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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Ohh Kahlua! Lilly Come sit over here and we can have hot choclate and good company..
  2. I would love to have a nice big mug of Hot choclate with tons of Marshmallows and cinnamon sticks..and maybe some sort of pie to go with it...
  3. SouthEast Texas...I was born in Beaumont, finished growing in Kirbyville and now still in Texas..but closer to Austin. Welcome aboard and nice to see ye made shore here in the Pub.
  4. Writing...Im addicted to the written word and if I cannot read it I write my own stories. I love to explore and find new things wether they are lost or antiques. Sweat pants and fuzzy slippers, CANDLES *Boy are those addicting* Like Doc have to have some pizza, Clay *I like to get my hands dirty* Hot apple cider, or Hot choclate, International Food Coffee, starlit skies, ghost stories, camping out, the fall, Halloween, and candy corn.
  5. Personally I think it will look wonderful with the coat...*sighs* Was this created with a pattern?
  6. Ravenous though still perturbed that Argus had ruined so fine a dream she caught sight of Alan making his way towards her just as she had finished ordering and ordered for him as well. As he smiled at her and bade her good morning she grinned and replied “It would have been better…” and left it at that. The kitten still mewled pitifully beneath the table and tried climbing up her legs causing her eyes to cross and her lips to pucker then grimace. This caused Alan to laugh, and soon her own laughter joined his. “Now tis a better morning.” She reached for the kitten and stroked the soft fur once then put him back down with orders to stay there. Argus woofed and sat up and she shook her head at both. Soon the serving wench was back and the meal was large indeed, Argus had his own bone from the kitchen and the kitten a small bowl of cream. Their own fare consisted of ham, bacon, sausage, eggs, toast, and crepes. The crepes of course being her favorites followed by sausage and toast then egg, she however did not touch the bacon. Seeing this Alan asked over this oddity and she just wrinkled her nose..”Too limp.” Sailors at a nearby table hearing this erupted in laughter and her face pinked charmingly but her eyes glittered with mischief. “I meant I do not like bacon that is not crunchy.” She tried valiantly to redeem herself but the damage had been done so she shrugged and fed her share to Argus who wolfed it down as if there were no tomorrow. A sound of thunder suddenly rumbled and she shifted, blue green eyes deepening with excitement..”A storm! Come we must hurry, we still have to reach the ship!” Rising hastily she hefted her sea bag now filled with purchases and the like and grunted as it now weighed more than she. Alan merely grinned shaking his head at her and finished his coffee before rising and hefting his own sea bag followed her and Argus out into the gray of the coming storm. But not before he had noticed the admiring glances Treasure had received, and then cursed as he stumbled over a mewling ball of black fur that was determined to not be left behind. He glanced to Treasure as she lifted her face to the storm winds then back to the kitten and knew she had wished to leave the kitten and yet the kitten had other more enterprising ideas. Shaking his head he stepped over the tiny ball and followed after Treasure watching Argus frolic at her heels and hid a grin as she stopped and waved impatiently for him to follow. Reaching her side they continued on through the town till the docks opened before them and lightning flicked from cloud to cloud like an angry serpent’s tongue. The sky now heavy and the color of pewter and he shook his head as Treasure seemed to enjoy the storms winds…”Isn’t it wonderful…it makes you feel so alive.” They moved to where some of the other crew had gathered and greetings were exchanged a few rubbing at Argus’s ears and laughing as the kitten fur in every direction bolted up.
  7. Perfume- Provocative Woman Lotion- Lavender Vanilla I have made for me though it’s been a long while..The lady who makes it let me name it so I called it DreamWillow. Or white tea.. Candles- Apple Cinnamon, Caramel, Spiced Rose Scents in general- GINGERBREAD! The way the earth smells before a rain and then after it rains, Leather, The sea, Fall, that crisp just before wintery scent, pine trees, new cars, baby scents, Vanilla, lavender, cotton candy
  8. Tis quite bewitching Bess and I really love the colors and the collar, and I would love to see pics of you in it...
  9. She shivered in her sleep as her dreams took a twist, hands slowly caressing, arching to meet them in pleasure. Lips and heated breath coursing over her ear, a gasp given, faces blurred before her, faces of those her mother had brought to train her, to have her follow in her footsteps. The pleasure heightened as warmth heated her skin and then a wet tongue coated her neck. She shifted halfway between sleep and desire when the wet kiss came again and she turned into it only to be blasted with doggie breath which brought her wide awake. “Argus!” Shoving at the pup who was more grown than not she looked to the window and realized the sun was breaking though the windows. She had actually slept good last night, sleeping like she had not done in a long time. Stretching she noted the kitten had nestled upon the other pillow during the night and lay curled up watching with huge green eyes and she realized he was purring. “It appears we all slept well though some of us could have slept longer.” She glared accusingly at the dog as she slipped from the bed and padded nude past the curtained window and began her morning rituals. Yawning she began to dress and gathering her things and packing them within. She moved over the room to make sure all of things had been packed, picking up the kitten and her bag she moved to the door. She was sure Alan was still asleep and figured to let him rest. Moving quickly down the stairs she handed back the key to the proprieter and sought the morning sunshine still somewhat grumpy about being wakened, but the morning was glorious and it quickly brought her round. Plotting her course she stopped by the markets and paid for enough bones and meats for Argus and bid them deliver it to the WatchDog, moved to pick up the rest of her new slops and such and purchase a gown of copper and black lace with black beading that had been left behind as the lady found herself with child. All the better for her for the gown was sumptious..Not that she would be able to wear such anywhere..still no one would ever see it but herself so what harm could it bring. Then she went to fetch her shoes and the rough leather ball that had been crafted for Argus and paid the laid a hefty sum for his troubles. Then she moved back to the inn and set the kitten down hoping he would find someone to take him, and yet as she sat at a table to await Alan and order some breakfast the kitten mewled plaintively and Argus whined “Nay absolutely Not! Captain will choke me or toss me overboard, as it is you are still on probation so do not be pushing it.” She glanced up and caught several eyeing her with amusement and she arched a brow at them boldly as if she did this everday. Then she settled back to wait ordering only a small ale and sipping upon it.
  10. Thanks Tom for trying to help it is greatly appreciate it as does my family. We are at our wits end and since it is considered life threatning I cannot get on insurance unless hopefully my husbands when open enrollment comes in October. We cannot apply for loans because already my medical bills are well over a hundred grand..The majority of that was from our accident..But that is why we cannot get a loan. The goverment will not aid us as they claim we make too much money. I have applied to charities and gone through every avenue I can find all to no avail..But im still looking. Lily..I was not going to post here, I feel really silly asking for help, if it's for others it's one thing..for me another. But I appreciate any and all that help wether it's with information, prayers or whatever. Bo..Your such a great person..I truly appreciate the thought..and your prayers are well met...Again it means much to me, to my family especially my wee one. Sincerely, The Black Syren
  11. ROFL...did you really shrink your slops? Oh to be a fly on the wall...Sorry that just really made my day! ^Loves letting her hair down and being silly with me *Psst...12 Doubloons, a musket and a ship for Jenny*
  12. ^Hopes his shoulder heals perfectly fine and able to return to duty. *Pssttt...Red Cat Jenny is for sale..Starting bid..12 Doubloons lol*
  13. WOW is that the face behind the tankard???? im loving the puppet..is it heavy? How did you make it..step by step..I think I need one to chase the kiddies...lol
  14. ^ Likes a good Bar-B-Que, a very cold Sam Adams and Rockabilly?!?!
  15. ^ Has a most wonderful pirate den and I am glad he shared with us his awesome endeavours...
  16. ^ Likes to tell Tall Tales...And Im never mischieveous...
  17. ^ Always has a tankard afore his face... Really has been very helpful and at times very funny..A wonderful sense of humor.
  18. Brownies and CHERRIES???!!!?!?!?...Please may I have extra cherries with mine..oh and some whipped topping? *Eyes glow at tht thought of such a decadent treat*
  19. Then they do not have me making them..Trust me I have learned or made up more new words than a Lady should know...Im getting ready to toss them outside...
  20. Suffering with a massive headache that is from yesterday and yes still have it. I HATE headaches...*Goes to crawl back in a dark quiet corner*
  21. ^ Also likes to write and is very good at it too..Oh did I mention she is funny and sweet...lol And a great multi tasker
  22. ^Has a wonderfully funny wit and likes the same things as I do...A wonderful friend!
  23. I like Red Sea Trade's idea. I too cannot attend PiP this year but perhaps next and I too wish for PC items to wear. So examples and such would be well met, that way we can all enjoy being PC.
  24. How did I miss this intriuging conversation of men in Tights and frocks? Do tell more...*eyes sparkle with much mischief*
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