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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. "Aye the tailor's" He paid the jewler and offered his arm "Shall we?" He leaned in close to whisper in her ear. As he did so he was overwhelmed by her scent. He closed his eyes and savored her for a moment. "I do hope you like the necklace, I knew it was meant for you the minute I saw it," he breathed. She placed her fingers upon his sleeve again, felt his breath stir the tendrils of hair that wisped loosely, felt it brush her ear as he leaned close to whisper into it. Her eyes half closed, it had been so long, so long since she had felt such. Her blood surged, ran hot and heavy and she could not surpress the shiver that wracked her spine. The slight parting of her lips, her fingers tensing upon his arm, her breathing coming faster, her ribs struggling against the confines of her stays. Startled she gazed up, her eyes darkening, stormy, uncertainty and desire pooling in the depths. "Aye the tailor's" She said her voice huskier, she let him pull her from the shop, her other hand going to the choker about her throat. "You know I cannot keep such a gift..it would be wrong..Tis to fine for me." She protested. "Nonsense", he said " A gift, once given, cannot be returned." He paused and turned to her scratching at his chin. "If anything," he continued, "It's not fine enough for you" "Speaking of such, how did such a lass as your self end up choosing a life at sea?" “Then I shall thank you and treasure it always.” She replied before he paused suddenly and turned to her scratching his chin. She had to tilt her head up a bit to study his features and tilted her head inquiringly, about them other swept past them like the sea around rocks. She blushed at his next words and went to protest, however his next words had her wary. She had admitted to some of her past with Alan, Captain Brand knew all of it and she drew in a huge breath, as far as her stays would allow. “Tis a long and uninteresting story” She concluded weakly. She went to move about him to get them moving again and spotted the tailors sign “Oi look! The tailor’s.” She took his arm and tugged and began walking backwards “Hurry, let us get you dressed, I confess I find myself famished.” She hoped he would not ask more, she was not quite sure she was ready to let go of her secrets, and then again maybe telling others would free her soul of the heartache and guilt of losing her little brother. If only she had allowed her step father to have his way and control her life, as he had her mothers then mayhaps her little brother would not have paid the ultimate price, would not have died and allowed her freedom to do as she wished. All her life she had been raised as a courtesan, training, following in her mother’s footsteps. Taking her first lover at fourteen, others carefully selected by her mother after that, even after she had married determined that Treasure should have control of her destiny. William had saved her that night long ago, had coaxed her to sign on with the WatchDog. She had known nothing of sailing but she had learned and was still learning, She loved exploring new places and William had given that to her as much as her mother had. Shaken from her musings as the shadow of the sign fell over them she laughed and spun about and opened the door and entered with him. A hush settled over those within, some being fitted, some purchasing, others running to fetch fabrics, and tapes strung about their necks for measuring. The main tailor was kneeling and his mouth full of pins as he hemmed a set of knee breeches. All in all twas not any different from a mantua makers other than they were men. She ignored the looks of the gentleman fastening a gaze upon one of the assistants and as he made his way to them looked up to Billy. ‘I shall take a seat over there, out of the way and let you…”She waved a hand “Do whatever it is men do in such establishments.” She winked at him and grinning moved away and took a seat. Bill turn round and round as the tailor appraised him and made suggestions. Flint was only searching for serviceable work clothes, but the clothier noting the heft of Bill's purse sought to tempt him with finery to which the big marine was unaccustomed. Eventually they settled on a complete ensemble that almost enitrely replaced Bill' much bedraggled uniform, save for his tricorne and sergeant's sash which he now wore about his waist instead of over the shoulder as customary. He spun in a circle, arms akimbo, before Treasure. "Well? How do I look?" he asked Treasure had watched though stayed silent, she too appraising the clothing presented, the fabrics and of course the colours presented. All in all the tailor knew his business for she could fault none of the suggestions though the finery was a wee bit hard to imagine on him. He had lived a hard life and made no excuses for such, and walking about like a peacock was not something he was comfortable with. 'I think they are all wonderful and perfect choices." She rose and moved towards him with catlike grace and paused as the tailor bowed to her and stepped back. She tilted her head looking up into his eyes, studying him, and then raised a hand to run along the fabric of a frock he was wearing that was needing adjustment. She could feel the shift of muscle beneath the layers of clothing, her fingers flexed then fell away, then she walked about him slowly and nodded. "Handsome, I think you are handsome." Indeed he was very handsome, and it showed no matter what he wore but now he was clad decently he would have many feminine hearts fluttering, hers included. She moved away and as he once more gave instructions to the tailor she pulled aside an assistant an ordered a frock in deep blue and one in claret and told him to add them to his order and those she paid for as a gift. A gift that though they were finer than what he was purchasing they were simple and elegant, not ostentatious and she wa sure he would be pleased to wear them ashore. A gift he would not know of till he opened his packages. She hid a smile and trailed a finger over the collar at her throat and moved to take her seat till his business was concluded, a glance out the window showed the two ruffians from earlier lingering about outside, apparently they had nothing better this day than to sit and be attended by a Doctor, Personally she thought the day to fine to go against Redlegs. Eyes losing focus she toyed with the collar at her throat, memories of the past bubbling close to the surface.
  2. Bill's booming laugh filled the market "Aye,"he agreed. "Let us have a look at this tailor, then we will find you arms to rival Alexander himself". with a polite smile at the two hoods they continued down the thoroughfare. By chance they passed a jewler on the way to the tailor's "Let's stop here and see if we can't accquire you a cruxifix" he suggested "Then to the tailors we shall go." As they continued on she could feel the eyes of two boring into them and a chill of unease slid down her spine, a spine she stiffened defiantly. As he spoke and drew her slowly towards a jewlers she looked up to him "You would not mind? I know most men hate to shop, and in truth I know what I seek if I find it..It must call to me." As they entered the shop a small bell pealed over their heads and she looked about at all the cases and releasing his arm moved forwards to peer into those cases, being a woman she could not resist. A man came from the back seeing the lady he turned his gaze to the tall man behind her and frowned. As he approached and went to speak to the lady he kept one eye upon the other "May I assist you?" "You speak english? I am glad for I do not speak french at all." she said with a warm smile. "I am in need of a cross, I lost my other and feel lost without it." As her eyes dimmed for a moment his face brightened and he looked to Mr. Flint and she looked over her shoulder and held out her hand "Come let us look shall we? We are together, and he said we should stop here as we heard you are the best." As the man took them in and listened to her little untruth his chest puffed out with pride and at once relaxed. "Of course, your husband is right, my establishment is the finest." Quickly he moved back to the back of his store and began to bring forth trays. Treasure cast Bill an apologetic look as the man had taken him as her husband. Bill smiled warmly at her indicating that she should think nothing of it. If the jeweler took him as her husband he be much easier to bargain with than if he taken Bill simply for a sailor on shore leave cavorting about with a lady of the evening. While Treasure perused the trays of cruxifix he looked upon the other wares and found a small necklace that he decided would look smashing on her and immediately resolved to purchase it for her. While Treasure was examining the crosses he hailed the shop keep. Busy searching through the trays she was unaware when a small lad came over to take the shop owners place as he himself went to attend Bill. All were lovely, exquisite and made with great talent. She ran a discerning eye over each, all were too large and rather too impractical for a sailor. Going back through the trays one by one she still did not find what she sought and heaved a frustrated breath. Moving down the glass cases she paused at a tray of rosaries and asked to examine one made of gold and pearls, it was brought out and she smiled with pleasure as she held it. ‘I’ll take this, but I need a small cross..something a wee bit bigger than this one.” She pointed to the crucifix with Christ on the bottom and the boy smiled and nodded and taking her rosary ran to the back. Still looking through the cases she was unaware of Bill’s purchase, her thoughts on the rosary and as the curtain parted and the young lad moved back to her she smiled. For in his hand was a smaller crucifix, very simple and yet elegant for it’s simplicity. All in all the piece was stunning, made of deep garnets in a rich burgundy brown hue she took it reverently and stroked it..”Aye this is it…a chain? Something short, nothing long…And Ill take it now if you can.” As the owner returned he caught her request and moved to find a chain to fit it. “This is an old piece, one of my first that never sold. It was too different, I am glad it will have a home.” “Tis a wonderful piece, and I do like a little uniqueness to my jewelry. I thank you for it.” As he heanded her the chain she asked Bill to assist her in putting it on. Bill stood behind her and helped fasten the chain around her neck. He let his hands linger on her shoulders for the briefest of moments, feeling the warmth of her skin. "Oh, I very nearly forgot," he said "I got you something." with that he fastened the necklace he had purchased around her neck as well. It was a small choker made of petite round cut diamonds and pearls. The jewler beamed. "Madam looks exquisite." "Aye" agreed Bill, whose smile was even bigger than the jewlers. She shivered as his fingers lingered, the calloused fingertips rough and very distracting upon her skin. She felt her lungs seize and startled glanced up as another strand was placed around her throat. This one heavier and warm against her throat, her lungs released and she was able to draw a deep if somewhat unsteady breath. 'Oh but...' She wanted to say more but could not before the jewler, instead she turned slowly, her hand raising to touch the cross first and then his gift which fit about her throat like a glove and smiled up at him. Thank you, but I really cannot accept it.. She wanted to whisper softly. There would be time for that out of doors and out of earshot. Blue green gaze was dark with emotion and she spoke again so the owner would think nothing amiss "Well how does it look?" She inquired tilting her head to the side. She did not quibble as a price was given, she was too happy with her purchases, something that had always had great meaning for her, and now she was unsure what to think of his gift though it was exquisite, she could see it within the mirror's nearby. "Now to the tailor's?"
  3. She had been anticipating this moment for a while, and now that it was here she was more than excited. Argus danced about her legs as she leapt the final feet to the deck and scurried to gather her seabag and necessary items. She smiled at Alan as he helped her lower her seabag and then he and Ciaran lowered Argus and she moved down into the jollywatt and took her seat. As they were rowed ashore she could not help but look ashore and wonder where to begin, she needed food for Argus..extra rations than those brought, a room for the night, and weapons as well as the pendant. She was lost in her thoughts until she was prodded by Argus's wet nose and whimper and then he was leaping out of the boat into the shallows. Shaking herself free from her musings she too climbed free of the boat and stood speaking with Ciaran and Alan and they soon all departed seeking their amusements. Wending her way through town she looked into shops and made her way to where she and Jacques had stayed that first day. The Lady remembered her and smiled warmly and ushered her upstairs to the same room. A bath was soon brought and she enjoyed it fully though she was clearly eager to be out and about. Rising she dried off and quickly dressed fashioning her hair last and shaking out the blue of her skirts and running a hand over the bodice and tugging here and there till she felt it would do. Stepping into her new shoes she grinned placed the lacy cap upon her head and sweeping up her small purse made her way downstairs and out into the afternoon sunshine. The light glinting on the rich jet hue of her hair, blue green eyes sparkling, Argus keeping pace at her side. Several gentlemen nodded to her and she nodded back sending flirtatious glances, afterall twas time to start currying gentlemen in high places for favors. One never knew where such could come in handy. Reaching the market district she wrinkled her nose at the smell of fish and purused the wares and placed several orders smiling often at her great deals. At one small wares booth she noticed several plantains and purchased enough as a gift for the Dog and Heron and took one for herself. Stroking the supple fruit as she bargained for a better price she watched the mans eyes widen, his face flushed and she smiled innocently. She continued to work the fruit in her palms drawing a fingernail delicately over the skin of the fruit, and he soon grew to sweating, as she leaned over to select a few apples for additional purchase his gaze strayed to her bodice and then her cleavage. He named a price and paled when he realized how low the offer was but it was too late for she readily agreed and purchased the items. Giving him directions to the WatchDog as she slowly peeled the plantain and pursed her lips about it biting into the pliant fruit. "Very delicious M'Sieur...Thank you." Bill gathered his things and joined the growing crowd of the Larboard watch in the long boat. He ensured that the tomahawk remained secure in his belt as he went over the side. As they hastened towards the dock, the men talked eagerly of the pleasures to be found there. Flint thought only of the list of tasks he had set for himself. He needed new clothes. His mismatched uniform had already drawn many a suspicious look. He wished for some tobacco for he was nearly bereft. Most of all he wanted to go back to that armoury and inquire further about how the tomahawk had come to be there. When they hit the shore he lept up and strode purposefully towards the market. He smiled and politely declined the many invitations he recieved from his shipmates to join them for a drink. By the time he reached the market he was feeling a bit peckish so he stopped at a fruitstand to grab quick bite. He selected a delcious looking orange and accidently jostled the young lady next to him as he collected his purchase. He was about utter an apology but broke into a broad grin when he saw it was Treasure, a memember of his former watch aboard the Dog. "Well hello there Miss Tribbiani" Jostled she glanced up and finished chewing her fruit before smiling with pleasure. "Redlegs! Off for good behavior?" she teased. She looked to the Orange in his hand and stood aside as he purchased the item and hid her amusement as the merchant continued to eye her plaintain. As the purchase was completed she stepped back into the sun and glanced way up, the light catching in her eyes turning them nearly clear "How are things on the Heron?" She asked her voice low and husky as she raised a hand to shield her eyes before looking back to him. She swung her small purse and grinned as Argus growled hackles rising before she issued a command with her hand and he sat placid once more at her feet, or rather on her foot as usual. "Well indeed, we just took stock of the new arms and cannon as well as took her for a run around the harbor" "I've also been drilling the Marines assigned to the Heron. They're a bit rough around the edges, more brawlers than actual Soldiers, but I believe I can work with them." "How goes it on the Dog?" She laughed as they began to walk and remembered watching the trainings on the WatchDog when he had been present. 'Hmm perhaps you can assist me in the purchase of new arms, I think I need some new ones and I am not sure of what I should get and do not wish to buy the wrong thing or something faulty or cheap." She bit into her plaintain again and chewed thoughtfully before replying. "It goes rather well, Captain Brand met with the Navarra recently and we have many new faces. Many, many new faces. But it goes rather well, Though I do miss having you aboard the Dog, Any news of Tawny?" She was unsure if they would ever find Tawny and hopefully he was dead, she would hate to hear of him ravaging the women here, Although she still wondered how he had stowed away for so long. Could it happen again? She gave a shudder remembering her own first night in town and rubbed at the fading bruise upon her cheek. Then returned to eating the rest of her fruit. Bill looked her up and down. She certainly was a comely lass. Was she really requesting his company. That of course meant nothing taken out of hand. "Settle yourself William", he thought. Christ it had been too long. Still he was more than happy to escort her. "No, no news of Tawny. Hopefully I killed the bastard, still if I get second opportunity to make the rat suffer, so much the better." "As to the matter of your arms, I'd be delighted to offer my services." and he offered her his arm." A slight flush rose to her cheeks as he looked her over and she lowered her lashes and pretended great intrest in the last of her fruit. Then more boldly raised them and swept him an appraising glance. As he replied and offered her his arm she laughed and rested her fingers lightly upon the rough sleeve of his uniform. "I would be honored for your escort and more so for your knowledge. I do not wish to be taken advantage of in any arms purchase I make. I wish something I can wield easily and quickly. I have a cutlass, my musket and the little pistol from the Heron's capture." She confided lowly so others passing would not hear. As they walked she spoke of places she had seen so far within the area, and asked if he had found a room for the evening. "There is a lovely little place I am growing rather fond of, and it seems quite vacant." Argus woofed at a small cat nearby and she shushed him as several turned at the deep bark. "Is there aught you are to purchase this trip?" "Aye", he said "I'm in need of new apparel, I'm afraid my current choice in fashion tends to garner undue interest." with a jerk of his chin he indicated a pair of local toughs. "Now m'lady what are interested in accquiring? Blade or lock?" Again her laugh rang out as she took in his attire, but her head was shaken as she teased "Think you they will have clothing suitable for Giants? One of the recruits spoke of a place Captain Brand took them, I think it is up ahead if intrested." She looked over to where the toughs seemed overly intrested in Mr. Flint and drew her gaze from them to look to Argus and then ahead. "Well they certainly seem to find you as fascinating as I do, mayhaps they wish to ask of your tailor, or perhaps your barber?" Laughter made her eyes glow, gave her face an impish appearance. "As for arms, I do not know, what do you think appropriate? I can afford whatever I wish within reason." She had to raise her skirts to step over a puddle, a hint of slender ankle in clocked stockings and fancy shoes were then seen. “However a blade would not be amiss.” She said sweetly, a wicked smile lifting the corner of her lips. 'I wish to buy a cross as well, I miss mine. And of course check in on Mr. Pew, and Who knows what the night holds."
  4. Well he does appear a wee bit smudged...The ears, the face and paws..lol. Growing up my Grandmother had nearly 40 cats all but two were outside cats..of course living on the bayou it was never an issue to have that many.
  5. Glad to hear that Sterling..And glad to know you are staying put! Christine sorry you are unwell..Big hugs and get well soon... As for me on my way to bed..I feel like Im going to explode...
  6. He's a beautiful wee bit of fluff, I do like the stalking technique..though Im not sure it's the mouse he's stalking..seems to me with that pink tongue out he's trying to mimic the mouse. He's wonderful, I would not have had the heart to turn him away either...Good parents you two make... I had to come back and Edit this after I showed Nora and she oohs and ahhhs..and has always wanted a kitten but she is allergic. But she did say that Sam looks happy. Her favorite picture of him is the same as mine..the tongue one..lol.
  7. Sleep! Im desperately addicted and I cannot get enough no matter how much I try..*sighs*
  8. I tried to do something similar and it backfired on me too..and now they are not even speaking to me at all. Just remember your friends are here as always. And Sterling..What stuff do you have just out of curiosity of course...
  9. Thanks Pete...Im hoping to not need any blood..But I aprreciate the offer just in case
  10. Wow that is really wonderful and to have a secret room is amazing...I always wanted one of those. my question is..Is your camera dirty are do you truly have that many orbs in some of your pictures?
  11. Thoughts and good wishes are more than welcome...Don't know anyone that does not like those..as for the drink..sure Im in..as long as it tastes better than a V-8!
  12. Im with you Silkie..How can You steal him and make him your cabin boy if they all are so young..I prefer mine a bit more seasoned shall we say..at least in their twenties...
  13. Hmmm: Lady Barbossa MerryDeath William Maeve Briar Silkie Cheeky Actress *Briefly* Haunting Lily *Such a sweetheart*
  14. Nay Just Iron supplements four times a day...Magnetic Personality..?!? Nah...lol
  15. They will not let me donate blood.. Your right Tom it was very expensive..Four bags of blood over three days was over 15 grand. However im still taking iron four times a day and hoping I will not have to have more blood again.
  16. You guys made me cry, and you help me everyday to keep going when I want to quit and give up. But how can I when I have so many wonderful friends. And Rusty I do not know you and I am unsure as to the annonymous donor..but I have a long memory and your Aid..whether by card or some other deed will never be forgotten..Long Tom..I cannot thank you enough...It means the world to me to be honored to have such wonderful friends. I love you all... Syren ·Haunting Lily- Your card will be kept under my pillow for a while…And while we do not know one another face to face..through the PM’s we have sent I feel as if I have known you forever.. * Rusty Barrels- I do not think I have had the honor to meet or speak with you, but to send help will not be forgotten. * Capt Bo of the WTF Co- Bo…I do not know what to say to you..I have known you for a while now and you never cease to amaze me, Thank you for being a friend. * Anonymous donor- I wish I knew who you were to tell you Thank you personally, Thank you..
  17. Hello, To all of the people who may read this. Although you may not know who I am I'd like to take this oppurtunity to introduce myself. My name is David Trevino, I am the proud husband of my wonderful wife Kim Trevino "aka" Black Syren. I normally wouldn't post on your admirable site however, I just couldn't resist the chance to extend my most deep and sincere thanks for all that you have done. I have had the honor to chat with some of Kim's friends and all I can say is "You all are truly wonderful people" I would also like to add that I would never have thought that friends that my wife so dearly loves and has never met would ever go out of your way to help our family. Indeed we are going through some tough times and continue to search out our options I really want to thank you for your words of kindness, support, love, and the actions that you have taken upon yourself it is priceless! I hope that by my next statement it will not offend any of you but, I do believe that you all are a God Send however, Kim insists that you are all "angels in disguise". I never would have thought that people would ever EVEN give us any kind of help the way you have done. Thank You for your friendship, support, love and prayers. I will keep you all in my heart and prayers. I can only hope that one day I'll be blessed to share the same support to you or another person. Inspired by all that you have done.... Thank You So Much. -The Trevino Family Thank you Kim for being strong.... I LOVE YOU!
  18. Plan on being invaded! Actually that is wonderful..How far are you from Austin, I do not think you are that far from me. My mother is planning on returning to Texas in a few more years with 25 Mustangs. Im hoping she will pick up a blue roan, black or Grulla for me. But she is in East Texas and has some land out there, i do miss the horses though i cannot ride anymore. I think it's great you have so much land though..Great for Pyrate events and such..
  19. Im not ashamed to be seen on it now..If I were not so sick I would come and help..I like building and such..*shhh don't let that get around* So will you have enough room for horses?????
  20. Treasure still aloft was enjoying the warmth of the sun, in fact her face was tilted to it as she stretched and the wind toyed with hair that had slipped free of the braid to whip about her face. Brushing a strand from her lips she wiggled a bit and groaned for her posterior was a wee bit numb then peered down below to the decks. She was excited she was to go ashore again soon and then she could search for her cross, purchase new foodstuffs for Argus and do whatever she wished with her day or evening. The call of the gulls above her head had her shooing the birds away with a shudder. She had no wish to be made a mess of by the dirty things, keeping a wary eye on the biggest of the lot who settled near to her she gritted her teeth “Aye well as long as ye stay over there!” she muttered between clenched teeth. The gull merely tilted his head fixing a beady black gaze upon her and she resumed looking over the rail below. Argus was sitting next to a group of men, tongue lolling tail wagging and seeming content. At least till he caught sight of the women, at that point he rose and trotted over and came to a stop sitting before them and then dropping to the deck and rolling over presenting his belly for a rub. A hand was clapped over her mouth to hide her laughter at his antics “Big Ham.” She muttered fondly. As Murin and Jenny stopped Argus woofed lowly tail again thumping the decks front paws waving at the women as if bidding them to hurry. A ruffle of feathers had her looking back at the bird suspiciously but he had not moved other than to keep eyeing her and shaking his feathers. A masculine laugh below had her looking down and seeing Alan standing nearly right beneath her she grinned wickedly. The small flask that she used for water in the nest was slowly inched from a pocket and she nibbled at her lip trying to not laugh. She would have to move quick for this to work right. Leaning over and making sure he was still standing there she opened the flask and tipped it over having to time the rocking of the ship just so. Eventually the water landed though not on his head as she had wanted but his back and shoulder. Quickly corking the cap on she shooed the gull into noisy flight and had to sit back to hide her laughter. The shout and cursing below had her holding her sides, face red and tears falling from merriment.
  21. Welcome to Babylon, Texas! The wildest and most wickedest place in the whole Demmned state of Texas! Babylon ,Texas If ye would like to write with us please feel free to mosey on over, we are in need of Outlaws, Deputies, Saloon Gals, Ranchers or Cattle Barons and anything else ye can think of. See ya there Pawdner! ****PS I have posted this here because I have members from the Pub who write there. We also have a chat-box for questions and such on the left hand side under Doc Holiday's picture.****
  22. I agree about the rattlers and tarantualas and the thunderstorms that roll over the plains...i used to love riding on my horse racing those storms.. Zeph...one suggestion...the deck you put up...Make it one heck of a pirate hang out! my mother in law has a very ELEGANT house on Padre..however Im slowly converting her I think to hanging a Jolly Roger in her yard...
  23. Exhausted, Exhilerated and Joyful and challenged! Isn't life wonderful! I can't wait for round two of Orientation..
  24. Woo-Hoo Congrats to you..Pirate Party in Texas! lol
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