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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Steals the atomic fireball and the smarties..leaves Silkie to her play-doh
  2. *Squirts Maeve with the sillystring and takes a tootsie roll*
  3. Im humbled by such words...I do not know if I can honestly lay claim to any of those touted off...But I will give it my best shot. I think William was one of the first I met on the Pub..And has been a wonderful friend and like an older brother to me..His wife Maeve..Only just met her but another friend I am more than honored to know. (Has a Great Singing voice...Really enjoyed my song!) Well Im ready to eat, to dance, to wear those fun hats, whack a pinata or two and steal that treasure map *winks* So who be with me????
  4. Eyes Silkie askance and looks cautiously about
  5. Looks up and grins seeing Captain Lasseter and looks about the empty Kate as he orders a gin..."Nope..so far just me..and now you. And thank you very much..Care to take a seat till the rest arrive?"
  6. Personally I like this part Ironically, Cheng I Sao's most famous laws applied to the taking of female prisoners. Ugly women were returned to shore, free of charge. Attractive captives were auctioned off to the crew, unless a pirate personally purchased the captive, in which case they were considered married. Of course, if that pirate cheated on his new bride, Cheng I Sao had him killed. Not that I would like to have been in the womens shoes..But intresting all the same.
  7. Im heading to the Ward Room if anyone from the Dog is looking for fellowship...
  8. Is it time yet????? I can barely sit still....
  9. Oi I think he just made the Pirate Guiness Book of Pub Records! Welcome...and Ill take a pint
  10. No Comment...Actually I am in a grand and very playful mood today..I took today off from work, I have the whole house to myself and it's my B-Day...
  11. It prolly would not take to much to tie me down...Just do not have the energy to fight tickle torture..
  12. Condolensces to Iron Bess for her Jolly Rob.... Sitting still trying to not do much of anything, I hate everytime you simply walk across the floor my heart goes 90 to nothing and feels like it's turning flips. Then when you sit down you cannot breathe, your ears ring and your muscles shake like you worked out more than you should... But Im still smiling
  13. Ohhh i'll go shopping..I love earrings and bracelets and broaches and shiny sparkly stuff. Right now im really addicted to Christine Feehan..and blood...
  14. Yes Sir Captain *tugs forelock* Goes to relax in the chair and enjoys her curly fries...
  15. Yum curly fires...Can we have a pinata with pirate treasures? oh can I at least help with decorations????/
  16. Now this is going to be fun...Captain can I help?
  17. Mexican Food, Margarita's and Salsa dancing....
  18. Well Im a casual girl...So cheeseburgers would be wonderful...With those cajun curly fries...Yum Yum
  19. Nay..I do not wish to jump out of any cakes, I will however enjoy the bounty of my good friends and their wishes..And some cake too...To all my wonderful friends, I could not ask for a better place to celebrate or with better people...
  20. Thanks Captain! I am honored...Those are great....
  21. Of course...I would be honored for the company and the hot chocolate..
  22. Sneaks in and sits at a shadowed table in the back and stares out the window.
  23. Patrick while you are sketching out ideas I have been too for next year..So take a gander and see if you can use any of these tips.. http://www.agirlsworld.com/amy/pajama/hall...decorindex.html http://members.aol.com/pumpkinave/decorati.../decoratein.htm One of those links shows how to make your fence with the cornerstones...really nice...
  24. The long boat soon bumped against the side of the Dog, the wind and rain and frequent flashes of lighting had her hiding her face against all the rain. Argus huddled miserably at the bottom of their boat and Ciaran and she took turns rubbing his ears. All the while Christophe who traveled with them eyed the large dog with befuddlement. All the others climbed upwards and she looked to Argus and then up as Alan and Ciaran returned to the rail and made a quick sling to hoist Argus upwards. Once it was lowered she quickly fashioned it about the dog and signaled for them to lift him and watched squinting against the rain as they did so. As he was safely aboard she slung her bag over her shoulders and quickly climbed up herself pausing once or twice as the swells made climbing with her bag difficult. Argus wagged his tail as she came aboard and she smiled thanking Ciaran and Alan for their aid and moved to place her things in her sea chest below then made her way back on deck and was thankful for the braid which was now soaked through. Seeing the others beneath a tarred canvas upon the holy deck she too made her way over and sat upon a coil of rope Argus laying at her side watching the others play and laugh. She blushed as Ciaran teased her about the kitten left behind and Alan soon joined in causing the others to soon follow and soon she was laughing and trading quips and jibes causing the others to laugh. And through it all the rain continued to fall…
  25. Chocolate..maybe a chocolate cheesecake..Im craving chocolate
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