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James Smythe

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Everything posted by James Smythe

  1. Now seen it I have to say it definitely was better than 2 and 3. I didn't like the change in flags. I did like that they did try to do zombies the correct way (a man reanimated under the direct control of a bocor) and not the hollywood way (brain addicted flesh eater).
  2. My only real problem is that the ramrod likes to fall out. A small o-ring helps though.
  3. I will be seeing this Thursday midnight. I am hoping for a good result. You have made my day by saying it was better than 2 and 3. I can't wait.
  4. A new sword be on my list of things for purchase.
  5. Being a blend of PC and Hollywood I tread lightly on the subject. I don't mind the sparrow comments. I enjoy it when kids point me out and say "Jack Sparrow, mommy". I won't dog on people for not being PC because well I love my bucket boots. What kinda irks me though is the constant ahrr's I get. There is nothing really that can be done about it though because it is really the first thing that comes to mind with most people and pirates, so I just the subject lay.
  6. Going to PotC midnight IMAX showing.

    1. Cheeky Actress

      Cheeky Actress

      Master Smythe....where?!

    2. James Smythe

      James Smythe

      Pensacola m'dear.

  7. A welcome back to ye lass. You may not know me for I be new to these waters.
  8. Welcome aboard mate. As of the present I am not a true re-enactor, but more the enthusiast.
  9. I would like to obtain these.
  10. I am interested to say the least. I do have art ready for you also.
  11. I raise a mug to you mate. The comics are great.
  12. No need I am only purveying options for the new baldric I have been thinking of.
  13. With that in mind do you think the government will at least pay him fir what it might be worth?
  14. Left shoulder has a tribal wolf that I designed. I am currently refining the design of my next. I have plenty of scars. Each with a story.
  15. Many congratulations. If I can get my hands on the article I will enjoy reading it.
  16. If this is still open for sale I would like to ask the same.
  17. Blackbeard: America's Most Notorious Pirate by Angus Konstam I found this as a good read on Teach. It drew a lot of suppositions and theories on the blank spaces in the known history. I actually read this with the Blackbeard chapter of Captain Johnson's A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pirates and Under the Black Flag by David Cordingly. I like to cross-reference any piracy history with this book just so I can make my own postulations and theories. I would suggest this to anyone.
  18. The last photo was of a contest I enter at St. Pat's. Out of the six years I have entered I won five times. I plan on making a new vest and maybe a new long coat but I haven't found a material that speaks to me.
  19. Alright I think I will post a very brief set of pictures of my attire. But I think I will first do something kinda fun. I am going to post my first pirate costume that was the tip of the iceberg that got me into pirate enthusiasm. Mind you I always loved pirates but this costume started me living pirate. After that I began to modify it after the image of Sparrow. After getting tired of the Jack Sparrow comments I began to forge my own persona, James Smythe and have been breaking free of Jack elements. Before too much criticism comes my way for it still looking a lot like Jack these steps are small. But the basic idea is I am keeping what I like and changing out what I do not. The long coat is only good in winter. I like bucket boots so I upgraded them. I have two tricornes now. One desidely ship worthy and one that is not weather protected but looks really nice. The trews became green canvas. I made a belt and belt bag. Right now my bandana is a spare blue scrap (amazing how a different bandana stops the Jack references) until the hand dyed green one is done. I wear a piece of eight around my neck (off the Atocha wreck). I should in a few weeks be getting a package with a cartridge box and a few more things. I also have a ship's candle lantern coming in. And for those that might want to see a different side.... these are my pyrate trews in a different setting.
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