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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. The dead Parrot! Ye have a Woman's hands me Lord...
  2. Welcome to Port..And Ill have a Plunder Me Cherry extra cherries of course. And aye as yer a new face to these waters all the drynks be on yer tab.
  3. Welcome Captain Tis nice to see another new face here bouts. As fer the drink A Plunder Me Cherry if'n ye will extra cherries of course. *Steals Matts Mai Tai as well *
  4. I do have to agree with Patrick..Ninja's are pretty stupid, they kill off their customers..At least as Pirates we get repeat business..
  5. Sorry Im so belated but I too would like to wish ye welcome. So...Welcome to the Pub...
  6. I like all his stuff to be honest Secret Window The Libertine From Hell Don Juan DeMarco Sleepy Hollow Blow FINDING NEVERLAND..that one was really good but made me cry..
  7. Aye I hope for a fourth as well, Would love to see how it all started..and of course why Jack's mother has a shrunken head and Teague is carrying it..
  8. I have read that there is currently a fourth being written. How true this is I do not know, but it would be good to know more of Jack's past and how he worked for Beckett who branded him Pirate and burned and sank Jack's ship the Wicked Wench.
  9. *curtsies* Thank you. Well I read alot and Beau Brummell has always fascinated me with how he could dictate who was the creme of the ton and if he did not like you could ruin you just by how you were dressed. Brumell Or this is intresting Fops
  10. From what I have read I could very much well be wrong but a fop was a man at court who exuded extreme fashion awareness, he wore makeup, and or one or more velvet patches. He was very feminine in his bearing often mincing about rather than walking normally. He was usually the one who started fashion trends was very intelligent and a rapier wit. But that is simply what I have read....
  11. I just have to say being a Lady I think I would prefer a man with backbone rather than a fop.. Lazarus..have you been messing with the ladies, I think i see a hole in your hat from a ball...or do my eyes deceive me?
  12. lOl it's easier to say and type and suits me better. And i seem to be doing well right now..still having some issues but nothing I have not been able to get over..Thank you for asking.
  13. Or you can look at the photos posted under you in your garb in Rabble Rousing..some really great stuff there.
  14. Kendra those are wonderful i applaud you! I so wish to learn to weave, I hate crocheting though and Im wondering if I would get bored with that as well. But truly that is wonderful...Good for you Lass..and keep writing and looking for the Dark Prince of Plunder
  15. Patrick I think your clothing is always wonderful!
  16. The best place for clothing and knowledge would be under Captain Twill and of course check in Plunder. Im sure the others will be along to welcome you to the Pub and to answer your questions or point you in the right direction.
  17. Again thanks..I think i will like the new name.
  18. My step mother is currently researching her family tree and has stumbled across a most intresting find. Jean Lafitte, though they will have to dig deeper to be sure..still is rather intresting.
  19. Thank you for the welcome. *Note the new name...lol*
  20. Im sure Kass has some info on her site but cannot find the link right off..But verymerryseamstress has some info on silks..not sure if it will help much... http://www.verymerryseamstress.com/fabrics.htm
  21. One of my best friends just sent this to me..so i hope you all enjoy.. You are a pirate
  22. Im really liking this thread because I too wish to create my own tricorn..I guess my question would be? Do you have to trim the tricorn? Or cut the uneven edges?
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