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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. "I don't believe we are. I don't believe we are, Mister Lasseter." "Cap'n...?" William turned to the Quartermaster. He made to speak several times, but shook his head instead. "Is something the matter, Cap'n?" "Not yet, Mister Lasseter. Something is troubling me. Unfortunately, I don't know what it is that is troubling me, but I trust my instincts. When I go ashore, I shall leave you here and in command of all. I cannot remain here and miss what opportunity might be gleaned by going, but should I not return, please send this port to Hell." "With pleasure, Cap'n." They both smiled. "Armand. A word if you please." Armand broke off his conversation with Miss Smith. He made his way over to the taffrail. "Capitaine." "I have been on many oceans, Armand. Many oceans. I have commanded on more than one occasion. And whenever I enter unknown waters, I like to test for sharks." "Capitaine?" "The best way to test for sharks is to make one's self vulnerable. To spread a little of one's own blood on the water. I may sometimes seem foolish, even uncultured, or clumsy in my conversation. Trust me when I say I am not. I am testing the water. I would appreciate it very much if you would not apologize about me or for me in front of my crew to a stranger, again." "Capitaine, it was not my intention to..." William held up a hand. He smiled warmly. "I am not angry. You have never done anything except what you felt you had to do. You have taken your share of risks, and since you are here, you probably will again." He clapped his hand on Armand's shoulder. "Just don't run away with my Steward." Armand's smile was broad.
  2. How Captain Scully managed to still look haughty and superior under such conditions, William would never know. It seemed that no time spent below could take the edge of of his arrogance. "Vat is this?" he spat. It also seemed that no time spet away from him could ease the crew's mutual dislike of him. Mister Lasseter gave him a hard shove. Miss Smith's hand was on one of her pistols. Mister Badger had a hard smile that said, 'Five minutes alone'. Mister St. Anthony's eyes were cool, calculating. William stood slowly. His smile was unpleasant in it's dangerous patience. "Mister Scully, may I introduce the emissary and brother of one Don Francesch Manuel Vasquez."
  3. "Aye, Mister St. Anthony. Grevious." William looked at Senor Vasquez with a nod and a smile that was sympathetic. "My good, Senor, I believe that we must certainly have the man you are looking for. He seems to cause death wherever he goes. My crew...patient in the art of killing...have begged me often for the gift of shooting our good Captain Scully. He is a man of singular irritation. The dislike for him is contageous. We are become a plague ship with this infection aboard. I should very much like to be rid of him. As for proof... Mister Lasseter. Please bring our guest to the ward room."
  4. "Forgive me, Senor Vasquez, but my credibility is a glass half empty and half full. I am little more than a merchant in regards to matters of court. It is not my desire to offend. I am merely speaking as plainly as I can. As I said, my many thanks to Don Vasquez for his consideration. I cannot pretend that I understand those procedures of Spanish court beyond introduction and farewell. I know nothing of the middle." He paused, refreshing the glass of Vasquez. He smiled, wearing a face void of guile or disdain. He was at his most common, and once he had smiled, he smiled again. "You have a question, Mister St. Anthony?"
  5. "Thank you." William let a silence pass between them for a long time. It was long enough to make the room uncomfortable. Then he added, "When?"
  6. The small party reached the ward room to find Mister St. Anthony already waiting there. The Captain began making introductions once further guests joined them around the table. "Let me introduce you to my Steward, Miss Smith." Miss Smith, who was just entering the room with Armand, looked a little flushed, either from the company of Armand or the introduction. She curtsied formally and Vasquez bowed, no less surprised than previous visitors to find a woman serving as Ship's Steward. "This is Armand, who served as messenger to our dispatch." They exchanged pleasantries. Armand did so with grace and he seemed to be in his element, or at least more so than most of them in the room, although Mister St. Anthony carried himself with a certain bearing befitting court. William introduced the others, beginning with Mister Lasseter and ending with Mister St. Anthony. After all were introduced, William invited them to sit and he passed each a glass, beginning with Vasquez. "No doubt, you have come to discuss our dispatch. Please feel free to discuss any matters openly before the officers present."
  7. Sick as a dog. Stupid flu. Hell hath no furry as...a...a...achoooo!
  8. Red Hawk trading makes some fine tents if anyone is looking for one. http://www.redhawk-trading.com/baker-tent.htm
  9. "My apologies, Armand. My mind was elsewhere. I should, of course, need you there during the discussion." He watched them go below and returned to his gathering thoughts. There was much to do, and William found that he enjoyed the tension of command. There was a comfort in restless details and the order derived from chaos. He paced about the quarterdeck, noticing with a smile that Mister Youngblood did the same. Only Petee remained stationary. His pipe did all the pacing.
  10. Heaven forbid. You should have seen how well kept 'THE KNIFE' was. It didn't look a day over fifty. Erika had no intention of ever selling it.
  11. "Aye, Mister Lasseter. Please extend my invitations to both." William stood awhile with his spyglass behind his back tapping one foot on the deck as he drifted into strategies both small and large. He was in his thoughts when Miss Smith returned to make further inquires. He was a long time in responding. "Thank you, Miss Smith. You may join us at table if you wish. Finery and pistols if you please."
  12. "Very good, Mister Lasseter." William turned to his steward. "Miss Smith, please prepare a bottle and light fare for our guests and see to the ward room. The place could use some airing." William took out his own spyglass and watched the small vessel as it made its way over the port waters. "Mister Lasseter. Prepare to receive our guests. I should like you, Mister St. Anthony and Mister Badger to join us in the ward room when they arrive."
  13. I was with my friend Jonas one day, visiting his girlfriend when Jonas turned to Erika and said, "Show William 'THE KNIFE'." I sat up a little, "Yeah, show me 'THE KNIFE'." She went to a drawer and took out a box filled with soft cloth and unwrapped a damascus kris knife. It's was easily the best made knife I'd ever seen and I said so. Jonas said, "Tell him where it comes from." It seems that one of her great, great, great grandfathers was a commisioned privateer who was hired to destroy a Thai pirate ship that was pressing the shipping lanes of one of her majesty's foreign ports. He sailed part way round the world and stormed the ship. He fought the Thai pirate captain face to face and after gutting him, he took 'THE KNIFE' from him. I never wanted to kill anyone more and take their stuff.
  14. William awoke with an effort. He had been lost in dreams as pleasant as any he had ever known, and the waking world had robbed him of great rewards and peace. Still, he removed himself from his warm bed and bathed his face in cold water. He donned his coat and hat and took up the Mortuary sword, which he now called his "Lasseter" for the man who had gifted it to him. He liked the way the name sounded on the sword. Lasseter, like laceration, had a cutting sound to it, and it went well with the blade. Once he had achieved the quarterdeck, he found many members of the crew gathered amidships to watch the approach of a small boat. Mister Youngblood was there, reminding the men not to crowd the gundeck with so much gawking. He shooed them away from the rail and bid the gun watch stand at attention, the whole while packing a pipe. Mister Lasseter was at the quarterdeck and Mister Badger was borrowing his spyglass to watch the small boat's approach. "Good morning, Gentlemen. What news?"
  15. Cool. I own a doctor's bag from Richard Chamberlain's run as a doctor on the Kildare series.
  16. Double doubles with cheese for the Monsignor... ...and some eggdrop soup for the lady. I know how you feel Christine. My skull weighs thirty pounds heavier this morning.
  17. Miss Smith intercepted Simon as he was headed into the companionway to give the Captain his coat. "Thank you, Mister Powell, but the Captain is resting. I shall see that he receives his coat when he awakes. Please thank Kendra for her work." She turned to leave and then remembered other needs and called Simon back again. "Mister Powell, I wonder if you would ask Miss Kendra to see to the needs of our new crew members. Miss Wardell and Mister Gage are in great need of additional clothes, and Ajayi is large enough that no clothes we have found are fit for his frame. Kendra's sailmaker skills may be more appropriate to Ajayi than her tailoring. Please ask her to visit with them at her convenience."
  18. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...6lr%3D%26sa%3DG Case, Onion, Rum and wine bottles.
  19. The previous day and night had been a mix of success and failures. Miss Smith was able to secure a place for Ajayi outside the ward room in a space provided in the holds. It was insufficient for his height, but given the fact that he could stand upright nowhere aboard ship, this was not an accommodation she had considered. Still, it gave Ajayi ample room to stretch out and move about. It also afforded him more privacy than most aboard enjoyed on such a small ship. He seemed pleased and even rewarded her with a smile, once he understand why he had been coaxed there. Blankets and some extra personal belongings that could be scrounged together were added to a large bag for Ajayi's use. It contained a wooden bowl, horn spoon, soap, an extra shirt and other sundries. He excepted all graciously and took to his new lodgings at once. The Monsignor and the Captain conversed at length on the subject of provisions. Much had been used recently under the charge of the Monsignor, to the delight of all. William reassured the clergyman that all would be restored very soon, but reminded him that some of his dishes, while delicious and hearty, were all too consuming in their ingredients, advising the Monsignor to curb his recipes to simple sustenance. The lavished meals of late were too much too often. He had asked him then to let the law of the galley be 'Heavy with some flavor in the morning. Light fare by day. Rich, rewarding meals of variety in the evening.' Upon the return of the cutter and those crew members with it, William had retired to the ward room for discussion and deliberation. The conversation had been brief and less than he had hoped for, but he was not without much thanks for the risks and efforts of all concerned. He ordered everyone and himself to some food and rest before beginning any other efforts or adventure. He heeded his own order with no small enthusiasm.
  20. After too long a time pacing the decks, the Captain retired to the lower holds to make an examination of the ship's stores. It was true that Mister Lasseter had already preformed this duty, but William found that he couldn't sleep. When this task was done he made his way to the Doctor to make inquiries about the new crew member still under her care. He learned there that the man was recovering well, but had remained very quiet during the few hours he was awake. Little had been learned of him. This brought William to other thoughts and he went in search of Mister Pew.
  21. "No, Miss Smith. I have no appetite. Please see to your own needs and have some food taken to Ajayi. You will find him bedding down on the ward room floor." She gave him a questioning look, but said nothing. "You might find some place for him to bed down befitting his size. I cannot be forever stepping over sleeping giants. I do that already as it is." Captain Brand paced the gun and quarterdeck for several hours after. He seemed restless and was ever looking out at the illuminated harbor. When questioned on his agitation, he would only give trite and restricted answers. He didn't like sending good people into the unknown. He had done so before and with the worst of results.
  22. Loved the movie. I even made Blue Sun t-shirts for all my friends.
  23. William watched the final preparations in and around the cutter. He thanked Mister Youngblood for preparing a watch roster for the gunnery crew. "Mister Lasseter. You may go ashore at your leisure." The Captain's Steward arrived with a satchel containing several documents and some of the ship's purse. He went through the contents, careful to note those documents which might secure good favor in these waters. He presented them to Mister Lasseter and Armand. "Speed, but caution, Gentlemen. Speed, with caution."
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