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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Congratulations to you and how wonderfully sweet on such a rotten day. Best wishes to ye both! Huzzah!
  2. Tosses two more blueberries. I love the gingerbread pancakes. And yes do tell me when and where..it would be exciting to meet up if possible.
  3. Laughs chews the blueberry and sends one to Bunny..What two day? Or be I missing something? And A caravan of men..Now we be talkin!
  4. Hmm takes a blueberry muffin and a gingerbread pancake and rolls it to eat..Smiles at Lady Snow and whistles.."Then ye be lucky. Wish I were close enough and I would attend. Have fun and be careful. And Bunny ye have one as well. Dratted leg of mine prevents all the walking right now as they found another knot forming like the one I had when it broke the second time. Wish we had more faires here in Texas and definitley need more pirates in the Austin Area!
  5. Indeed..But will they feed us as well? Im ravenous.
  6. Hugs Bunny back and laughs..All lasses be welcome. Looks to Christine and shakes head no that she had missed nothing yet and eyes the strawberries with delight..
  7. Watches Bunny Dance and grins. Tosses her hair and goes for her zills and Begans dancing again. "To the dance!" Looks for Christine yet has her super soaker handy incase it is needed!
  8. These old posts are great...Roberta the Hood! Member that one Christine? When Morgan all but surrendered????? Oh the men can never stay away but for now..*puts in a cd* Slowly begans to move to the music undulating to the music...
  9. I think ye look ready to dance. *Rolls her hips slowly* Aye we need music..
  10. Now that tent be original..Look sto her tent then to the bloomered tent and strolls towards it gauzy veils fluttering about her....
  11. Aye Lets stick the tent up by the pool..Then all the lasses can dress in harem togs and we shall dance and be lazy and eat peeled grapes. Hurries to fetch the tent and start putting it up..fills it with pillows and scented inscence and changes and lounges wickedly upon a pillow.
  12. If it were me I would use the one Dead Men offered.." "N'ere go down without a fight"" Just seems appropriate for what you are describing.
  13. I HAVE YET TO SEE THE CEREAL..however I did buy the fruit snacks and my daughter won't eat them so i do..And I got my skull mouse for my pc today..!!
  14. Welcome back Privateer. Brings him a drink and some grub for he looks famished.
  15. Standin for eight hour shifts? Geez will they not let you sit down? "Hands over Tylenol..Have not taken any pain pills since my first sugery sorry darlin...*hugs* Passes over a heating pad well wrapped..
  16. Wow do I feel honored.. Plunder Me Cherry Can be a shot or glass Either way I like mine with Captain Morgans spiced Rum Three or four cherries if tis a glass and some of the maraschino cherry juice mixed in.. That is my preference and you can mix it however you like.
  17. * Laughs much and bows to Hurricanes wit* Well Done Sir and with a great sense of humor!
  18. Poor Hurricane...Will have to look for her on Classmates.
  19. Hmm I was flashed once..In High School. I looked at him..What else could one do? Tilted my head and then told him very professionally that 'My dogs was much much bigger." His friends laughed so much. He hated me after that, I cannot tell you how many times we were in the Principals office.
  20. Spider Rolls? Umm Ill just take a drink..*looks green about the gills*
  21. I added myself as well and there are not many Pirates in Texas either.
  22. Thanks Jill. I do have one dream that keeps reoccurring. It involves a horse and he is always the same in every dream..Black left white rear pastern is white and a white snip on his nose. And his name is Tempest. As for the lips thing..I had a customer one time tell me i had fat lips and another customer tell me I looked like Fran Drescher and now at work they call me fat-lip Fran. My lips are not fat they are just full..*grins*
  23. Was it human? Area 51 will be at Bikers abode shortly..Captured an alien he did. And Petee..Move over Luv cause Im right behind you..Lunch did not like that view at all........
  24. I bought a good size golden hoop from wally-World. it is 14kt and I paid $12.00 for them. Just a plain hoop however Hot Topic has some really cool stuff.
  25. Patrick I wish I were closer that is one Prank I would love to participate in. I can almost see their faces..One Pirate can be counting off spaces while another makes the map and the rest can follow the chest as it is dragged! That would be great! BTW The bunny one had me in stitches..
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