh bread they stumbled to their feet and moved outside. Again did they weave through the crowds that were slowly dissipating due to the heavy clouds of pewter that ran along the horizon. Wicked forks of Lightning and a stiff breeze heralded the arrival of a storm, but it would be hours yet. So they walked for hours more laughing as they tried to communicate with the other, soon it became a game and their hand gestures more elaborate. The first hint of the storm came in a soft cool drizzle and she spun about in the rain before they moved to find shelter in a warm stables. Jacques motioned he would try and find something to cover them so they could continue to their lodgings and she nodded her head and shooed him off. Moving through the stables she peered at each of the horses and crooned and spoke, and petted each head that turned her way. Suddenly did she take note of the quietness of the stables, indeed twas too quiet and before she could turn rough hands were upon her. A scream half given before fingers closed over her mouth and nose
  20. They strolled for nigh onto an hour, her laughter ringing out freely as Jacques tried to explain what they were seeing and she assumed give the rich history of the cul de sac Port Royal. But of course they ended up laughing more than any serious explaining, though she did catch a few phrases and could somewhat glean some of his meaning through his hand gestures. Her arm was linked through his and her keen gaze was bright with curiosity as it went this way and that. The City was colorful and exotic, the people seeming warm and friendly and as they walked they made for the small catholic church and she tugged upon Jacques and pointed to the church. He nodded his assent and they strolled down the block her gaze glued upon the small church. It was tiny and white, a small cemetery lay to it’s left and a white picket fence and a multitude of colorful flowers surrounded it. As they entered the quiet interior she sought the small fountain filled with holy water made the sign of the cross and moved up the aisle. Reaching the front pew she genuflected and knelt upon the riser provided and quickly said her prayers, Jacques kneeling at her side. She could feel his curiosity but would not leave him with the information he sought, it was too near to her heart and personal. Her prayers included the whole of the WatchDog, All of the crew those of the Heron and the ship itself as well. Then she rose moved to a nearby altar and lit a candle and again knelt in prayer for her beloved brother. Jacques stayed where he was merely watching her and taking in her profile. A Father soon entered and catching sight of them smiled warmly and moved to aid Treasure as she rose. She smiled sweetly and thanked him profusely causing the Father to blush and merely nod his head. “Do you speak English?” She asked her husky tones filling the small church. The father smiled and nodded “Of course my child, as well as French, Latin, Italian and some Spanish. What do you need my child?” “A prayer Father for my soul. It is in great need of guidance.” He nodded his head and asked her to kneel again and once she was settled he made the sign of the cross and said a brief prayer, made the cross upon her forehead and bid her rise. “Thank you Father, you have made my soul lighter.” She reached into the small reticule the Lady had sent with her gowns and gifted him with a small offering causing his eyes to round and for him to protest. “Nonsense Father, it is for your aid. I hope to attend mass soon.” With a last smile she bid him adieu and saw the grin that spread across Jacques face before they once more moved outside. Inhaling deeply they set off again continuing to explore and as they walked she noticed a rather large pup tied to a post outside a store. It was quivering with fright, tail tucked between his legs, his ribs poking through a coat that was dull. Outrage surged through her at the treatment of the pup and she pulled her gaze from it and continued to move at Jacques side. He speaking again rapidly, his words low as if to take her mind from the small pup, or to soothe her rapidly rising temper. It took much to anger her, but mistreatment of any kind was a sure way to spike it quickly. As they moved past the pup she could hear it whimpering and it tugged at her, she glanced back over her shoulder and noted it was a Blue Merle, a great dane. With a resigned sigh she retraced her steps till she knelt before the pup, slowly holding her hand out for him to catch her scent. “Poor Lad. Hungry are you? The pup wagged his tail slightly and she smiled softly a small hand moving to scratch behind his ears and noticed his flinching. Pausing she crooned then laid her hand gently atop his head and scratched him. As he licked at her face she knew she had made a friend. Jacques urgently pulled her to her feet and she noticed a portly gent with a flushed face angrily hurrying over. Shoving past her he untied the pup and yanked upon him and Treasure moved forwards to say something and Jacques quickly tugged her back. Furious she twisted free of Jacques and blue green eyes blazing swept back the way they had come Jacques following after her assuring her safety. He had taken note of her beauty dressed in rags, but dressed as she was now, she was a jewl and she had garnered much intrest. No simple seaman was she, he would stake his life upon it. She moved like a Lady, a Lady with a shadowed past. Though he was young he knew what such a past led one to, knew there was more to her than many would ever know. He did wonder how she fit upon a ship full of men, did she sail it or earn her keep in other ways. He decided to hurry and catch up to her even though he knew she was angry at him for stopping her. This one had a heart, even if it had gone out to an abused animal, what else did she hide. As Treasure passed by the dress shop she had frequented before she stepped in and noticed the hush that fell as she entered. A soft noise from the rear of the shop had her turning to see a bolt of fabrics had fallen to the floor. Glancing about she wondered why it had grown quiet and smiled warmly at the lady who returned the smile and hurried over. “Magnifique!” she exclaimed as she studied the way her gown hugged the ripe curves and highlighted the golden skin and dark hair. “You are most bewitching, I knew from your eyes you were no lad.” She whispered causing Treasure to blush. “Thank you, You have gone beyond what I expected. Do you remember what you saw me first in? Think you can make more garments such as those?” The lady frowned and nodded slowy, “No more gowns?” Treasure shook her head “Nay I need clothes such as those. I will pay you in full, make them simple and sturdy.” Again price was agreed upon and she left taking note of Jacques waiting beyond. As they passed a small tavern Jacques gestured for them to go within for drinks and she nodded moving within. As the darkness receded she again took note of the small room filled with patrons and was about to take a seat when she noticed Dorian alone and hesitated. She felt foolish in a gown before her shipmates so she hoped he would not notice her. Indeed her other shipmates she had stumbled across had not recognized her. Taking a seat she allowed Jacques to order as he spoke French and let her eyes rove the tavern. Her musings now upon her new garments for shipboard, and she could not seem to get the pup from her mind.
  21. As the last of her crew moved towards the WatchDog she hefted her seabag and moved quickly eager to find a nice tavern, bathe and change. Indeed she was so excited hse forgot all about Jacques who offended flushed red and quickly moved after her speaking in rapid French. He was apparently chastising her and pointing to the shadows where the two men had lingered and she arched a brow. At this the young lad hushed and flushed a deep red and she took pity on him gracing him with a smile. Seeing the smile he calmed down nodded and moved at her side as they wove in and out of the busy narrow streets. Spotting a tavern dubbed the Noisy Goose she pointed at it mand began making her way over to it when Jacques grabbed her arm and pulled her down a small alley all the while rapidly speaking in French and looking at her as if she were three. Amused she allowed him to pull her through the alley, past a small fountain, down another alley and into a much quieter part of town. This was the oldest part of the city she assumed, the buildings careworn and yet still maintained their sense of pride. Shopkeepers were busy sweeping, hawking wares and several women passed by giggling over their purchases. A flush of dismay swept over her as she kept her head lowered, her hair tangled and overlong, her clothing stained and tore in places. She had once been like those ladies, enjoying the life that her mothers money and position afforded her. Shaking loose of her memories she realized they had stopped and Jacques was speaking softly to her. Here was a smaller inn, not boisterous, no drunks. In fact a small petitely rounded woman was humming as she swept around the doorway and seeing them smiled and spoke in French. Jacques seeming to understand she was on shore leave was busy speaking to the woman who smiled, nodded once and let her gaze move over Treasure. Holding the womans gaze, she noted the slow smile that came and moved aside allowing them to enter. Looking to Jacques and wondering what had been said she stepped within and was pleasantly surprised, the room though small was very neat, tables scrubbed clean, the smell of beeswax sweetly scenting the air. To the left a small flight of stairs led to the stories above and she prayed the woman spoke some English. Turning she saw the woman behind her ushering Jacques within and smiled. “Do you have a room available? And a bath, I would love a bath, and then Food.” She bit her lips as the woman tilted her head studying Treasure, a frown furrowing her brow before nodding once. As the woman turned to move up the stairs, she saw Jacques take a seat and pointed at him ‘Stay!” then followed the woman up the stairs. The room given her again was small, the windows open allowing plain white curtains to flutter in the breeze. Dropping her bag she went to test the bed and found it comfortable if a tad noisy. Colorful rugs were thrown on the floor and a vase next to her bed housed flowers that were colorful and gave an inviting fragrance. The woman began to speak to someone down the hall and soon a tub was brought in reminding Treasure that she had not purchased her soap. The Lady seemed to sense something amiss and reluctantly Treasure mimed soap and the lady smiled and left. Some time later as several buckets of hot and cold water made up her bath, clean towels nearby the woman again entered and pressed a small cake of jasmine scented soap into her hand. Then with a wink she left closing the door behind her. Moving the soap to her nose she inhaled deeply and grinning quickly pulled off her clothes and slid into the tub. It took some long moments to wash the long length of her hair and untangle it, her body relaxing in the hot water as she bathed. As the water cooled she rose, the water sluicing from her as she reached for a length of linen and began to dry off. A knock upon the door just as she reached for her seabag had her freezing, her hand inching for her blade, but a voice called from without and as she bid them enter saw a tiny maid who came in and began gesturing to the tub. Quickly was it emptied and taken below and she sat near the window combing through her hair and letting it dry to soft spirals about her head. Once it was nearly dry she rose and moved to the mirror against the wall, dropped the linen and studied herself. Then moving back to her sea bag began taking out the contents sent to her and gasped with delight to see not one gown but 2. A corset, stockings and garters, shoes and even a small hat. Even hairpins had been added as well as chemise and petticoats. Which gown to wear? One was a pale gold, the other a rich teal. Taking the teal which was her favorite color for it reminded her of the sea she shook it out and gain approached the mirror and quickly swept up her hair securing it with the pins provided and dressed hastily, eager to explore. Settling the small hat atop her curls she grinned at herself in the mirror, blue green eyes brilliant against the deep black of her hair, the golden skin, and the teal gown. Leaving her room she slowly ambled down the stairs adjusting to the new shoes and smiled as Jacques scrambled to his feet and tumbling his chair with a loud crash. His eye large as they roved her and she laughed and spun as she reached the bottom of the stairs. “Magnifique!” Was the only word he uttered and the only word she understood. Laughing huskily she sat at the table and they dined on sweet pork and potatoes, and a rich red wine. She left enough money to more than cover her expenses and soon looped her arm through Jacques which he offered so gallantly and moved with him out into the bright sunlight of the day and they began to explore.
  22. She had laughed and had really enjoyed herself with Patrick and Robert. Jacques and the other four men still chortling as she wiped tears of mirth. She watched as her crew slowly ambled up and made sure she had her seabag as the longboat was filled and soon in motion and the jollywatt filling just as Captain William and Captain Lasseter appeared with the rest of the crew. She was dragged to the side by Patrick as she would not get trampled at the mad dash to the jollywatt and shot him a shy smile. A commotion drew her gaze and she turned to see Morgan, Mcginty and Styles running down the cobbled street and winced as Mr. Styles fell face first tripping over his musket strap. She heard Mr. Pew address him about his musket and looked to the others gathered and moving to take seats in the jollywatt. Seeing Captain William she quietly caught his attention and slipped away from Patrick’s tall lean frame and motioned to Jacques. “He is young sir, no more than 14. He is also very alert and may have saved me a wee bit o’ trouble if’n ye catch my drift. I was hoping ye might make room for him. I understand if ye need to think about it, but the lad reminds me o’ my brother and I have a soft spot for him.” Blue green eyes were soft as she all but pleased her case to William who narrowed his gaze upon the boy. “We shall see Miss Tribbiani.” That said he moved off and she stood with Robert watching as the chaos still lingered. Triest was pretty battered and she could only imagine what had led to his folly, she hid a grin at Pew for he seemed surly and perhaps a bit too much grog had made him so. At least Captain Lasseter was alive and well and she was glad for he had always been nice to her. She did not realize she was grinning till Robert made comment of it and she blushed every shade of red there was. When he laughed and went to tease her she shook her head “nay tis not what ye think. Tis a surprise.” Already she could not wait to pick up a few more items, rent a room and change into her gown. Jacques seeing her smile soon moved to stand at her side and she shook her head at his antics earning her another wink from Robert and a chortle from Patrick which quickl turned to a cough as she swung narrowed eyes upon him.
  23. Just got it myself then my anti virus caught a virus and I quarantined it. Looks like another virus.
  24. She could feel the eyes of the two men crawling over her and refrained from shivering as she continued to try and converse with Jacques, however much merriment to her left had her looking in that direction and smiling at Robert and Patrick as they neared. She also took not of the four new dutch hands and as she noted their stares tempered her smile to steel. “Robert be ye interested in taking over at noon? I have something that needs doing, oh and this be Jacques, do not speak a lick of the king’s English but he’s a right sort and kept me company when some blokes lingered about.” Robert smiled noting the boys infaturation and grinned at Siren but as she continued to speak his smile turned to a hard frown “Aye Ill take yer place, whar be the blokes?” Patrick too now seemed to be more aggressive than jovial and the four Dutchmen as well as Jacques caught the sudden tension. Jacques seemed to catch on quickly and rapidly spoke his black eyes gleaming as he jerked his head to the shadows where the two men yet remained. Patrick made as if to head that way and Siren took his arm shaking her head “They did not come forth and I doubt they will. And we do not need trouble, Eh?” Patrick wanted to disagree with her but Robert sent him a subtle nod of his head and Patrick relented. Siren soon laughed as Jacques spoke in rapid French and with the Dutchman as well as Patrick, Robert and herself there was much more laughter and frivolity as they tried to figure what each was saying. Soon the two men was forgot by Siren, but not by Patrick nor Robert.
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