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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. She mentally cursed herself as the silence seemed to thicken and lengthen, sought for a way to get the conversation going then decided that it was not a strained silence, but much like the ones with Alan…companionable and reflective. Argus quickly thumped his tail about clearly liking his new friend and seeing this she bit her lip and shook her head muttering about him being a ham beneath her breath. Robert hearing this arched both brows high and her blush tinted her cheeks farther as she pointed to argus..”I meant that to him not to you by any means.” As thunder again boomed she shivered with cold and listened to the men behind her singing wildly and with great cheer. Peering up at Mr. Hollis she remarked quietly “I did not mean to offend, my apologies if I have done so..my tongue oft outraces my brain and I have come to grow fond of the taste of crow.”
  2. She had meant no offense and merely sought to tease and make him more comfortable and yet he seemed slightly perturbed. Hastily she sought to ease the tension and as Argus snuffled and sniffed and took his time about deciding to accept Mr. Hollis or not she spoke “I grew up in Italy, was born there and my mother married an English Lord and we moved to England when I was around nine or ten. Now I live on the Dog and I have found I quite like to travel.” Again her smile came, gentle and yet her eyes were bright with curiosity as he spoke of the French. “French hospitality…I hope the food was at least appetizing.” Not wishing to make the man distraught she tossed back her wet braid and Argus finally sat on Mr. Hollis’s foot. “It appears he likes you…So what do you think of the Watchdog so far, and our wonderful Captain?”
  3. At once at ease by his jovial attitude she quickly shook his own hand, her grip firm and sure. As he cast forth his name she blushed and then laughed “Forgive me..Tis Treasure, Treasure Tribbiani. Most call me Treasure though my friends call me Syren.” Her tones were kept open and friendly not wishing to give a bad impression of either herself nor the Dog. “Tis a pleasure to meet you Mr. Robert Hollis of Rowner.” Her smile grew as she leaned towards him and whispered over the din “Where is Rowner if I may ask?”
  4. OHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYY! *Eyes go round as she spots her little sombrero stirrer* Takes a small sip and eyes close with bliss..."Oh this is good..really really good Thanks Darlin. *Takes the sombrero and sticks it in her hair behind her ear and grins*
  5. The rain felt cool upon her skin, her braid was soaked and lay sodden against her clothing, in fact she did not think there was a dry place upon her and this caused her to girlishly giggle. A familiar bump against her legs had her looking down and blinking at the rain which ran down her face in rivulets. Sneaking back under the tarp she patted Argus who sat upon her foot and raised one massive paw scratching upon her thigh. As his body weight shifted and he sought to rise he pushed her backwards and she found herself shoved into another. “Argus Down!” she commanded sharply then spun to quickly apologize only to come face to face with a new person. For a moment she was speechless as blue green eyes roved his face then finding her tongue spoke quickly “Forgive me, I was unaware of another behind me…and Argus is quite heavy when he pushes.” She gave a lopsided though fetchingly polite grin and spoke to the dog that now sat at her heels. “Smile.” Then the dog did, pulling his lips back from deadly canine teeth. “And this is Argus” she introduced. So caught up in her apology and introducing Argus she forgot to make known who she was.
  6. Once the others were singing again her voice drifted off she moved back to the rear of the canvas and folded her arms about her waist. The Dog was her home, these men her brothers, and she felt raw after singing such, letting her passions rule instead of her head. She inhaled deeply taking in the scent of the sea, the salt and familiar scent locked into her lungs for a space of two heartbeats before she released it. A slender hand coming to rest upon a barrel nearest her and lost as she was in her thoughts it took her some time to find herself hailed. Startled and blinking quickly to dispel the fog from her eyes she glanced up to spot Mr. Franklin. Paling slightly she tugged her forelock with respect and as he motioned to her she pulled further from her boisterous brothers in arms and lowered her head. “Sir?” She asked quietly, her heart wildly thumping in her chest wondering if perhaps she had yet again done something to anger him. Eric studied the lass that stood afore him, normally she was all fire even when holding herself aloof from the others there was a spirited fire within her. And now all he saw was submission, he did not know whether to be pleased or insulted as he debated her actions. He had also taken note of the sudden friendship with Mr. Woodington, the slight drawing forth from her cocoon. He studied her long enough that her head finally rose and hints of blue green peppered through black lashes. Aye and curious to boot, the lass was like the sea, her moods changing with the winds and yet he too had been touched by her song. With her looks and voice she could easily take the stage, but the Captain had saved her and brought her aboard. He knew not the story of the saving for neither spoke of it though he could guess. Seeing her eyes widen and her face lift up further he found he could not torment her further and spoke “Tha Captain sends his compliments…….” Then he smiled slowly “As do I.” That said he watched her eyes widen still more, a look of uncertainty and perhaps something fragile appear afore it vanished leaving him to wonder. “Thank…Thank you sir, and to the Captain as well.” It was clear he had shocked her but she seemed to recover quickly and straightened with a flash of the spirit he knew her to have and more firmly stated “Thank you., Anything else Sir?” “Nay Carry on.” Then he turned about leaving to find the new recruits and her still standing watching him leave. However nothing could stop the smile that graced her features nor lit her face as she stepped out beneath the canvas to whirl in the rain.
  7. yum yum...A peach margarita please.....
  8. Aye..Im still waiting for tamales, enchalidas, Fajita's and margarita's...*pets the colorful streamers she was shot with* Continues dancing about...
  9. As she settled within the coils she could still hear the music but her eyes closed as she listened to the muted strains of conversation about her, men she thought hiding a smile, some so easy to please. A group over her shoulder pleased that some favored lady had shown a bit of ankle, they spoke of her clocked stockings and the daintiness of her shoe. Another group spoke of purchases made and Alan was speaking of pipe tobacco and of how the young shop lad had tried to cheat him while she had made off like a pirate. That one took a wee bit to not laugh at but she managed it. So that was what had had him all disgruntled, and she had thought it had been the kitten. Thoughts of the kitten made her melancholy and she hoped he had made it out of the rain and to safety, free from the booted feet of men and the shod hooves of horses. Feeling somewhat unsettled she rose and made her way about the men and paused to stare out over the turbulent sea and tilted her head breathing deep, her voice when it came was soft, reverent. The words both soothing and yet haunted as she sang Ave Maria. The lull in conversation was not instantaneous, nor had she expected it to be, this was for her, a need to sing, a passion that would not be denied, a passion given voice to soar and lift. Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria, Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria! gratia plena, Vergin del ciel, Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Dominus tecum, sovrana di grazie e madre pia, Ave! Ave! benedicta tu in mulieribus, che accogli ognor la fervente preghiera, Ave Maria! Ave Maria! et benedictus non negar a questo straziato mio cor Ave Maria! fructus ventris tui, Jesu. tregua al suo dolor! Ave! At times there seemed to be such sorrow and anguish, her voice an instrument, talented, beseeching. Not a soul moved as the song was given life, all felt the tumult of the emotion that she gave life to, words that otherwise would have been flat upon paper became a living breathing thing as it sifted through so many’s emotions. Emotions she had long since held as she gave her voice the true power and range to do as it would. Each note was felt, the song pulled from her soul filled with grief, sorrow, joy. Things she could never express before others tumbled through the song, an outlet, a release. Sperduta l'alma mia si prostra a te, Sancta Maria, e pien' di speme si prostra ai tuoi pi Sancta Maria, t'invoca e attende Maria! che tu dedia Ora pro nobis nobis peccatoribus, la pace che solo tu poi donar. nunc et in hora Ave Maria! in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. Amen. As the last note resonated and died away lost to the storm and sea not many sat without feeling the music had somehow touched a part of them, many not knowing the words, not even caring, all seemed to know it was a song of worth. No one stirred and Alan merely studied the lone figure standing at the edge of the canvas, Ciaran watching her as well, as Alan looked to him he shrugged, "The lass has a gift, hers to use as she wills or not." As the thunder boomed it seemed to break the air of stupor that lay over the Dog and with a tearful smile she turned back to them and began a rowdy shanty that soon had all aboard singing again.
  10. Oh boy TWO dancers....Laughs as Silkie goes digging through her hat then tosses some smarties and tootsie rolls..."Heck with this I wanna dance!" Climbs atop another table and begins to dance as well...
  11. *Clears throat* Im still waiting for that dance Maeve....Points to the closest table
  12. I adore working there at Christmas...So much excitement and all the wee ones with eyes so bright, Aye tis wonderful...Im such a retail hound. Cept the Grinch took over and it's Bah Humbug...Oh well now Off to bed for dreary dredgery tomorrow.
  13. Oh yes..She stepped on one of her earrings as she had not noticed she had lost it..
  14. Went to put in a job application, now getting ready to attend my job in the morning that is no longer any fun..Can you take the Enchantment out of Toys R Us????
  15. Was too and spoke with Briar Rose, till my daughter stepped on something in the carpet and cut her foot...But I WAS there..Honest..Pirates word!
  16. Goes to follow orders and sees Silkie mutiny! Oi!!!!!!!
  17. Treasure laughed as the songs grew bawdy, cheeks filled with color, eyes dancing and alight with mischief. It had been long since they had had a chance to sing and dance such as this..why not since before the battle at sea she was thinking. She glanced to see Ajayi, he may not know any of the words but he did occassionaly tap his fingers. He had also aided her in the rigging that one shift change and then fought Tawny. And yet always was the big man seeming alone..Well till apparently Argus found his side. The big giant rubbed the ears of the dog and of course Argus was enjoying ever moment of it. As the song changed again she felt herself lifted up and dizzily glanced to see Ciaran take hold of her and then they danced about, thankful for slops and a westkit instead of stays and skirts she fell fully into the dance, enjoying herself as much as Argus. Suddenly an opening in the canvas and she led Ciaran out into the rain and tilting her face up laughed as they whirled faster before they had to slow down or risk injury. Breathless they darted back beneath the canvas just as lightning once more flashed overhead. Throwing herself back into her rope seat she smiled at Ciaran and thanked him for the dance. Jacques having not gone ashore came to her side bowing low and pointing and gesturing for a dance..Again pulled to her feet she danced with him, then danced with several others before she once more found her place in the ropes…”No more..Im all danced out..” she laughingly confided.
  18. Blindfolded..me? Hmm that could be dangerous...*looks about the Kate* If im to be blindfolded better make sure everything be safe afore I start swingin..
  19. Skips breakfast and takes a multi hued stick that seriously resembled an oar and goes to take a whack at Captain Lasseters Pinata
  20. Curiostiy killed the cat or so they say..but did not a cat have nine lives? The call from the Captain came and she slipped between her crewmates Argus at her heels till they could peer over the railing to take a quick peek at the new recruits. Argus barked from her side playing in the rain and she could hear someone strike a tune up on the harmonica. A song she knew well soon had her foot tapping a rythym and she glanced up to catch a glimpse of the Heron Illuminated against the storm, the waves tossing the Heron to and fro as was the Dog. A glint of light to her left had her turning slightly to catch a figure at the rail of the Navarra and a spyglass again trained upon them. Tossing her wet braid she moved back to the music and the canvas, Argus content in the rain for the moment. As the song broke out among her male counterparts she grinned and resumed her seat in the coil of rope. As Alan grinned and nudged her she turned curious eyes his way and caught Ciaran grinning at her as well and a single brow was arched high. “You can sing?” asked Alan who clearly looked as if to disbelieve such and she cast him a glare..”I can.” She replied succinctly. “Well then lass, you should sing with us.” Came the call from behind her and she swiveled but could make not make out who had called out the question. Sighing she rose and moved to the edge of the canvas and letting the music sweep over her for a few more moments lifted her voice to sweetly dance with the rich tenors and baritones. As the melody changed to a playful chanty her voice followed suit and soon they were all laughing and trying to keep up as the song became a round. Now it seemed that most had forgotten all about the rain till argus crept in and found space enough to shake his massive body sending droplets of water over all.
  21. Eyes Jenny's hat and looks up at her own blowing feather from her eyes and as the line shifts past Ransom sees her swing in for a Dora cupcake...Grins at Jenny's yell to Ransom and as the line tilts three points to starboard leans over to get her own cupcake and nearly drops it hearing Ransom began to stick to the floor..Eyes widen seeing her hop...stick....hop....stick...and tries to not laugh at the sticky bunny.
  22. Tilts head and eyes this bunny train.."Wait...my hat."Puts on her feathery party favor pirate hat and joins in! "Maeve is gonna dance for us later..." Passes by Lilly and drags her into the bunny train..*No use in not posting...now you can*
  23. Swings about to take in her gift with a hot pink bow and fights a grin..."Oh tis what I always wanted!" Hugs Silkie and takes her gift to place safely on the table... "Food dance..Im hungry"
  24. Hugs Ransom and gives her a handkerchief and a drink, yelps as Lilly squirts her and grins as William orders Silkie to put the crowbar down.. So anyone for dancing? Or Food?
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