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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Delightful. Tonight's special is Salmon in a Holandaise Sauce.
  2. William noted their surprise with a light smile and a raised eyebrow. "Captain...? Is that a question, Gentlemen?" William said with a false and pretended curtness, but he couldn't quite manage this note of seriousness. He turned back to the dingy to hide his smile, shaking his head as he surveyed the dingy. "This just won't do, gentlemen. This dingy is in poor shape. Will I find the Watch Dog in such a condition?" Then his mock inspection fell apart as he began to laugh a little under his breath. "Captain..." Mister Pew managed. "...where..." "Where have I been?" William finished for him. "I have been on a ride in handcarts and holds. Each one bound for hanging and Hell." He stepped forward then and clapped hands with each of them in turn, beginning with Mister Straw and on down until he had greeted them all. They exchanged a friendly silence, and that seemed alright for all of them. Explanations would come later or not at all. Like all dangerous and mysterious separations, once they were over they seemed unimportant. Still, before they could ask more of him, William ordered them to take him to the Watch Dog. "Gentlemen, if you please I should like to return to the ship."
  3. The Watch Dog bobbed gold and green on the water of a waning day and William stood in the strong wind carried off of the ocean, his hands planted firmly behind his back. He often stood this way on the quarterdeck and knowing he would stand on it soon caused him to fall into this unconscious stance. He was surprised to find that he had missed the Watch Dog more than he had the Hammerhead of previous years. The Hammerhead was so much larger and grander than the Watch Dog, but like an elephant on the sea, the Hammerhead had always lumbered on the waves. It had been almost too much to manage. The Watch Dog was a sleek and comfortable vessel. It was more akin to an animal of a hunting design. More like a dog. He longed for a spyglass.
  4. Add some hot cider to that fare and I'll take a good share of all at the table nearest the fire.
  5. Despite the hospitality of his hosts, William slipped away from the company of those who made up the politics of La Margarita. He did this with a polite care, making the excuse to stretch his legs and fill his lungs with the air along the shorelines. In truth, he needed the air. He wasn't fully recovered from recent weeks and he found the static surroundings somewhat confining. He wandered among shops and sailors for the better part of an hour before finding himself once again on the docks. Here, the smells and sounds of the sea revived him as they had always done. He made his way down one of the piers to watch the seabirds. It was here that his attention fell on a familiar boat. It was dingy like any other, but he had taken it ashore so many times since joining the Watch Dog's host that he couldn't help but recognize it. "Well, well, my little friend." he said aloud, raising his eyes and his hand to shield them as he scanned the wide ocean for the one true prize ship he hoped to find there. Even as he saw her he was removing his hat to wave as he strode to the utmost end of the pier upon which he stood. His smile quickening with each step. "Let this not be an apparition."
  6. Excellent. Aye. I was lamenting that I didn't have a picture of that. Thank you, lass. Poor Kip. I ran the old soldier right through.
  7. You are a good mine, Mister PEW.
  8. William bowed his head but a little and smiled the warmest smile in his arsenal of smiles. It lit his eyes and face and he was at once a different countenance when he used it. "My pleasure."
  9. Well, I have finally returned home from PIP and New York. I had a fine time. The festival was quite entertaining and I enjoyed camping at the fort very much. I was lucky enough to meet many fine pirates form on and off the Pub, including, but not limited to, Jim Warren, Jim's wife (I want to say Patricia, but I've forgotten if that is correct), Braze, Raven, Kip, Harry, Shea, Anne Bonny, Cascabel, Yellowbeard, Willie Wobble, and Patrick Hand. I may have met others without realizing it and I've forgotten more than a few names, but here are some pictures... http://photobucket.com/albums/c327/William...aradise%202005/
  10. Aye. Here are my pics... http://photobucket.com/albums/c327/William...aradise%202005/
  11. William waited patiently while information was gleened and then explained. He removed his hat once to whipe his brow as he listened, occasionally interjecting with a question or comment, clarifying the details that passed between them. He ran his finger along an old scar on his left hand. "Where do we go from here?"
  12. I'm the strikingly handsome one... ...or the guy in the tricorn hat.
  13. I'll have a plate of brisket and a hot cider.
  14. Having camped with Patrick I have to say... ...damn fine kit, Mate. Aye. Damn fine.
  15. That's me and Mike on the second cannon that you can just barely see in the smoke on page two.
  16. The event was wonderful. My many thanks to Harry at Fort Zachary Taylor for allowing us to sleep inside the fort. He and the rest of the Friends of Fort Zachary Taylor were wonderful to work with and spend time with. It was fun to spend time with Patrick Hand in our campsite. His Buccaneer Project gear is turning out really well. Cascabel did a great job in the trial and I enjoyed meeting him and others. I will post pictures as I can. I'm still travelling about.
  17. William spent his solice in quiet contemplation, planning his future and the future of the Watch Dog with care. He was glad to be going home to her again. She was a fine ship and well peopled. He laughed aloud at the idea of being home sick for a small island of wood and canvas bobbing out there in the wide unknown.
  18. It has been an eventful trip so far. Mike, Andria and I left for the Salt Lake City International Airport at 6:00 A.M. to catch a 7:15 flight. We arrived and checked in our luggage without incident, but I failed to place my tent stakes in the proper bag and I was forced to leave the security line and check in my carry on luggage. After we settled on the plane we were informed that the flight would be delayed do to mechanical difficulties. This put us in Phoenix an hour and a half late, causing us to miss our connecting flight into Fort Lauderdale. The airline has put us up in an AmeriSuite hotel room and we missed the End of Hurricane Season party. Our luggage is in limbo. Sigh. More updates as they happen.
  19. Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick only days now.
  20. Delicious fare. A very happy Thanksgiving to all.
  21. The Misfiteers. The Jolly Roger-Dodgers. The Faire Weather Fiends. The Beachcombers. The Festivalians. The Able Seamen The Barnacle Brute Mob The Longshoremen. Soooo many choices.
  22. Please, do. I may not be around for much cooking.
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