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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Aye, for a recovering pyrate, anything.
  2. Patrick Hand Captain Jim Cascabel Braze Willie Wobble
  3. William nodded, resigned to the absolute requirement of duty that his Quartermaster subscribed to. "Thank you, Mister Lasseter." He stood aside with the letter that was given to him and went near a lamp to read it by. He read it not once but three times, always careful to consider every word written in documents of this nature. He had learned this lesson the hard way in the past, owing his entire career as a wanted man to a mistranslation. After reading it, he carefully tucked it away in a pocket of his new coat. He asked Miss Smith to fetch him some water and he remained at the rail pondering the many things to come. All about him, Mister Lasseter was questioning those he thought most able to attend to the necessary duties of the ship.
  4. The dancing went on until most of the crew was either too exhausted to stand or too drunk. William was more the former than the latter, careful to drink very little. He and Tudor were some of the few not heavily drowned in the mirth of rum, but that didn't bother William. Let them have their celebration. Miss Smith pointed out their obvious overindulgence, but William just shook his head and showed little bother. "Given the degree to which they took to the music and drink, they must have been in great need of it. They are too sober and diligent in their duties to go very long unrewarded. Besides, I enjoyed watching a few dance themselves right over the rail. And the rescues were equally funny." William spied Mister Lasseter and motioned him over. "My good man." he began, placing a hand on the Quartermaster's shoulder. He wanted to say something profound to the man who had served so well in his absence. And even more, he wanted to express his heart felt joy at seeing him again as a friend, but the words failed him. Instead, he just smiled. He was almost certain that he would never have to explain his brotherly feelings towards Mister Lasseter. Some things never needed to be said. True friends understood without explanation, so he talked of other things. "We have much to discuss, but my orders for the day are as follows. First, no one shall work any more than they wish to work. Second, the watches shall be kept, but be kind enough to invite volunteers for the lookouts. And do try to pick the sober ones for that duty. Also, once you have chosen the watch, you are ordered to bed, Mister Lasseter. You seem thinned by too little sleep." William put an arm across Miss Smith's shoulders and smiled at her and Mister Lasseter. "I am glad that both of you are well. Forgive my long absence. I was careless." William would have said more, but he didn't want to dampen the mood that still carried from the night's merry making. "Will you tell us what happened to you, Captain?" Tudor asked. William nodded. "I will share all that I know with the crew on the evening next."
  5. "The prospect of sharing a private bottle while having my health confirmed never sounded more inviting." He chuckled a little then. "As for Mister Lasseter, I was ever certain that he would carry on well in my absence, and I am proud to see that even my trust in him fell short of the mark. He really does take great pains to exceed my expectations. I do believe he prides himself in being better than I give him credit for." William said, shaking his head a little at the healthy and happy chaos on the deck. "I shall have to speak with him about his excess in fulfilling all of my orders. Any normal man would be satisfied just to do what little was required of him, but not our Mister Lasseter. His perfection in duty requires me to cheat death just to measure up to him." William smiled again. "Between your estimation of the French and Mister Lasseter's constant over achievement, I shall have to weigh myself in larger balances." Just then the music changed to something more lively than before. Jack was doing his best to maintain a rather exhaustive canter around the deck and William was suddenly overwhelmed with a desire to dance. He stood away from Tempest and bowing low with hat in hand he begged her for the honor of a dance. When she agreed he replied. "Excellent. In this I thing am guaranteed to surpass the Quartermaster." They enter the dancing at a gallop and were soon swinging about among the rest of the crew. Once, they nearly knocked the Blacksmith clean off his feet and just managed to dodge an enthusiastic pair of dancers made up of Constance and Mister Straw. Ciaran tried to cut in, and William almost wouldn't have it, but he finally acquiesced. Left without a partner, William went immediately to Miss Smith and rather than asking her to dance, he ordered his Steward to help him keep himself on his feet so that he wouldn't embarrass himself in front of the others, which proved to be an exaggeration, as he was as light on his feet as he had ever been. More than once he carried her off her feet as they made a turn on the deck. Soon they were all dancing and stealing one another's partners as the night when on, and the music and laughter played as it was carried across the waters to where Muller lay awake in the dark hold of Le Requiem.
  6. He smiled. "You flatter me, Doctor." He followed her gaze over the dark water and back again. "I should love a shared glass or two, but I cannot tell you about all which transpired in my absence. They bludgeoned me unconscious once too often. I will try to explain those hazy details that are left in my memory. As for Jean-Micheale, he is as good a companion as I have known and an able soldier of the sea. I count myself lucky for having known him, but give me the less polished Lasseter over Jean-Micheale." He gestured with a nod in the direction of the Quartermaster. "Has he slept and eaten enough during my mysterious absence?"
  7. William shook his head slowly. "This ever present obsession with Capitaine Fournier and the French is bound to make me jealous, Miss Fitzgerald. I allow myself to be shot and days later, Fournier interrupts my recovery under your good care. I rescue the Danzig and her crew and I shower them with mercy and the finest virtues of kindness and your attention falls to the French yet again. Now, so recently returned from abduction and the assurance of a hangmen's noose, I find myself once again but a shadow under the towering distraction of the common French officer." William clutched his chest in mock injury. "I shall learn the La Marseillaise post haste and endeavor to increase the laces in my doublets."
  8. She seemed at once composed again, though he suspected that there might be more to her first reaction than she wanted to speak about. Still, he asked no more questions, but followed the course of the conversation to wherever it might lead. "I am in his debt and it would be impolite not to see him again. Also, there is cargo I must collect in the form of a traitor kept prisoner aboard his ship. The betrayer Augustus Muller is in his keeping. He is enjoying the hospitality of Le Requiem's holds, and pondering on those stories that he has heard of me."
  9. He enjoyed the flush in her cheeks, but her second reaction gave William pause. He turned to her in order to speak without his voice carrying, gaging her body language and reading her face for unspoken thoughts. "Indeed. It was my good fortune to be discovered by Fournier among those pirates misfortunate enough to fall under his eye. Does that trouble you?" He looked back over his shoulder towards the harbor and the sleeping frigate there.
  10. I was born in blood and water, so it seemed fitting. Besides, as a redhead, I look good in black.
  11. "Our relationship was not so intimate that he spoke of his origins, though his accent speaks of climbs both French and of good breeding." William smiled and kissed her hand a second time while he had it. "Though I might ask Fournier when I seem him next. I am certain that he would know where his surgeon comes from." William was surprised by a sudden friendly attack from Jack, and he laughed as the man spiraled off with the tailor.
  12. He squeezed her hand gently and after a moments pause he simply said. "The departure was sudden and revealing, the journey arduous and filled with despair and resignation, but the homecoming is worth more to me than all of the adventure combined. However, I must apologize, my good Doctor. In a fever brought on by exposure, famine and a profound fatigue, I allowed another surgeon to nurse me back to health. His care, while attentive and appreciated completely lacked your special charm and lovely healing hands." He smiled again and kissed her hand as he had Kendra's.
  13. William was surprised by the number of instruments and musicians that gathered on the gun deck. He had been mistaken in his estimate of talent among the crew and was glad for it. Before long there was a song playing as good as any one might hope for at an inn or tavern. Feet were tapping in no time at all and William lifted the rum ration so that they might partake more liberally. Lucky Tuck was in the middle of a joke as blasphemous as it was funny when William noticed that Tempest had come into the throng. He smiled warmly, making his way toward the ship's surgeon. "Good evening, Doctor."
  14. My parents bought me this last year... I didn't know what to say. Part of me really wanted to ask them if they kept the receit, but they were so excited for me to open it.
  15. William was lowering his glass as the final 'Huzzah!' trailed off to find the ship's tailor before him bearing gifts. He admired the offering, saying nothing at first. Then, shedding his own borrowed coat and handing it over to his Steward, William drew on the new garment. It was a tailored fit and he liked the weight of it on his shoulders. He brushed the men back with a gesture and walked a tight circle in his new raiment, allowing all of the a chance to admire Kendra's work. There followed a mix of approving murmurs, some jibing oos and ahhs, and one not so subtle comment about Gentlemen and scented handkerchiefs. A laugh followed and William wagged a chiding finger, turning back to Kendra. "The craftsmanship is worthy of higher courts than this." William said, then took her hand and kissed it. "Thank you." If she blushed in the lamp light, he couldn't be sure. He turned away from her, taking up a tankard again and after it was filled anew he raised it up. "A toast. To the Watch Dog! May she ever remain while there is any of us left who wish to return home to her!" The answering replies were varied in the affirmative as William called for the Master Carpenter and others to fetch instruments to the gun deck.
  16. Yes, and I own one in my backyard.
  17. William came aboard amidst a mix of silent smiles and not so silent cheers. He was helped aboard by the cutter crew and those on deck. Miss Smith did him the formal courtesy of saluting so William removed his hat slowly, smiling and bowing low as he did so. "Miss Smith." They shared a smile between them as the deck filled with all of the remaining crew members of the Watch Dog. Mister Lasseter, ever vigilant in the discipline and order of the ship, ordered the cutter crew toward all the tasks required to stow the small boat. William tipped his head back to give the lookouts a nod. He returned his gaze to Miss Smith, who stood at more attention than most on the deck. "Miss Smith..." he began again, but in too good a mood to give any orders he didn't finish. Instead, he looked about the sea of waiting faces and nodded. "Thank you, all." and then, "Thank you, kindly." A dipper was handed to him from a bucket at the ship's waist and William drank deeply from it.
  18. "Thank you, Mister Lasseter." William exclaimed as he shook the man's shoulder, "Lads! Ladies! It does me well to see you all in such good spirits and good health." William came aboard, welcomed by many supporting arms. He was glad for them. He wondered if he looked thinner to them or if they could see the wear from weeks past, but then he shook this wonder away, knowing that much of his tribulations and appearance had been fed and rested into memory by the hospitable care of the French. He found a place among them and looked about with a smile he didn't mind showing. He would have said more, but he now that he was in their company again he could not think of anything to say at present. He just slipped his hat off once to smooth back his hair and replaced it again. They flew over the water with an ease that belied much recent practice with the cutter and showed how well they were learning to navigate the sleek vessel. He admired the way they tacked and changed the lines and tiller to best manage the wind they were provided. Under the management of Mister Lasseter and Mister Warren, they were under the Watch Dog's lamp lights. Ciaran was aloft and waving and many were at the rail, including Miss Smith. William removed his hat to nod in her direction.
  19. Foul Temptress. I'd consider going to that.
  20. As the cutter parted the Watch Dog's company, William could just make out the bearing of several familiar forms. The cutter swung away from the Watch Dog at speed and the gap between the two small boats closed rapidly. William dared to stand in the small boat long enough to tip his hat. "Mister Lasseter. Gentlemen. How are each of you this fine night?"
  21. Luck and occasionally Photoshop.
  22. You must attend very soon. The camping was perfect. No insects. Warm evenings. Fair wind. Shooting stars.
  23. William looked back at the high and almost hidden estates of the Don as the three men rowed away from the dock. Many course were laid out before him now and his mind would have dwelt more on them, but he was too distracted by the Watch Dog and the lowering boats that were sent out from the ship to greet them as they went. "Mister Straw, you look no worse for wear. And you, Mister PEW. You seem in good health." They nodded and Mister Straw answered for them both. "Aye, Cap'n. The crew has been in good health, though some have lost sleep in the searching for your whereabouts." "And at least two of the crew have gone entirely." Mister PEW added. "Gone entirely?" William said, a little puzzled by this choice of words. "Do you mean that they have gone from the ship or they have gone from the world entirely." "Perhaps both." Mister PEW returned. Then he launched into explanations on the disappearances of Diego and Muller." William nodded, but said nothing more for the time being.
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