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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. ANOUNCEMENT Do to prolonged events in the story and schedules in the real world, it is necessary to suspend the schedule of watches aboard the Watch Dog. For the time being, watches will be announced in the story as it progresses. The watch will be shown at the top of posts. It is currently the 2nd Dog Watch (6:00-8:00 PM) I would also like to take the time to thank all of our writers past, present and future for the many contributions to the story of the Watch Dog. The writing is superb and the plots and subplots are most entertaining. Thank you all for your service to this ship. -W.R.W.
  2. Super easy, myself and my crew take all of our weapons with us when we fly. We use a hard sided golf bag to carry our stuff in, just for size. When we check in, we tell them we want them to inspect it cause it has to be locked. They are usually really cool about it. My friend uses a gun case for his. Sometimes it takes a few moments longer so be prepared for that but we've never had a hassle in all the times we've flown. This is how we transport weapons. As long as you declare them and point out the bags carrying weapons, they are very friendly about it. We have taken swords through almost every airport imaginable.
  3. Today's special is Cantonese steamed dumplings.
  4. I may drive down to this one and bring all sorts of decorations. Barrels, Lamps, torches, boxes, nets, flags, etc. I assume we can have fire pits?
  5. Ok can we start here? High Seas Traders may be problematic since people might here it as Traitors and we might be constantly repeating ourselves, which is unfortunate, since I like that one. My top favorites are: Pyrates of the Black Spot (or Black Spot Pyrates) The Free Mariners Stowaways (Though we should avoid the long acronym) The Sea Rovers Instead of "Library" we might consider: The Treasury The Sea Vault
  6. William noted and measured the regard that Capitaine Fournier and Mister Lasseter gave one another. It wasn't unexpected. And who could blame them. The two shared a common interest that was anything but common. A woman strong enough to play the necessary roles of court and surgery was worth her weight in gold. Still, he could have done without the extra distractions, controlled as they may be. He took a proffered glass from a passing servant and drank slowly, interrupting his consumption with a nod here and a smile there. The night would be a long and revealing one.
  7. William set aside all ceremony to clap hands with Fournier and exchange greetings that had nothing to do with courts, politics or nations. They exchanged pleasantries and William took the opportunity to apologize for his previous departure. "I would not have left your hospitality so suddenly, but I could not allow my officers and crew to linger another day in the unknown." Fournier both accepted and discarded the apology at once, knowing full well the reason for such a leave of absence, and William allowed himself to be lead away by the French Captain into the throng of food, lights and music. The grandeur of the place was not spoiled by the guests within. The gathering guests of the event were indeed a mix of rare and beautiful people. Gowns, uniforms, smocks, veils, bracelets, swords, hats, plumes, earings, scarves, surcoats and all manner of finery moved about the room in a sea of forms and faces. It was a painting come to life. It was a breathtaking spectacle. William also saw it for what else it was. A battlefield.
  8. "Thank you, but no." William said, sounding most reassured of himself, but added. "Of course, if I should slip during the night and create a scene by tripping over myself, socially speaking, please catch me as I fall." "But of course, Capitaine." Then they went in by twos like so many mismatched animals into the ark that was the Don's estate. The volume of it could not fully be appreciated from the outside. One had to enter into the maze of courts and corridors to fully understand the opulence of the place. It rolled back from the gates in tiers and towers. Everything was awash with light and soft music from within. "Grand." William said, adding nothing to it but the same word again. "Grand."
  9. Anubis, jackal god of the house, sniffs the newborn.
  10. William turned to his small compliment of officers, but was at a loss as to what he might say to them at that moment. He understood how much each of them grasped the importance of the evening's event. Looking at them now only served to confirm this. In fact, he found that no words were necessary. Mister Lasseter was standing with the same profound respect that he showed when he held the holy ground of the quarterdeck. There was some mirth in his eyes, but they seemed to say, 'Well, man, get on with it. We all know why we are here'. Tempest's eyes were as calm as a good captain in a storm. She had seen too many courts not to know what was expected of her. She stood quietly. A tiger on a thread. Miss Smith was in good spirits, and since he had never known her to do anything but her duty, he expected no less now. Besides, she and Armand seemed more distracted by each other than the event before them. Mister St. Anthony and Mister Badger were as two veteran centurians, bringing up the rear guard of the troupe. Both of them bore a dignified formality that boded well. William simply nodded and turned again to Lamaire and the Don's servants with a look that said 'Lead on'.
  11. (claps hands) I need a partition over here!
  12. I will extend your favor to the cook, and I am sure that he will be most flattered, since I am the one which the patrons so often thank. Everyone always assumes that I do all of the cooking.
  13. "Lead on, my good man." William said in a returned mock of profound haste and exaggerated and amused alarm. "Let us be gone, or find too late that the meats of the feasting table have grown cold with our delay." Lamaire ushered them all to their respective carriages, careful, as was William, to let the ladies enter in first before entering themselves. This was done amidst a flurry of courtesies mixed with the practiced arts of flirtation and presentation. It was to be the first reel in a dance with many sophisticated changes. Each dancer exercised their talents in hands offered and excepted as they climbed aboard the carriages. Some went through the motions, while others took great care to pause when pausing was most advantageous and to fly when flying better served. It all took place in a moment, but a trained eye could not miss the courtship within this small traveling court.
  14. Say, I'll have one o' those, mate! Mighty good lookin' grub ye got in here. Though the food does present a bit of a hoity toity appearance fer this humble pyrate...I left me coat 'n' tie at home. We have hard tack for the descriminating sailor's tastes.
  15. May I recommend the herb and prawn salad over steamed crab cakes?
  16. Take this to the gentleman in the perfumed hat.
  17. I also have a nice pasta salad with grilled salmon...
  18. I love dutch oven cooking because it is easy to make at campsites. Barbecue Beef Brisket 5-6 lbs. prime fresh beef brisket; well trimmed 3 lg. sweet onions; thickly sliced 6 lg. cloves garlic; pressed or minced 1/2 cups chili sauce (your favorite) 2 Tbs. onion salt 1/2 cup light brown sugar 2 Tbs. celery salt 1/2 cup beer (your favorite brand) 1 Tbs. course ground black pepper 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce 4 Tbs. Wright's liquid smoke Advance Preparation: The day before cooking, place the brisket in a large flat bottomed plastic or glass container. Sprinkle the garlic, salts, pepper and 3 Tbs. of the liquid smoke over both sides of the beef, then hand rub over all. Return to fat side up, then arrange the onion slices over the top. Seal the container with an air tight lid or with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator to marinade overnight (24 hours). In a 10" Dutch oven combine chili sauce, brown sugar, beer, the remaining liquid smoke, and Worcestershire sauce. Heat using 8-10 briquettes bottom and let simmer until all sugar has been dissolved. Place the beef brisket in a 12" Dutch oven and arrange onions back over the top. Pour 1/2 of the prepared sauce over the brisket then cover and bake using 6-8 briquettes bottom and 8-10 briquettes top for 5 hours. When beef is tender remove from the oven and allow to rest for 5 minutes. Slice brisket across the grain in thin slices and make sandwiches using the remaining barbecue sauce, reheated. Note: For those of you who like to cook over a campfire this recipe works very well when the oven is buried in hot ashes and allowed to slow cook all day. Serves: 10-12
  19. The Dutch galleon called the Hammerhead. An English Frigate called the Watch Dog.
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