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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Just taken me iron..feeling a wee bit queasy...Do we have garlic bread? Or any bread..just something to nibble on...
  2. Deoderant! Aye that is definitely a must..But as long as they have scented candles and a nice tub to relax in..well that would be wonderful...lol
  3. Finally working on the same here in Texas, mine too will be family geared for my wee one.
  4. Flambistic?? I like that word...Sort of like Disregusted...
  5. A heater, Underthings that were comfy, cotton candy, roller coasters, Jeans and sweat pants, tennis shoes, toilet paper, fast food, good transportation, the internet, my family.
  6. Actually that is not true either...my garb is by no means PC though I am working to a more PC view. The pictures I have posted were never given any negative comments. I enjoy looking at everyone's pics, if nothing else to know who the face is behind the postings and name.
  7. CHRISTINE!!!!! Rises and hurries to sit in her friend's lap. No pick up to go orders..Ye have to stay and chat a wee while.
  8. Hmm will have to tell Pyrate Santa I want a few of those..
  9. Jill it was your tree topper that got me to thinking I should do one...It was Maeve that inspired me as we plotted on the phone for the doing's of it.. Im jealous of yer tree topper....However I have an idea in the works fer mine..lol..Ahh Next year! Just waiting fer someone to cash in on Pirate Christmas cards....
  10. Patrick that is great! I was thinking for the topper of a big red X to mark the spot Pyrate Santa should place my Plunder..But could not figure out how to do it. The topper on there now is a Mega Bloks skull and is just temp till I can find something more fitting. I also have the ships from the Card Game the Pirates of the Spanish main on there but you cannot see them well. Where did ye find yer small tankard? Would love to have a few of those..lol Maybe we should have a Tree contest for next year..That could be fun.
  11. Ok ok ok..Since ye keep putting bacon afore me I shall again try it for you..but only for you Captain.
  12. So wot's fer dinner Im starved...
  13. LOL thanks..I did not have much...But Maeve inspired me and there you have it! Oi...I just noticed the orb...
  14. It's a wee bit small..but hey it's got room to grow for next year.... And my wee one... And of course Jack..errr Captain Jack dropped by to pillage the tree...I did save the rum.... Merry Christmas to All, The Black Syren and Family....
  15. Excitement...Adventure....Someone who can look at me from across the room and leave me wanting for more..
  16. I love that show..But I like Sylvia best... I assume this is the fetching wee redhead in question
  17. She sniffled and wiped at her face again with a small hand knowing they would tell she had been crying. Rising fluidly at his side she reached down for her shoes and placing them in one hand reached for her bag with the other, the cross at the hollow of her throat swinging and cathing the early morning light. "Aye perhaps we should." Another sniff and settling her bag upon her shoulder moved sedately at Bill's side till they reached the migled crews and caught the festive excitement. Ciaran seeing her frowned and moved over to her as he had seen her approaching with Bill and leaned low asking if everything were well, she gave him a small smile and nodded..."Aye..naught but bad dreams." He seemed to find her answer acceptable and clapped Bill on the shoulder and asked if he had enjoyed his shore leave.
  18. Captain Bo you describe that so well...I can almost feel the cold air burning my lungs, the wind nipping at my cheeks and feel the absolute peace of the forest, the smell of the pine, and the crunch of my own steps in new fallen snow...Down here we get slush, Ice, slush, Ice and random snow and more slush....*sighs*
  19. This may have been done, I did a search but could not find it..So gents..What inspires you about a woman wears..What should she wear and this can be from normal everday attire to Period Correct. So wot do ye fancy? Inquiring minds want to know..
  20. Perhaps one or two of the buttons undone on those low slung well worn jeans..
  21. She lay drained within his arms, the wound that had festered for so long was far from healed, but it had opened and oozed, relieving some of her inner turmoil. She listened to his words, she heard them, but she could never let go of the idea that she was responsible. As the warm winds toyed with her hair she watched the sun rise slowly spreading it’s glory, listened to Bill’s heartbeat beneath her ear, the sound of wheeling gulls above. All about lay life, she had chosen it as well and she had much to live for, but she could not change the past, only atone for it which she did at every port they came to she sought the Catholic church and prayed. With a deep sigh she shifted within his hold and watched the wharf come to life, the long piers slowly revealing shadowy figures that as the sun rose became more pronounced. Figures that were some of their crews. Why were so many gathered so early? A frown tugged at her brows beetling them together as she watched, teeth nibbling on lower lip as she always did when nervous or concerned. “Bill, Our crews are gathering…is aught amiss?” She straightened within his arms and struggled to tame her long hair into some semblance of order.
  22. BLUSHES ^Is looking for pyrate Christmas cards to send out, a real sweetheart on the phone and I wear her bracelet all the time too!
  23. ^ Is a wonderful and thoughtful friend...Recently in a play, very creative and I keep his gift braided in my hair.
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