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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. As long as it's a happy one I don't think it matters...
  2. Are they going to steal my chocolate?
  3. Takes a piece, then another then looks about and swipes the bowl and moves to a dark corner.
  4. Chocolate?!? I am to be appeased at Chocolate..Very well..I shall cosole myself with the sweet taste of the dark sin and...*Blushes* Did I say that aloud? Must be the sugar....
  5. A yawn was hidden behind a grimy hand and she took the moment to stretch arching her back to work the sore muscles in her lower back. The stores on the Dog were being replenished and heavily so thanks to Argus. She glanced over her shoulder as she straightened back up taking in the dog sitting near the aft rail and hopefully out of the way. Ciaran drew her attention again as he nudged her towards the next few crates thick with chickens. She shuddered at the beedy eyes of the hens, her hands already pecked till they were splotchy and red, the crew taking delight in her fear of the feathered fowl..”Foul indeed..bloody blighters!” she mumbled beneath her breath. However Alan heard her and leaned near his tones gruff with amusement as he whispered to her “Foul but they do fill your belly do they not?” Irritation danced in the depths of her eyes as she turned to him and presented her bleeding hands. He merely winked and teased her about being a marine. Defiantly she tossed her head and swept past him towards the chickens who quieted upon her approach. Gritting her teeth she made to lift a crate and the sqwauks and Wing flapping had her leaping back cursing as another round of laughter came from behind her. Now encouragement was being called out and she glared balefully at her audience over her shoulder. A glint of light from the corner of her eye had her glancing up and about and she could see the Lucy and further afield drifting the Navarra. For a moment she watched the ships floating docilely at their tethers and stiffening her spine she yanked the top crate down spun to her audience with a valiant smile, that suddenly drooped as bird droppings fell upon her shoe. The riot of laughter that ensued had her cursing but in the end her laughter joined theirs and soon the chickens made their way below, next to the goats in the hastily erected pen. Barrels and casks of rum, salted fish, water, wines spices and other food stores swelled the hold. The squeel of a pig had her turning and she quickly scampered atop a nearby barrel as the pig was placed in the pen. Taking the good natured ribbing as her due she went back up for the next round, her gaze once more drawn back to the sea, the waves flirtatious as they darted all about the Dog seeming to beckon with their roughness, “Yesterday the sea was a genteel lady and today she is a hoyden.” She said to no one in particular. Tossing her braid back over her shoulder she left the beauty of the sea and bent her back to the work at hand.
  6. No midnight ride of stealth through the veils of shadows and mystery??? No adventure or pistols upon the upon road??? No promise of wealth nor jewels...errr..Lime chips and salsa? Slumps in her chair...
  7. Tilts her head while all is going on listening and learning, an amused smile creeps across her face and she reaches for another piece of sugar and nibbles on it thoughtfully. Perks up when William menions Highwaymen and asks to go in his stead... "Please Captain...I shall don my darkest attire, and Tempest awaits in the stables..." Eyes glitter brightly with the thought of the adventure
  8. Huffs and crosses her arms over her chest 12! First I am doing drugs and now I cannot count..those last two Captain Sterling were yours..with your grill cheese sandwich. Now pray continue the story...
  9. Never ever underestimate a woman Captain. No matter how many of them ye...err....stick!
  10. Of course Simple..Shakes head and rolls her eyes and moves to take a seat. Withdraws three daggers from her garters, a small flintlock from the opposite garter, a blunderbuss from beneath her skirts as well as two swords, another dagger from the sleeve of her gown, a vial of poision from her bodice along with another dagger and seats herself. Aye simple really...
  11. Aye Dorian sit on his left..Ill sit on his right.. Afterall we not be but simple wenches...
  12. Winks at Cheeky and laughs...But two of them..He does not know us verra weel does he?
  13. Forgiven? Pauses to arch a brow lips pursed thoughtfully..I was unaware I needed to be forgiven to show my fanciful heart. *Sticks her tongue out at sterling* Continues to hum and dance around the tavern and as she twirls past Cheeky pulls her along into an energetic country dance.
  14. It's called Imagination good sir..that and lack of a better partner.
  15. Well ye did all but accuse me of drugs...That would make any lass wish to bean ye..
  16. *looks hurt* Just because Im nautuarally energetic does not mean i am on drugs. Cheeky may I borrow that rolling pin..I feel the need to place a few lumps of me own!
  17. Pity..sweet tea is WONDERFUL...takes another lump and whirls off humming as she dances with an imaginary partner...
  18. afraid of a sugar rush Captain??? dances past and takes another lump of sugar and twirls then dips into a curtsy.
  19. WAIT!!!! We have a scotsman in the hold??? Tiptoes in that general direction
  20. Nay not at all..Personally what is good for the gander is more than appropriate for the goose. Carry on.... This sugar is really good...Dances about the tavern
  21. Im liking the sugar..Takes another to eat..
  22. merely shakes her head and reaches for a lump of sugar and eats it...
  23. Ye were the one speaking of sticking together..last I looked Mistress Cheeky were a lass like me...But five lumps of sugar would be for me...the lumps be fer ye..
  24. *Rolls her eyes and coughs delicately then looks to cheeky with a sweetly innocent grin* 5 lumps..if'n it pleases ye Mistress... :angry: looks back to sterling then studies her nails humming beneath her breath.
  25. stays seated at the table and watches Snow and Sterling then giggles at William and slyly counts the glasses for him.."12 Sir..there be 12 glasses!"
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