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James Smythe

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Everything posted by James Smythe

  1. Very Interesting! Going to look at more of the props.
  2. Congratulations and rhum all around!
  3. Here's another trailer for anyone interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzIxECXjW1I&feature=player_embedded
  4. A lot of companies need to learn this lesson. A satisfied customer will tell their close friends, but an unsatisfied customer will tell the whole world !! They may be trying to redeem themselves. When I ordered my pair of Sparrow Customs, they answered my questions courteously. They took forever with my order though. The boots themselves were a tad big. They seemed more like 9 1/2 than the 9 I ordered. I also have a pair of Fugawee shoes from St. Augustine Textiles.
  5. Here is a trailer for a new movie by the makers of Wallace and Grommet. Looks interesting.
  6. Hmmmmm....... That's MAYBE a little more helpful than the dolts that work there !! :lol: Most often they have no idea at all where anything is. Thanx anyhow.... When I used to work there it was always near the craftpaints, spraypaint, and wood. I was a stocker. Also I prefer walking on the beach and letting the salt spray do its job.
  7. Nothing really in mind. Just been thinking of adding a couple of small trinkets since reading On Stranger Tides.
  8. Kind of interested to see if more voodoo related items show up.
  9. Looks like a good read.
  10. At events you can usually see me with either my pipe in my hat or enjoying a good drag. I smoke on occasion. I won't do cigs but a good cigar, my pipe, and sheesha are all nice.
  11. Very interesting.
  12. It's official. I now own buckle shoes along with bucket boots.

  13. I would like to become a faithful hand before the mast. Most who know me call me Smythe or Mister Smythe. At the moment I am in Rolla, MO but I also am in Pensacola, FL from time to time.
  14. Best of luck Swab.
  15. Throw me name into this game of chance.
  16. When my new flintlocks come in I will be updating this again. Complete with shoes... I have a feeling that I might only use them for historical pirate festivals. The boots are still my favorite. But hey you never know, the shoes might grow on me. Just good to have them when I need them.
  17. It's a possibility, but I need to know more first.
  18. How do I get a hold of this?
  19. The goods are good. I love me chart and baldric. Glad to see the site up.
  20. This is my most current incarnation of James Smythe. I am also with The Musical Blades in this one. Since this I have trimmed the baldric's extra length.
  21. Mine is a picture a friend snapped of me while I was a bit tipsy at St. Louis Pirate Festival and was trying on crowns.
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