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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Why Silkie? I think Im shocked... Moves to sit atop the bar and flirt with Ray..
  2. Welcome Captain Helena, I am Siren and I too am landlocked just a wee bit to your North in Texas..By about 15 miles or so...Welcome!
  3. What a beautiful picture, the guitar is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing Lady Alyx...
  4. That is not girly at all and yet still retains the old world elegance and romantic feel to it. Im really liking it.. hey Merry is it a four poster?
  5. Aye welcome to the Pub..And great story so far!
  6. She could feel her heart pounding hard in her breast as Mr. Pew told them they were going ashore and to fetch the crates to the deck. Tugging her forlelock she quickly moved after the men into the small room and looked about before watching the men move about to make room to heft the crates. Finally Paul decided that She and Owen she step out and allow he and Hingerty moved the first crate out and up to the deck. Catching sight of her reflection in a small mirror as the men moved passed she stopped and stared hard, The tawny skin and gypsy wild mane of black tumbled about her, the blue green eyes bright in her face. She gasped as Owen nudged her and pointed to another crate and she moved quickly to heft it and follow him out and up to the deck. Owen teased her all the way up to the deck and she took his ribbing good naturedly. Afterall it had been awhile since she had truly seen her own visage. Though tanned by the sea, she still looked young compared to the Doxies down below. Placing her crate upon the deck she could not resist looking over the rail and peering at the redhead who was vying for Owens attention. The redhead seemed startled by the youth of her face as she peered over and tilted her head studying them before quickly pulling away and following after Owen and the others to retrieve the last two crates. Still she could not help but wonder how she truly looked and if she looked well enough to step on shore. Perhaps she would have time to at least re-braid her hair…Nay, she would not do so, She was beginning to sound Vain. Allright well maybe she was just a little bit. Owen quickly informed Paul and Hingerty of catching her staring in the mirror and she flushed under their perusal and kept her head down, But only Owen laughed. Paul and Hingerty stayed silent and she was quite thankful. Helping with the last crate she and Owen followed the other two and deposited it besides the former two and waited for further instruction.
  7. The tropical breezes played with her long braid tearing wisps of it out to whip about her, her eyes moving restlessly taking in all that she could see and imagining what she could not. Soon perhaps she could take that much yearned for swim, have her feet upon land for just a wee bit, explore and do what she wanted. Her gaze was drawn to the women in the boats, They made no attempts at being maidenly and she found their display quite vulgar. She sniffed and ran a gaze over them and saw they were all older, a hard life such as they led was not easy. Still the common whore next to the more refined graces of a Courtesan was like comparing a draft horse to an andalusian. Both were horses, but one was simply more elegant, showy. If she had followed in her mother’s footsteps where would she be right now? What would she be doing and with who? She hid her yawn and took note of a feisty redhead angling for Owens attention but her gaze was drawn upwards and gazes locked for a moment. The redhead’s quite challenging, and with a grin she blew her a kiss and a wink and bit her lip to hide her laughter. Yep women were women everywhere. She gave a stretch and returned her gaze to the happenings about them and watched the merchants vie with the “Ladies” for a place to rest and speak to the sailors on deck about the wares they carried.
  8. OOOH love Peach..will have to try the peachy pirate. But will stick with my Plunder Me Cherry..
  9. yeah..Way too skinny! As if a reall woman is that skinny..Ok well if they are the barbies of the runway maybe..But Fashion should be enjoyed by all..Just...not...that...Fashion! Maybe someone should send the Designer a link to You and yer garb?
  10. Aye Duct tape does come in a nice silver and elctrical tape is in blues and reds as well as black..Could use that as the trimming..
  11. I so do not sew very well..Though i did sew my own garb..But still I could take Trash bags and superglue and make my own fashion line.. I could title it the GLAD Pirate....
  12. Captain Siren of the Poesidon, M'dear, me thinks you have been misinformed as to who shall be worn out and a begging at the end of it all. : Now as long as your sitting there with the Lady B have another on me. (A boyish grin appears upon my face) Arches a brow and keeps her very wicked smile in place.."Then ye have not heard Luv..Sirens never get worn out..Savvy? Now about the drynk..Aye Ill have another." Looks to Lady B and winks... "Poor Gent..I think I shall let him have a breif respite afore I introduce him to Mast-er and Command-er..I do so love that game."
  13. Moves towards him as he is surrounded by the lasses and smiles most wickedly, "Oh ye will not have to beg for me to turn ye inside out. Not at all. Once ye have been worn out then will I hear ye beg..and perhaps beg some more. Now about me drink?" Moves back over to Lady B and winks to her before taking a seat at a table.
  14. *Winks most sassily* Poppet Ill turn ye inside out if ye wish. Ye may scream as loud and long as ye have too. I don't mind A'tall.
  15. LOL Jack in a kilt? Better take pics! I wear pants, though I do have a few skirts. Just more comfortable in pants. But check the you in yer garb thread.
  16. Hmm do they have Pirate Vamps? Wow..Exquisite bed! Hmm mine...I would have a round bed, the headboard would be shaped as an open shell and draped with strands of pearls. The bed would be covered in silk sheets of teals and whites. Some day...lol
  17. Welcome Barbossa and Lady b be a right swell lass and a sister to me in a strange mystical way. Now about that drynk..Make mine a Plunder Me Cherry...extra cherries o course.
  18. I can see more Jack and Barbossa..But who needs Will and Elizabeth? Definitely not me..But Norrie has to stay..*waggles brows* He needs to find himself a Woman and not some flighty girl like Miss Swann. Mayhaps he needs a Lady Pirate..lol And Jack can introduce them..*Grins*
  19. My family crochets a whole lot..I have never seen a pattern for such as this but my mom makes ehr own patterns so it should not be too difficult if you know quite a bit about crocheting.
  20. Siren watched as Louis was called down and watched as Mr. Pew clambered up before turning her gaze to the Isle and could not wait to reach land and go for a swim. Excitement lit her turquoise gaze from within and she smiled wide. "Now we have reached the Isle, How long shall we stay and what will happen to the stow a away?" she asked brushing her braid back over her shoulder as she questioned Pew.
  21. I want..Nay I NEED more... Can a person go through Captain Jack Sparrow withdrawls????? Is there a rehab?????
  22. Ello Silkie...sorry I missed you this morn, went back to work and left me cyberbox up. Now about that drink...
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