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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. A fyne addiction! In fact I want to fire it meself..
  2. Nice..I really like it..that the only color and size?
  3. * * Iron Bess you cannot be addicted to oneself..or can you? And if not you then what is your addiction?
  4. I have to admit I am rarely caught without a book, I love to read and being a speedreader I have to have a book or at least be writing. And im addicted to Chips and salsa..and im allergic to the tomatoes in the salsa... Go figure.. So who else has an addiction....
  5. Aye! First thing I did last year in California was tell my mother to take us to all the Fabric stores...*blushes* Nice to see im not the only one with such an addiction...
  6. First of all this is a dumb question but Im infinitely curious. Women were noted to dress as men and sail..So would a woman have dressed as a fop in secret?
  7. AYE that is true, and I suppose once one gets past all the furbelows and geegaws that you can truly see the man within instead of the pretty package he presents.
  8. E-X-O-T-I-C I love that word...so many possibilities.
  9. Fantasy... Actually a mistress and a Wife?!?!... You are lucky it's not soft there either..
  10. Aye..I always was fond of stories with more twists and turns than a snake can coil up in. Loathable
  11. Greedy.. Sterling likes Monkeywrenches...*grins*
  12. Happy Natal Day! I would sing but that could be a bad thing...*grins*
  13. Treasure immediately bristled at his words and growled low in her throat shooting Ciaran a speaking glance as they sat above the decks. “I do not like him.” She mouthed causing Ciaran to laugh. “If he were here under false pretenses he would not have given their history and brought forth wine.” He said with appreciation. “Besides you do not trust many men, I doubt if he had come aboard naked and groveling you would view him differently.” She shifted and eyes flashed with temper and Ciaran held up his hands to show he was teasing. “Well I do not like him, I heard your woman there…across the water…Of course he would! Did he think I would not do my job? And truly who would have such a boat? He is lucky I do not put a little hole in it.” She patted her musket for good measure still mumbling to herself. However the sudden growling below had her looking down yet again, Argus stood boldly facing the man, ruff bristled and fangs bared. And when animal did not like one ,you knew they were not trustworthy. He could bring all the gifts he wished, the man was trouble. Leaning over the rail making sure she was more highly visible to their guest she caught Argus’s attention and gave him a command by hand and the dog sat though still growled. She also made more than sure their guest knew she was more than armed, she knew which end meant business. Blue green eyes swept over him and while others may be all agog with his gift her eyes were twin tempests of distrust.
  14. ^ Passes Jenny some chips and salsa and shares...
  15. Jolie isn't pretty enough to play you. Capt. William Thanks..
  16. I can imagine it gets caught on everything...No I much prefer the brown, tis much simpler, though I do like the fanciness of the other...Thank you for showing them to me..
  17. I love the black and silver I never noticed the fringe till you pointed it out. And I love the brown as well..did you have patterns for these?
  18. MerryDeath Lady Barbossa Silkie William Maeve Briar Gee I need to get busy here…
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