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Everything posted by greenighs

  1. ^ Once had his timbers shivered by the Venus of Willendorf.
  2. Well, y'll get thar twice as fast if half your posts are apologizin' for pissing people off with the other half of yer posts, like mine !
  3. And what position are ye referring to, I wonder? I would think the practice of sodomy by pirates and sailors would be much less prevalent than it is in prison populations. Sodomy in prisons is often more an act of domination and violence than it is an expression of sexuality or for the release of sexual tension. And also, because, as Capt. Bo says, of the fact that at sea, they were so dependant on eachother for survial, and all were openly armed or had free access to knives etc. If it wasn't mutually agreeable, it wouldn't be in one's best interest to proceed. Even it it was mutally agreeable, I would think it would be kept fairly discreet for reasons already mentioned. I can imagine being discovered as a willing "bottom" on a long voyage would make for a rather rough trip, or, if the crew tended towards the punitive, one wouldn't last long enough for prison.
  4. Am I the only one wondering what Santa's pirate name would be?
  5. I like the linens, and was tempted by the linsy-woolsey until I noticed their historical references for that and the hemp were all post GAoP. Some of the wools have nylon in 'em. Is the linen correct for the period? I was thinking of the natural linen, and dying it with an indigo and a yellow wash, like was suggested, to get a nice deep green. This would be for a short jacket. The for a shirt, maybe the finer linen, but not too fine, as I'm not a fancy sort. Wondering if wooden or horn buttons made more sense for a poor deck hand than the metal ones. I will do some reading to see what would suit me.
  6. Cheers!
  7. ^Is handy with a scimitar!
  8. Jason Isaacs was the s e x i e s t Hook ever in the 2003 Peter Pan. There was a scene with him in his cabin, no shirt, tattoos ablaze, and I'm thinking, Wendy, do you know what growing up actually involves? Dump the little boys and sign on to the Jolly Roger, hon.
  9. I want t' see Samuel L. Jackson as th' captain. I want a crew o' real guys, no fancy pants pretty boys. Ving Rhames, Harvey Keital, Delroy Lindo, Steve Buscemi (just because he's gotta be in any movie I'm casting), and Vincent D'Nofrio and Ralph Fiennes as the antagonists, definately.
  10. Clint Eastwood an' Robert Duval as a pair o' grizzled seadogs who've been marooned on Brokeback Island fer thirty years.
  11. Hat be damned, but keep those boots on .... Grrrrrrrrr! Actually, aside from wearing it when I'm at home on my computer in the coldest room of the house, by myself, I imagined I'd wear it to all my activities, not at them.
  12. The MacKay is making me a green Storyville.
  13. When I get mine in two weeks(ish), you bet I'll be wearing it all over. Home, shopping, everywhere. :)
  14. As of this morning, 341 people have peeked at PatrickHand's drawers. *giggle*
  15. CaptainCairan, yer th' besht, ye know that? Jusht th' bessht. Majic Jim, do ye know th' CairanCaptain here? He's jusht great. Yesh, Ray, I'll have anoveronejushfercompanysakethanksh.
  16. Igh, they be magic indeed! I sure kin make 'em disappear!
  17. Okay, yer captainesh, but I'll only welcomes ye jusht this onsh more! I fink I had enough run on yer tab, so ye an stop wif th'innerductionsh alreddy. Yer aboard, sheee? Okay then. Ray, another rum fer me an' th' Cappy here.
  18. Ray, did ye install one o' them revolvin' doors on th' pub while I was passed o — out lookin' fer a new barnacle scraper? Well, Welcome again, Cap'n, an' yes, I'll have another rum on ye!
  19. Sections of a blood orange I peeled half an hour ago, but only have to time to eat now. Mmm! The membrane has dried a bit, so they have this crispness when I bite into them, then it's all juice and sweetness and tangy! Delightful, and full of vitamin C, to keep away the scurvy!
  20. I understand Foxe and GoF's points, about intervening and protecting folks who are new and inexperienced so they don't plunk down $600 on a shabbily made item that is not even close to resembling anything a real pirate ever saw in his lifetime. I also understand the frustration with hit and run self-promotion. On seahorse.org, we send a PM to the person "selling" the thing explaining that we have a policy about commercial posts (as in, you get permission from an admin or moderator first, your post is in a specific vendor forum, and your goods and/or services will be subject to free exchange of opinion by our membership). If the vendor doesn't agree and comply, the post is deleted. Period. Without a rating system, and without a clear and enforced policy on commercial posts, comments like, "Not GoA period, and I wonder about the fabric," or "Well made, but too costumey for renactiment, more appropriate for stagewear," are fine. Make a point, don't freak out the seller or discourage the buyer. OR remember that if you make a commercial post among pirate reenactors, you'r fair game? OR remember if you're a play pirate, you're gonna have to suck up some criticism from folks who really know their stuff. I'm learning, I'm just a little slow in the beginning.
  21. Cool! Glad you like it, cuz I got you one for your birthday. It should be arriving any day now. Yup. Just check your mail box. Soon. hehehhehe. Happy birthday anyway, Tall Paul.
  22. I don't know, but I'm sure it's warmer than it is here. Gotta be.
  23. Can someone make a gallery of all the nominations?
  24. Tried it. Doesn't work for me. I'd wear drawers under skirts, even if it wasn't historically accurate, just for comfort. If the historians want to peek up my dress, well ..... they'd have to at least buy me a drink first.
  25. Miller's Crossing Lawrence of Arabia The Magnificent Seven Dirty Rotten Scoundrels The Station Agent The Freshman On the Town Groundhog Day Dead Man The Searchers Rushmore Scotland, PA And of course, all the Python and Terry Gilliam movies, The Princess Bride, Treasure Island(s), It's a Wonderful Life, and a few hundred more.
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