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James Smythe

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Everything posted by James Smythe

  1. After seeing this the first time some time ago. It has some really memorable parts.
  2. I plan on buying a few of these and I know I will be interested in the Lego PotC video game when it comes out.
  3. A quick question as it may be to all: As life finds me I have an interest in finding pyrate crews to affiliate with for the areas I find myself with. During the time I was in Atlanta I found the Atlanta Pirate and Wench Guild. I find myself in Mid-Missouri and Northwest Florida in great quantity and was also looking to find possible crews to affiliate with the area. As I see myself I am more of a wandering pyrate. Any aid would be appreciated.
  4. I would rather have to agree with this assumption. I agree as well. I read too much on Teach to not question this.
  5. So I have been looking around at sailboats for a while for later in life and started to think maybe I should look at boats that I could enjoy by myself if no one felt up to a cruise with me. I came across this maker of gaff rigged dingies. As much as being a pyrate in a dingy sounds demeaning these look like good fun. Does anyone have any input on these or just sailing one-man sailboats. Link Beetle Cat
  6. Round abouts in Rolla. I do plan on at least the St. Louis Pirate Festival.
  7. At the moment it would be Missouri.
  8. Ahoy and greetings to all, I be a little known pillager known as James Smythe. Growing up on the gulf gave me an early intrigue to pyracy in its forms and the habits grew healthy. Currently I have been land-locked but I due make my pilgrimages back when I can. I came in hopes of finding a community to aid in my needs for pillage and plunder.
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