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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Im so loving the photo's and it seems everyone had a wonderful time...*crosses fingers for next year*
  2. Another fellow Texan! I bid ye welcome good Sir, I am close to Austin!
  3. I added you Lily and sent you a message. GAME TIPS: If you just joined stay in the docks as long as you can, train train TRAIN! All the trining you do will make you more seasoned and less likely to get picked on once you sail from the Docks. Once you get out of the docks you cannot go back. Crime also gives you experience.. Join a gang/Crew it will help you out with protection and money as well as weapons.
  4. Added ye as a friend Iron Jon..And im on there now.. If anyone here joins and seeks a gang or crew to aid them, The Sea Warriors is my crew, tis owned by me.
  5. I added ye as a friend and sent ye a message. Do You play Pirate Quest as well? Pirate Quest?
  6. Well it's fun..Too bad we did not have a Pyracy Pub gang..then we could have all been in one crew..lOl
  7. Put it to good use and keep yer money in the bank! Let me know if I can assist further. Syren
  8. Hey Dorian..I sent you a gift..Check your Inventory.
  9. Rules The Seas Help SectionTry this link Patrick and see if you can glean more info...
  10. CALYPSO!!!!! She looks like a Calypso and call her callie for short! What a perfect lil darlin! If you ever need a baby sitter Im available...
  11. Congrats Lily on the wee one, her pic is lovely. Im so very happy for you! *hugs* Today I have a major headache, sick to my stomach. I hate headaches..
  12. LOL im already there...been there since it opened though Im rarely on..My ID is 201.
  13. Getting ready for bed and hoping to sleep like the dead.
  14. This is mine and any can add me as well... myspace.com/ladysiren
  15. Im fancying the teal..can just see it with black embroider...
  16. ^ Is one of my bestest friends and has a lovely singing voice too!
  17. Clears her throat and offers Cheeky a primed pistol and arches a brow... If not..he's already been hung..maybe we could stake him over an ant bed and pour honey on him. *Grins wickedly* The pictures are truly wonderful! Im having a great time just looking at them.
  18. Hmmm but I do like her coat..can I keep it?
  19. Very nice! I have an old mirror that I have been wanting to do something with...Now I know...lOl
  20. Good for you Patrick..Enjoy yourself and have fun.
  21. And too you should not change who you are to make an impression..either they like you as you are or they do not. The right gel will come along Patrick and enjoy you for who you are and all your pyratical ways. Then again does this Lady they are trying to fix you up with have any intrest in what you do? In history and so forth? Maybe she has a secret fire burning and it just needs to be fanned a wee bit.
  22. What she was about to say never reached her lips, his upon hers had her falling into him, her lips softening, deepening the kiss. As they pulled apart she said nothing further but took the lead and reaching the Inn where she was staying quietly entered and taking note of the full tables hurriedly led Bill up the stairs. Opening the door she paused looking up to him, slowly she drew him inside and closed the door.
  23. She gave a playful squeak as he caught her up and she shook her head fighting her laughter…’I never beg nor surrender!” She poked him in the shoulder for emphasis. Taking one of his hands she slipped from his hold and motioned down the street dimly lit and yet intoxicating. The shadows shifted created myriad patterns upon the cobblestones, the scent of flowers was softer now that the sun had fully fled the sky leaving the moon in his place. A wild enchantment of beauty and mystery, the night had always been so for her, enthralling the senses, captivating her with it’s beauty. “My room is that way.” She told him and as she led he followed.
  24. Her laughter was soft coming from the shadows to his left, the silk of her skirts swishing as she moved yet kept to the shadows. Her fingers trailed his arm then again did she shift within the shadows teasing him with her laughter and barely there touches. As Bill spun about to face the shadows and where she had just been he was surprised to see nothing but shadow, no movement or shifting within. Narrowing his gaze he sought the murky depths and caught the glitter of her jeweled collar. Playfully groping the shadows even though he knew where she was he watched her move again and her laugh teasingly came forth. “I thought you could see in the dark.” She taunted.
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