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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. “The sea and her song is a most intoxicating lure that I too find hard pressed to deny. Being out there on the sea, there is a different set of rules. No needlepoint and talk of fashion, no need to worry over marriage alliances, or be treated as if one does not have a brain in one’s head.” She shot him a abashed look as they walked and nearly tripped over Argus who moved in front of her. She gave a slight laugh low and musical and shook her head “My opinions only and no offense is meant. But still tis a different life out there and there is a freedom that is very heady.” As he shook his head and then laughed she smiled and looked to Argus as they wended their way through others that were doing business or shopping in the lanes. As she was looking about she nudged Alan “There up ahead on the left..is that the place?”
  2. Her gaze swept back to him and read his sincerity and nodded her head. “Thank you, It seems I have much to learn of men, I have only know one side till Captain William brought me aboard, and I met Dorian and Ciaran and you as well as others. I think it a fine thing that you would honor her so.” And immediately she was at ease, her impish smile returning. “Now walk faster I am hungry.” As they entered the lower end of the city she again had to look at everything though it was more apparent she was looking down alleys and taking note of who was about and where they were, what they were doing. A habit that was hard to break, and harder still to forget the lessons it had taught. “I am not sure what I wish to eat, but a nice glass of wine sounds wonderful.”
  3. Her blush became more pronounced as he spoke of seeing her in a gown, in truth she had forgotten such and had again packed the other gown bought on her last shore leave. She wore them because it pleased her to do so, to remind her that while she may be a marine on the WatchDog she was also a woman. And that blush deepened more at her presumption, of his actions, perhaps she should speak more to the others instead of moving with the select few she knew. "Forgive me, I assumed..I should not assume." She kept her face turned to the city as the others had already began to move off and Argus was whining clearly eager to go as well. “I was being honest not polite. I never do or say anything that I do not wish to. As for my presumption..forgive me..Sometimes I assume to much and I hope that one day you will be reunited. As for the 'Le Chateau Anse' I will let you lead the way.” Though she did grin over the butchering she had given the name. “Forgive me, I do not know French at all, though it is similar to Italian, it is not quite the same.” As they moved forwards Argus stayed by her side though it was clear at times he wished to take off and explore on his own.
  4. She too looked to the Navarra as he spoke of it and she blushed at his words, “Well you did mention we could explore next shore leave..unless you have changed your mind. I am sure that you would rather find..A woman and..” She blushed more “Take your ease.” She finished lamely. Blue green eyes moved out to take in the shore as it drew nearer And turned back at his words and studied his face. “I had planned on doing such and we would be honored if you do not mind.” As they neared and several leapt out to drag the boat ashore Argus leapt out and began barking and hastily she stood and nearly tripped getting out and taking Argus by the scruff gave him the command for silence. He barked again then went silent. “I think you are a handful.” She muttered causing several to laugh. Turning back to Alan she leaned over to take her bag “Did you have an idea of a place to eat, or sleep?”
  5. Reaching the boat she was ribbed about the dog but Argus seemed content and barked again before settling in the bottom as Treasure fiddled with her bag. But her glance was drawn to the Navarra and she pushed hair from her face as the winds teased it to take a better look. A merchant ship, with half the guns of the dog, seemingly new and yet her companion ship appeared to have just come through battle. Still she did not trust them and looked to Alan who sat near her “What did you think of our guest earlier?” Mayhaps she was wrong and had taken much out of context but she cared not for being spied on. She rubbed Argus’s ears as he placed his head in her lap and whined. “Now you complain, we will be ashore soon and you better stay with me else you might get lost.” She looked up to Alan and caught Owen watching them and Arched a brow and turned from him. "What shall we do first?" She said excitement lacing her voice...
  6. She watched his approach and then waited to see what would happen with Argus as he stiffened. But he seemed to remember once Alan let him take a sniff of his hand and his posture relaxed, big tail wagging and slapping Treasure so that she yelped and stepped back. “That hurts!” Then she pointed to shore, “Are you ready? Im eager to explore.” She nudged Argus with her foot and he grunted though he still managed to stay in the same place as Alan was rubbing his ears while nearly knocking Treasure over. ‘Nay I have had dogs before but never trained them, however I remember some of the tricks our trainers used for the inside dogs my mother had as pets. He is pretty smart though stubborn, at times Im not sure which of us wins the battle.” “I just need to get my bag, are you ready or do you need to get your bag as well?” She signaled Argus to follow her as she began to move off. She skirted Owen who glared at her and muttered about dogs on board and then sent Alan a sly glance. "Made yerself a new friend have ye?"
  7. Carnival in venice at night...
  8. That you called me a heretic.. Im sure she will withold all the icecream for that one..*grins*
  9. I nibbled on it..it's just not my taste... Gasps at William...Im telling Maeve! Actually right now I am a wee bit unnatural, I have a fondness for blood...
  10. Dinner rolls? Did I hear dinner rolls?
  11. Mission you are right, she seems to be inwardly laughing at us all.. My first pic of California, I loved the colors.. This was the first time my daughter had been around a horse and Hollywood had just sneezed on her..note the expression..*grins* But this one is my all time fave and Im so lucky to have seen this and was able to zoom in enough to catch it.
  12. *Nibbles bacon* Tis good William..
  13. William you know I do not like bacon..However I will try it with green Eggs and Ham But the bacon has to be stiff.
  14. Grilled Cheese? Move over bacon!
  15. No boarding party, I say Dead Men Tell No Tales, so train the swivel guns and lets introduce them to Davy Jone's Locker! Down to the Depths!!!!!!
  16. And I figured no one would reply to this..though I must confess I am sorry to have lost my temper so. Yes you can make it more difficult to join, and all that..not sure about sending a request though will have to change the settings on my forum and see how that works..But again a moderator would be busy all day sorting applications and that can get frustrating and time consuming. And it seems we get most of the spammers in the late afternoon and evening, so as long as we can delete them as they come..All to the good. Sorry for losing my temper, Black Syren
  17. Is it the drink that makes ye lose count, Syren lass -- or are ye missin' some fingers? Filthy rich with Besses indeed! Mistress Flint is in good company here ! The drynk o course, I has all me fingers and toesies..
  18. As she climbed down the rigging she spotted Argus below and grinned as he barked leaping about tail wagging causing her to laugh and jump the final few feet to kneel beside him. “Scoundrel. You did not like that nasty man either did you.” She rubbed his ears and spoke softly “Che bella giornata! “ –What a lovely Day- “We should find something to do.” Argus thought this a fine idea and woofed deeply a big paw coming up to rest on her knee as she knelt. “Che cosa c'è da vedere in questa zona? –What can we visit in the area- Have you any ideas?” She laughed as he wagged his tail again and then moved forwards knocking her backwards. “Aye Caro, let us see what mischief we can make Eh?” Seeing Alan she grinned and came to her feet “Salve! Come Sta? “ Then in case he spoke no italian smiled impishly “I said hello..how are you?”
  19. Charming Ultimatum, now methinks tis poisioned....
  20. Ohhh now that the three of us be here and we all like storms..then what?
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