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Everything posted by greenighs

  1. An' here was I, all giddy 'bout finally getting a "real" pirate hat from the MacKay. Guess I'll never get it right, if I use the yardstick around here. Wish my bubble coulda lasted at least until the hat arrived.
  2. At one of the places I worked, when we get a temp we didn't like, we'd play "Meet the Shaggs" continuously on the stereo. Somehow, they'd never do a return gig with us.
  3. Thank you so much, Kass! I have a friend who sews, an' she can help me cut an' pin th' pieces, an' then I can hand sew fer authenticity (or as close as I can get). It's not that I want t' disguise melself as a man, because I'd never "pass," but it's pretty obvious that women didn't get t' do much pirating in pretty dresses an' heeled boots, an' I want t' learn real pirating, from tying knots t' loading cannon, t' bailing bilgewater. So, I'm gonna learn as much as I can, get th' skills together that could earn me a spot on a crew that would be willing t' suspend disbelief fer th' occassional raid. It's goin' t' take me a while, but I've got time. I'll order th' patterns as soon as me purse allows! Thanks again!
  4. I'm very in'erested in gettin' a monmouth cap, but me neice has already offered t' knit one when I get her th' pattern. I'd wanted a green one, is that a color that can be made with natural wool an' natural dyes? Anyone ever see natural green wool? I imagine it be mighty difficult t' find a green sheep. Not that there aint a lot of them, but they're just hard t' find , what with all that grass an' shrubbery about 'em. Anyway, if my neice can't find th' wool, I'll add me order t' th' rest.
  5. Lady MacSnood Harper House G. Gedney Goodwin Ghostforge Center Stage Costumes
  6. But they come with a certificate of authenticity! Movie prop departments don't keep stuff lying around unless it's properly documented, now, right? If anyone wants a certificate of authenticity for anything, just let me know. I also do deeds for bridges and tunnels, and bills of sale for parcels of swamp land in Florida.
  7. I also found a piece about modern piracy on PR Newswire, but that turned out to be a propaganda site (a "We'll share your story with the world ... for a price" kind of site) But this quote made me wonder if there is more than material gain from ransom and theft: I tend to think the only politics or ideology that would be involved would be seen in the choice of targets, not the practice of piracy itself.
  8. Lloyd's Targets 'Piracy Hot Spots'
  9. Aaarrr, being but a poor swabbie trying t' raise a herd of hungry seahorses on a graphic designer's salary (mine, alas), I considered Ebay fer me pirate accoutrements. Then I decided that it be better t' take it slow an' choose good stuff I'll not be 'shamed of later, than t'spend me silver on poor quality, cheap hollywood looks. So this year, I bought me tricorn from th' MacKay (four more weeks!) an' I'll pick up th' rest o' me gear as opportunity finds me. (I wouldn't have even started with the hat, 'cept for the party me & mates be giving in April, where I have t' look me best, if not authentic at all. An' besides, it be so purdy!) Problem is, being a woman o' bountiful curves as I be, an' holdin' no illusions as t' me place in society (I'm no Captain nor Lady fair, but an 'umble barnacle scraper lookin' fer a break), it's hard t' find practical sailor's kit that would fit! There ain't been a bodice yet could keep me girls at bay, and skirts ain't fit for haulin' cargo an' boarding enemy ships. So what's a seagal to do? Rope sandals, o'course, t' save me spendin' on stockins an' boots ... I'm trying t' find a pattern for a shirt an' short work jacket, an' some coarse linen so I can sew it meself, by hand. Would breeches be an option, rather than slops? The thought o' me in a pair o' slops brings t' mind a tall ship in a gale ...
  10. Well, I be a woman, but I didn't want ye t' think I were quite so forward ... Besides, I still be staying home with Captain Morgan (th' rum, not th' pyrate) an' rentin' Monster on Valentine's Day, fer sentimental reasons. Aaaarrrrr.
  11. Er, um, a new, unopened bottle, to assist to help Matt "love hisself"! *blush*
  12. *passes Matt a bottle of KY warming gel.
  13. Hmmph, there are Klingons about this site ... Gigi, Patrick Hand, Barbados Sam ... So what is the date limit on the game? When we were in high school and stopped listening to anything new? The song was "We Want a Rock" by They Might Be Giants, by the way.
  14. I've been looking through some sites fer what an 18th century sailor would wear, an' I'm wonderin' if he'd even concern himself with underthings. But I suppose, yer captains an' quartermasters an' such would wear fancier garb than th' stuff I've been looking fer. So, Mr. Hand, de ye wear yer undergarments when yer portrayin' a man o' rank, or even when yer bein' a simple deck hand? I really am wonderin' about it, not jus' trying t' drawer attention t' m'self.
  15. Mine twill be the Easy Virtue. Now, me son had a powerful craft, a '66 Ford Fairlane, blue-green like caribbean waters, which he an' his mates dubbed "the Filthy Whore," after th' ship in Cabin Boy. Ah, that's me boy.
  16. Okay, somehow a rift is torn in the time/space continuuminum (I'll leave th' details to you Trek/SW/Dr. Who folks to work out) and Pirates of the Golden Age could download music and movies to their resulting ipods or whatever, what music and movies would they like? Would they be fans o' hip hop or metal or country? I'm thinking lots o'reggae and ska, 'specially o' the Jimmy Cliff with revolution and hayhem at its core ... and metal, just because of all the hellraisin it invokes, Public Enemy for the same reasons as the last ones .... I think they'd be fans o' westerns and war movies, too. The Dirty Dozen, The Magnificent Seven, anything with Eastwood or McQueen. Don't know what they'd make of Erol Flynn ... Oh, and Shaft, o'course, both versions. Thems my picks. What d'ye think?
  17. I've met Hawkyns Coastie04 Francois Scupper Kathyrn Ramsey(?) I'm not sure I got Kathryn right, as I'm not sure of the member names. I met a few Connecticut pirates/Free Men o' the Sea at a couple of raids a while back. I'd like to be more involved but me seahorse.org commitments take up much of my free time and money, and it's not like they need another amateur to break in. I still haven't learned to sail or dive (though they're still on me list of Things To Learn Before Civilization Implodes).
  18. I've tried cutting me gold coins into pieces o' eight, but I just end up with slivers of foil in me chocolate.
  19. One year a friend of mine made cookies in honor of Valentine's day, in the shapes of hearts and arrows. Unfortunatly, during baking, the dough kinda spread out and made the shapes fairly puffy .... so what she ended up delivering to me were a plate full of what looked like penises and arses! I don't think I ever laughed so hard before. So appropriate, eh? Love will give it to ya there every time ....
  20. What a Wonderful World! Love that song. Here's a tough one, in honor of our Klingon brethren:
  21. So, if I understand ye correctly, is that the .... way to a Pyrates's heart ... is .... running wild in his drawers?
  22. Wait, first they make a movie out of the ride, then they make the ride after the movie .... aaaaaahhhhhhh ..... can't process ... I ... think .... me head's gonna explode!
  23. Never got the hang of bodices. Seems like what they can't squish down, they push up and there's only so much up they can go before I start falling down stairs and tripping over cats. The girls' will just have to stay where they are for now. Besides, even in the golden age, I wouldn't be the bodicey kind of gal. I'd be in slops and sandals, scraping barnacles and whatnot. I'll keep an igh on your site for a nice green flogger ... and maybe a piratey green hat band, since I just ordered my green tricorn from the MacKay.
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