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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Thanks Patrick, I do believe this is my first ever fun topic and I must say that everything I have been learning in Twill and just on the forums in general has made me think long and hard about this thread. As for Digital cameras not working back then..If we travel to the past with technology from the future it should work I would think. Afterall the batteries would hold a charge, and Time Travel seemed to take mere seconds or so it seemed. At least in the movies... I think I may go back to Scotland, I would love to meet William Wallace and then to Wild West Texas and meet the James boys and the Doctor that rode with them. Both Wallace and the Doctor are in my family tree as relations.
  2. Wow...A very intresting debate and it has caused me to do some very intermediate research. Of course I discovered that tattoos were banned I think around 787 A.D due to the church calling it pagonistic. However I learned that tattoos meant many things some of which were young girls..if tattooed and could not handle the pain were not considered good breeders and young boys tattooed were often outcast as they would not make warriors. They were used to help maintain youth and vitality. In fact I read an intresting article that went all the way back to an Eygptian female mummy that had several tattoos over her arms, chest and lower abdomen. Throughout history it is noted that many diffrent classes and races bore these strange and often highly detailed marks. Wether GAoP had tattoos remains to be seen, but I would think that it would be so even if hidden. A rite of passage perhaps, or to mark a courageous event. as I did not live back them I cannot say for certain and yet it is a great mystery to be solved.
  3. 1.) What period would you visit and why? I have always been fascinated with the Renissance period. I would step further back to the crusades, back to the time of Chivalry and intrigue, Castles! 2.) What do you wish to see and do or accomplish..just remember that altering the past changes the future. So I would wish to meet Da Vinci, see the great masters at work, Tour the mighty cathedrals and learn to make bread the old fashioned way. 3.) Would you bring back something to remind you of your trip or several things and if so what would they be? Clothing, weapons, pictures, books, letters. 4.) Would you share your momentos with others or keep them private and explain your reason for doing either. Keep them private as well, Im no historian, but who would believe such authentic pieces? Im not even sure a historian would believe what was before his nose.
  4. Im curious, there is so much history here, so many intrests so I am asking a few simple questions. So if you were a time traveler... 1.) What period would you visit and why? 2.) What do you wish to see and do or accomplish..just remember that altering the past changes the future. 3.) Would you bring back something to remind you of your trip or several things and if so what would they be? 4.) Would you share your momentos with others or keep them private and explain your reason for doing either.
  5. No idea..but would it not be fun to wear fancy gowns and masques and dance the night away...
  6. Dorian, I love the mermaid, and the WatchDog draughts..*grins* Silkie I love the colors..very pretty...
  7. Grins..Thanks Dorian...Aye that be pretty sinful and the mask is just a delight...Hmm the Kate should have a Masqued Ball..now THAT could be fun...
  8. I never had a wedding shower nor baby shower but To have the items for the babe is a good idea. Rumba sorry about the loss.... Weddings if they are family are not so bad...Unless you are in MY family then that is bad...
  9. Looking back to see Alan still lounging she tripped over a root and turned about managing to right herself before she fell. Muttering to herself about grace she noted the path took a downhill turn then moved uphill again and found herself running down it then back up. She could feel her lungs laboring for air after her exertions but was also highly exhilarated by the exercise, it felt good to stretch her legs. As the woods grew denser she paused looking about waiting to hear Argus so she could better find him, The wind rustled through the tress and leaves slithered and rubbed against one another, the sound musical and intoxicating, she lifted her face to the winds and hearing Argus bark again moved down the path towards his direction. “Argus, if you wish dinner I suggest ye hurry. Ye should not have wandered off, and ye had better not have a snake or anything that resembles such. I detest snakes, truly hate the blighters.” She knew she spoke loud but her own voice was a comfort to her and if any were about they would know she was approaching. She had no desire to stumble upon some tryst or picnic, though surely someone would be yelling at Argus if that were the case. She whistled calling him to her and up ahead his muscular body danced from the shadows giving her a fright. Her hand went to her chest to still the savage beating and she shook her head at her own foolishness and angrily commanded that he come to her. As he barked at her then charged off she picked up a stick in a fit of temper and hurled it into the forest and began cursing stridently, eyes flashing as she stalked further inwards. “Argus, I will have yer balls if tis a snake! And I will let the cats torment ye to no end. And I’m sure I can think of other much more fitting punishments if ye do not come here. Now!” She rolled her eyes for the dog was stubborn and grouched as she made her way towards where she had last seen him, the winds picking up heralding the onslaught of evening. Had they really been about all day? And she still wanted to shop a bit more before they had to return. Again Argus began barking and as she closed in he shifted bumping into her shins and she fell back on her arse and went to give him her most unsightly and definitely unladylike opinions when she saw IT! A short scream and her legs went one way her arms another as she sought to rise and run at the same time for there before her was the biggest snake she had ever seen, luckily it was digesting a meal so it would not strike..she hoped. Heart racing madly she finally managed to leap to her feet and jump quite a distance from the snake where it was coiled. As Argus went again towards it she grabbed his ruff and held on for all she was worth. “Oh no! Bad! Bad Argus!” As he sat upon her foot looking completely disgusted with her she frowned and wagged her finger at him, lips parting to speak then she heard it. A soft mewling coming from the thick foliage to the left of the snake, straining to better see she could make out a small kitten. Looking high and low she finally found the poor bloke near enough to the snake to make her wonder if it’s siblings had been dinner and shuddered. Looking to Argus then to the kitten she shuddered hard “I really hate snakes.” She whispered. ‘You distract him and Ill work my way around and try and fetch the tiny shadow. Just keep him looking at you, cause if he looks at me I’m leaving him here. Lord Captain Brand is going to kill me. Really kill me. But perhaps Captain Dorian could use a young thing.” She let go of Argus and as he began to bark at the snake she started wending her way around and really had to focus her thoughts to even get near the snake. “Do not think about it, just pretend it’s a large stick.” Her face brightened at this and she looked about for a big heavy stick and finding one listened to Argus continue baking and growling and felt ill as the snake suddenly moved. ‘Oh my..Bloody big ye are. Argus if I do not die I'm going to strangle ye.” She gripped her heavy stick and moved closer, knees bent resting on the balls of her feet and saying a quick prayer crossed herself and slowly crept nearer freezing every time the snake moved. As the snake turned to focus on here she completely lost her nerve and backed away. “Dio how can I be such a coward over a snake. I am a marine I can handle a snake.” She whispered to herself. As Argus distracted it yet again she took a deep breath and noted her hands shaking hard and gripped the stick till her knuckles were white and moved in again. As the snake shifted and turned to face her she swung hard with the stick hitting it in the head and managing to lift and toss it some few feet away. Hurrying forwards she lifted the black ball of fur and shaking hard, body covered in a cold sweat, huskily called to Argus who trotted to her and quickly did they leave, though she did keep a weather eye for more snakes. "I hate snakes. I hate them!” The ball of black fur cuddled to her still pounding heart. "The snake did not kill me but Captain Brand sure as bloody 'ell will." She managed to gasp as tightened lungs still refused to work, " Aye He will refuse both of us shore leave if I bring home strays. Still mayhap Captain Dorian will take her on." She flipped the kitten over and grimaced.."Him..Take him on. If not taverns always need good mousers. Right Argus!' She still shivered, and looked at Argus, "We are going to have a nice long chat you and I. Oh Aye..this penchant for trouble we seem to get into has to go. So we need to agree that neither of us will find trouble." Alan laughed having approached to see what was taking so long. "Talking to the dog eh? Let me know what he says." he was clearly trying to keep his amusement at bay and finally took note of the wild look of fear in her eyes. He stepped closer and she shook her head.."Snake, and this." She held out the black kitten for his inspection.
  10. Now to celebrate the new modem for the old one died and I spent a weak grieving it's loss..Now to celebrate...Ill have pastry first...Please...something choclate..or toffee or choclate covered toffee, or cheescake, or Tira Misu...Yumm Capaccinno mousecake? Choclate chip cookies and milk? Better yet make it elegant and so danged sinful I cannot resist it's allure...
  11. Shhh! Ye were not supposed to tell! Actually that not be the Secret secret Treasure..that one be well hidden.
  12. welcome aboard! Eh Rumba..does that mean I should not have showed the one tunnel? *grins* Hope you enjoy your stay and a wonderful website!
  13. It seems I have been remiss in welcoming ye..so enjoy the Pub and all the wonders and knowledge it offers. And most importantly...Welcome.
  14. What a beautiful lil Darlin she is! And already a Daddy's girl *grins* I hope you do post more later..she is truly adorable.
  15. She was completely flustered by his words and plucked helplessly at the long blades of grass and finally rolled so she could sit and watch as Argus trotted back into the trees. Cold and aloof, is that how others saw her, as some fairytale princess locked in some tower? It hurt to be thought of so, but it was better to hurt than to get close to another and watch them killed as her step-father had her beloved half-brother. She let his words pass about the swaying of the ship and took a deep breath then confessed somewhat “Jacques. The young lad’s name is Jacques and he reminded me of my half-brother. He was showing me around town.” She left out that he had helped her when she had been attacked, the same attack that had summoned forth Argus. Randomly she chose and plucked a bright red wildflower and lifted it to her nose to catch it’s scent and sneezed instead. The wall she kept about herself once more partially erected, a safety precaution if he had to guess, he could see the shadows that haunted her within her eyes, and though she had shoved aside his words he could see how flustered she had become. There was more to her than she presented to the world and he wondered if she was a mystery that would ever be solved. She was like a maze open and forthright then you ran into a wall and had to start again. But he was learning what buttons pushed would see her back in her tower, he laughed as she sneezed and watched color rush to her cheeks but as she faced him could once more see the mischief in her eyes. “Seems as much as I like them they do not find favor with me.” Then she glanced up seeking Argus’s whereabouts. A keening cry drew her gaze upward and she watched a hawk circle about them plummet to the earth and drew in her breath and held it, then eyes filled with laughter swung back to him, “Did you see her! She hunts here everyday, she must have a nest nearby.” She grinned and then groaned hearing Argus barking and rolled to her feet. “Ill go see what has him all a dither. I’ll be right back.” That said she scampered off calling to Argus.
  16. I bid thee welcome to thee Dog Captain Midnight...
  17. I almost woofed..But i'll let Argus do that.. Hear Hear to the Dog...Past, present and future
  18. I think the King of France and some of his court once thought it a werewolf. But I think it was a wolf. I really need to see this movie again
  19. This was actually based on a true story was it not?
  20. Ill show em black hat ceo and a nice shiny cutlass..oh did I mention the blade was pointy?
  21. 1) One thing you ate today-- Pizza 2) One thing you saw today (big or small)-- Computer screen 3) Name of a person you spoke to-- My daughter 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see.-- My mother in law
  22. Briar that is wonderful *hugs* Wow all the drinking..me thinks I need to drink more...Im tired, but happy.
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