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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Sorry to intrude but I thought I heard a song...
  2. It's the rip in the fabric of time you were talking about..Very well..May I have something to eat? Please...
  3. I too like Spiders..Never kill them it's bad luck. I just dont like those flat faced ones..Wolf spiders? they just look really weird, though I do love to watch them.
  4. :angry: It wasn't when I posted..but now that you mention it..What's for lunch?
  5. Sooo...What's for breakfast?
  6. Thank you for the info cptgunther. much appreciated.
  7. Like my leg has been pinned beneath a horse...
  8. Bonnie I was just curious as I saw no updates..Has he been found?
  9. And leather lots of black leather...
  10. Hisses and flicks her whip..Personally I like El Zorra..lol
  11. Shook her head and grinned slyly “Men, always to the pubs and wenches first. Although I did attend a pub for victuals and grog, but then did I explore. Twas very beautiful, the farther in you go the older the city and there is a lovely church. There are small shops all along the streets, some streets are newly cobbled and others the stones roll. There are so many types of flowers, and the scent of food from the nearby stalls. And the people are friendly, I slept at a small inn and twas clean and airy and the landlady very nice and knowledgeable. The stables are rather large, and there is a paddock in the back and they rent horses and carriages, the hills behind the stables beg to be explored, the wildflowers were so colorful. And then it rained and Jacques and I had to run through the rain…” She broke off suddenly and looked to her hands.. “You must think me quite silly.” “Nay not at all, I found it very intresting and see that I have missed much by my patronage to the pub..and wenches.” He grinned wondering why she was not always so open, instead of closed off from the others. “Mayhaps our next shore leave you could show me around?’ “I do not know..We shall see.’ Snd like that her wall had risen yet again leaving her aloof and distant. “Come Argus. Good night Mr. Woodington.” “Goodnight…Treasure.” He grinned as she stiffened and scratched his chin, the lass definitely a mystery. But then were not most women. He watched her till she reached the mast moved her hands and watched as Argus sat, let his gaze linger upon her as she climbed into the rigging then went back to coiling his rope and looking out into the night and the city beyond. But Argus soon spied the large shadow that limped across the deck and his hackles rose though he stayed as bid. Upper lip curled back to show fangs as Ajayi neared and growled low with menace the sound carrying over the deck. Hearing Argus she glanced back down and spotted Ajayi and moved back down again. "Hello, I hope you are feeling better." she said and knowing he probably could not understand her. But he had saved her from a fall so she placed her hand atop Argus's head and chided him before shooting a small shy smile at Ajayi.
  12. As Argus began to lick his hand she laughed and completely relaxed very unlike how she normally was. No more reserve and chilly demeanor, but mischieveous and spirited. “Mayhaps he thinks you will make a fine meal and will hold him well till his next.” She teased. Glancing over the rail to the illuminated city beyond she grinned and her voice softened “Nay tis not monotous. How could it be? There are so many things to see, and it all looks different in the night. Do you not ever wonder where the lights lead to? What the families within are doing? What danger is lurking in the alleys for unsuspecting travelers.” “Tis beautiful no matter how many times one views it, it is always different. If you seek out those differences. That light there, the one winking? Last night it was not even on and o’er there farther down the beach, a new jollywatt is beached. Something is always different if you look. As for a walk, I cannot aid you with that.”
  13. Though see it she could not she could hear the smile in his voice and relaxed somewhat though still stung by the insinuation that she had bribed their Captain for such a favor. A dolt she may well be to bring a dog on board a sailing vessel, but leave him behind she could not do. As the dog still sat his tail thumped the deck loudly every other rotation or so and she finally glanced down, the dogs head already reaching her hip and he but sitting. It was true he would eat quite a bit, but surely what he was given would be better than receiving naught, the poor lads ribs clearly showed and his coat which should be glossy lay lackluster and dull, but his eyes, his eyes sparkled again and she grew lightheatrted. Even if Argus did have to eventually leave the ship, he would learn that not all masters were cruel. As Argus growled and hackles raised she glanced through her lashes to see Mr. Woodington squatting upon his haunches and holding out his hand palm up for the young dog to catch his scent. She merely waited and finally smiled once Argus stretched enough to sniff said hand. As Mr. Woodington asked about how she came about the dog she debated on the long story or the short. “He rescued me from some unsavory men and their idea of a good time. That Mr. Woodington is why William has let him aboard. He is a protector, and a good watch dog or the Watch Dog.” She grinned then and rubbed the dogs ears stumbling as the big brute shifted his weight hard against her legs. “It seems I will have to learn to rewalk all over again.” She said softly, with great affection to the dog. “We are sorry to have disturbed you.”
  14. How did I end up as the only Zorro? Well Dorian came close..lol
  15. Speaking of Will Im not too sure I would trust my heart in Lizzie's hands...She seems to like kissing too much.. Ok Way too much... And I miss Norrington..I really liked his charry..
  16. Quickly adjusting her slops and lacing them properly as she scrammbled free she kept her gaze upon Argus and as he pranced about she patted his head and gave him the command to sit and watched clearly amazed as he did so. Hugging him quickly she praised him "Good boy." But then her attentions swept back up to Mister Woodington. "Just what are you implying I have done sir? Bribing? There is no need to do so I assure you, and you make much of a song unsung." She retorted rising to her feet. Was he playing about or did he truly think she had bribed the captain by sleeping with him or other such foul means. She watched as he went about coiling the rope he had apparently been working with before Argus had felled her pushing her into him. Her bruised cheek throbbed from hitting it again but it could not be helped. "I trust you are well Sir?" she inquired in dulcet tones before attempting to move past him.
  17. You scored as Zorro. Zorro is the bane of the corrupt officials of Old California, a Spanish Robin Hood, a cavalier caballero who robs from the rich, gives to the poor, and always leaves his trademark "Z" behind as a reminder that when the people need him, he will always appear on his black stallion. Which Action Hero would you be???? Hmm a female Zorro in a black leather corset and pants???? Aye I think I can do that..I have a fondness for whips..*grins* And instead of a trademark "Z" Ill leave an "S"...Hmm hey IronBess has Disney considered a female Zorro?
  18. An urgent need to visit the heads had her scaling down from her post nearly slipping in the rigging as she made her way down. Satisfied Argus lay sleeping where she had tied him she moved quietly away only to stop as a shadowy figure moved at her side. Stopping to stare at the shape she shook her head at the frayed rope where the scamp must have gnawed it in twain. Argus had waken when she had slipped past him and now followed her, still she could not stop to chide him when there were other much more pressing matters. Hurrying across the deck she looked about hoping Argus would be quiet and not draw attention as she made her way out and quickly went about her business, once done carefully made her way back and shivered as she began to lace her slops. A swell of the ship had her shifting to keep her balance and the pup unused to the pitch and sway of the ship lost his balance and slammed into the backs of her knees hurling her forwards. Quickly letting go of her half laced slops she stretched out her hands to break her fall….
  19. Chips and salsa.... What? I live in Texas.....
  20. Thanks Tom and I greatly appreciate it..Now who's up fer drynks on me?
  21. Writing story posts, and contemplating getting up and making dinner.
  22. Compassion..What happened to a gent being compassionate instead of uncaring?
  23. Merry tis wonderful to be back and I have miss you to! Long Tom I just may take you up on the offer and you have no idea how touched I am by the statement.. Mad Matt, I have missed your wit and I appreciate the efforts on my behalf..lol Silkie I have a freezer! Callenish just the thought of the offer makes me appreciate good friends like you all the more.. And Sterling, Thanks..hopefully I will be here awhile. Wow I so do not know what to really say to all of you..Cept I need to go find a tissue..I hate tears…I am touched by you all… Most Sincerely, Siren
  24. Wow..this thread keeps getting better and better..Aye something similar.. I had a dream a few nights back that I was staring up at a ceiling fan..but the fan was like Caraccioli's but diffrent. The blades were fastened on with skulls and crossbones. But the unique thing about the fan was the metal cap at the very bottom of the fan that holds the lights on? That was another skull and crossbones. Weird dreams I know.. And I love the fan pulls...If I could afford it I'd have one on each of my fans..lol
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