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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. The cookie and Icecream already did that...
  2. Aww I got sent to bed and no bedtime story..*pouts*
  3. Yum Icecream between two hot choclate chip cookies! May I have one please....
  4. Accepts the towel and tankard with eagerness and laughs at his words.."I bet you do Doc. I bet you do." im so sorry Christine..my condolences.
  5. Hello Doc..and of course..I would be honored for a drink..Rises from the sea and shivers in the night breezes.
  6. welcome to the Pub lass and enjoy your stay with us! By the Way Ill take a Plunder Me Cherry *holds out her tankard with a grin*
  7. *Grins with mischief as she submerges and swims beneath the surface to rise near Christine and splash her playfully with water.* Long time no see..How are you?
  8. hums softly under the light of the full moon upon obsidian blessed waves and shifts from the rock upon which she sat to the welcoming embrace of the sea.
  9. Did someone mention cherries? *hides her bowl of cherries*
  10. *sneaks in and sits in a table in the shadows and works on a crossword*
  11. Sassy Lassy.. Don't know about that but I will accept the Plunder Me Cherries..Thanks Darlin..You have been greatly missed..and Im sorry to have missed your bash..Just posted to it..*Blushes*
  12. Happy belated Natal day Merry! It sounds like it was one of the best! *hugs*
  13. Congrats on the new arrival..
  14. And Im late yet again...Congrats to you both..
  15. But of course Capitan..I will sit right here and await you at your leisure..Perhaps I will read as I wait?
  16. Pauses upon the stairs a slippered foot upon the next riser and she slowly replaces it to turn and moves back down the stairs and towards him.."Dinner...And desert sounds lovely. Grazie Capitan"
  17. *Smiles slowly* then dine Capitan...have your massage...You know where I will be.. *Glides to the stairs and moves up them slowly a mischiveous look upon her face*
  18. Looks completely innocent though does discreetly nudge Briar.."But Capitan, Why my room and why alone..the Kate is nigh empty and there are plenty of tables to choose."
  19. *Laughs* Oh Ho..then why call for the towel??? Me thinks you are shy...
  20. But Capitan..I did not see you trying..I think you were hiding..or trying to.." shoots him a wicked glance..."Si..Hiding."
  21. Grins with great mischief..."Just as I thought..All talk." Finishes her banana and eyes him before turning about and moving to Briar's side with a smile.
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