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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Here's another link as well.. Captains Quarters Forum
  2. Wow..so many. Ok so those voted or in the Males... Mad Jack William Red Wake Dorian Lasseter Tar Black John Blackfoot Patrick Hand too! And for the Ladies.. Silkie Maeve Hmm we needs some more ladies posted..Gents who would you like to see?
  3. Where have you been?!? I HATE to cook.. Callenish and Salty, Congratulations! Wow that was so romantic and sweet.
  4. Wonders where pasties came from..makes sure she put the ARR's in there. I think I have to finally say...Im Speechless!
  5. Great pics Capt. Bo! Quite dashing!
  6. With pastries? Lots and lots of pastries? I will be here with bells on!
  7. Or contact Kass, as she sales patterns and things.
  8. Here's mine, it died but we are working on getting it going again. Pyrates Ye Be Warned
  9. Matt ye are not alone. My score was wrong everytime I took it. dratted test!
  10. LOL That is a grand Idea Jack! and then the Pub members could offer suggestions as to who they would nominate for the pics to put in..
  11. I think i was asking If I hide my eyes now or later..*grins*
  12. *Blushes* As long as camera's are rolling im afraind im out..Sirens are nice sweet lil angels..*takes mic* Thanks..I was just goofing around.
  13. Siren carefully kept watch on her wine intake not wishing to go to duty drunk and make a fool of herself. But she was enjoying herself and immensely, perhaps this had been needed after the sea battle, a way to have a little peace for the battle would never be forgotten, by any. Tempest was silent for the most part interjecting thoughts and comments here and there, Tudor a perfect hostess made sure the conversation was spirited and flowing. Siren hid a smile at Murin’s words then boldly laughed aloud and stood “Aye to our Captain! And to the Dog!” She raised her glass high then looked about the room and as the laughter settled she arched a dark brow, eyes dancing with mischief. “What do ye think the lads be doin? Dreamin about the lasses on the isle, or about the rum?” She queried, voice filled with laughter as she waggled her brows to the women gathered.
  14. Welcome Elizabeth or Sickleback, Welcome to the Pub and I hope you will find what you are looking for in the Pub. ~The Siren~
  15. Was playing around last night so here are a few more...The rest are on My Space. Was told I look like Fran Drescher in this one..*Grins* And last one...
  16. Hello Captain Blackfoot, tis an honor to have ye back with us as well. And just in time for Christmas!
  17. A few more MIA Animal and Crimsoncrow. And wow a new Pirate in Texas..Congrats, Im in Texas myself..
  18. Yes but now there be two Rudolphs. And a very nice person to share the title with. lol Love the Deer head trophies though so best beware of lil Ol Rudolphs when we have had enough..*Grins*
  19. Siren looked to the woman currently present, Miss Smith was already seated and looking as bewildered as Murin. Indeed Siren too was wondering at this gift and thinking she should be at her post and not taking tea with the women. But she was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, and too William was wily and he had his reasons for separating the ladies. Her mind turned this over as Murin seated herself and seeing the company would be quiet Siren decided to tease Mr. Gage by flashing him a charming smile. Then she turned to Miss Smith and Murin inclined her head to both and regally sat. Blue green eyes danced with mischief as she decided to break the ice “I do not know about you ladies, but I cannot wait to reach the Isle and find me a handome rogue with dark eyes, an air of tradgedy and a feather mattress!” That said she reached across the table and picked up a small piece of cheese and chewed waiting for her bold words to break the tension.
  20. The seas have been rough but im weatherin' the storm with my usual aplomb. It's glad I am to have ye home. Happy holidays!
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