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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Which thread is the buckle thread? I must be blind, but still very curious.
  2. "Prepare to swing out the cutter! Cutter crew amidships!" William walked the length of the gundeck and back to the quarterdeck shouting orders as he went and pointing with his spyglass towards the subject of each and every order. "Secure that line! You there! Look lively! Let's not waste time and strength better spent ashore!" William noted the presence of Armand and sent for his steward.
  3. When William was satisfied that they were as close as they could come without being under the range of the fortress guns, he left the rail and joined Mister Warren at the wheel. "All hands prepare to square away and drop anchor! Lend a hand, Mister Warren. I'll have the handling of the wheel for the moment." The crew gathered to the weatherdecks. The Watch Dog was now as close to La Margarita as the Captain wanted her for the present. "SQUARE AWAY! DROP ANCHOR!"
  4. "Ayyyye, Mister Pew. You have unearthed a small treasure." William spread it out as best he could and examined it against his memory of other charts in their care. It was inaccurate in some ways, but overall, it demonstrated a grand perspective of the surrounding seas in relation to all the major islands of the region. "I shall add it to our improving collection. Thank you, Mister Pew."
  5. The giant squid thread put me in a mood. CALAMARI!
  6. Redd Oktober has a mad squint he does. Arrrr.
  7. The plane tickets to Key West are in my grubby little hands. (Insert evil, maniacal laugh here)
  8. "Armed enough to look official. Blades and a simple arms for each man. Take Mister Warren with you when you go. I should like him to make observations on the depth and materials that comprise this port. I would very much like to verify my limited information on La Margarita. The charts are frightfully poor in regards to the reefs and perils of the area, if there be any." William folded up his spyglass and stood awhile in thought, his hands behind his back. He paced the quarterdeck for several minutes while Mister Lasseter made recommendations on those men who should go. William simply nodded at each name suggested. "When your courtly matters are finished, please see to those market houses that will buy the Danzig goods."
  9. "Thank you, Mister Lasseter." William said, not taking his eye from the glass. "I am very well indeed. I have a dispatch to be taken to the Spanish before I can proceed with any other plans. Armand has kindly offered his services in our regard and I am inclined to take him up on his offer." William leveled his spyglass at each fort for a time before continuing. "I wonder if you wouldn't like a trip ashore. It is fine weather for a cutter voyage."
  10. Here's a story on a 60 footer. http://archives.cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/...ustralia.squid/
  11. The sun on the water is bright when William reaches the quarterdeck. La Margarita can be seen just off the Larboard bow and there can be no mistaking the two fortifications there for mere rocky outcroppings. Several large ships are at anchor and not a few dozen fishing boats mill about near the docks. There is a liveliness to the port they haven't enjoyed for weeks. "Mister Pew! The lead if you please!" William takes out his spyglass and makes note of those ships at anchor and of their armaments. "A great many sails." He says to no one in particular. "Mister Youngblood. I should like to have a third of your gun grew on the gundeck."
  12. William awoke during the sounding of the sixth bell and quickly dressed. He stood over the sleeping Ajayi for a time, perplexed as what to do with the sleeping giant. Ajayi had made a place for himself right in front of the ward room door. He was forced to step over him to gain the companionway. The Captain made his way to the galley where he greeted Constance and the Monsignor. They sent him forward fed and ready to begin the tasks of testing new waters, both political and actual.
  13. For one who obviously has wealth, you think that she could have afforded a left-handed gun...some look at clothes I look at the guns. The outfit is beautiful, though. Some look at the clothes. Some look at the guns... ...I look at the woman. The outfit and gun are nice as well.
  14. "I except, and with gratitude. Any assistance that you may offer would be greatly appreciated. I shall send Armand with the first landing of the cutter." William Refilled their glasses and toasted their good health. When they were finished, he ordered them to their beds for the rest needed in preparation of long days and 'tedious' matters.
  15. "Little." William did not expound. He didn't have to. It was as definitive a word as he could find to explain his limited experience in the Spanish court. He had no real understanding of Castillians beyond hearsay and third party anecdotes. He had known his share of Spaniards, and those he had known were not what he would call tedious, but court was always another matter. The upper crust of any society was tedious to William since he had never believed in classes or nobilities.
  16. William raised an eyebrow. "I am almost afraid to say. It seems that you know everyone I meet of late. For all I know, you just may be a Spanish ambassador in disguise." William smiled and sipped his wine a moment, wondering why the Doctor had chosen to have Armand remain. "The sealed dispatch has the name of one Don Francesch Manuel Vasquez. I know nothing more than the name. I've been led to believe that this man has an interest in obtaining our Mister Scully."
  17. "I have no such accord on this side of the Atlantic. And on the other side my accord is small. I hope to improve it with the delivery of Mister Scully. It has been recommended to me that I will obtain some favor if I should deliver Scully into Spanish keeping." William sipped his glass. "Of course this comes from Fournier."
  18. "You may inquire." William poured three glasses, passing one of them to Tempest and one to Armand. He sipped before continuing. "I am exchanging Scully for favor in these waters. And since I wish to limit my visits to land, I shall also reprovision at La Margarita and sell what goods we may there. The Spanish are as good a buyer as any, but since you you ask why, may I assume that you have concerns you would like to address?"
  19. "Aye, Doctor. I am available for the present. Shall we retire to the ward room?" She nodded and he put out his arm, gesturing for her to procede. When they arrived at the ward room, Ajayi came to his feet. His head knocked ever so slightly on an overhead beam as he stood and William was again surprised at his height. He wondered if he would ever get used to it. This man made Simon Powell look small. William went around to the other side of the table and fetched two glasses.
  20. "Very good, Monsignor. Keep a tight tab on our needs and be prepared to make arrangements for reprovisioning the store once we are ashore. We should be able to replenish our water before it becomes a problem." William went the Master at Arms. "Good day to you, Mister St. Anthony. I would like to make an unusual request. I believe that Ajayi, our large newcomer, would feel more at home aboard the Watch Dog if we were to provide him with a weapon. I know that it is unusual to arm any member of the crew when not under threat, but I trust my instincts well enough. Would you please find him a blade befitting his size?"
  21. Ajayi slept where he had sat hours before, near the door. He was as quiet in sleep as he was when awake. He lay on the floor in clothes that were too small for him. William stepped passed him and into the companionway, making the quarterdeck in the light of the afternoon. He went first to the helm where he discussed the heading and bearing of the Watch Dog. Then he met with the Quartermaster and Monsignor to discuss the remaining supplies and necessary provisions that would have to be procured on La Margarita.
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