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Everything posted by greenighs

  1. Tired, sleepy, distracted ... why isn't it Friday, for cryin out loud?
  2. Room 416 :)
  3. Room 416 & adjoining, tonight. Please join us, I'd love to meet some local freebooters
  4. The members of Seahorse.org are having a Pirate Party at the Crowne Plaza International Chicago (O'Hare) this Friday night. It's the Silly Pirate Variety. Oriental Trading Company, Dead Men Tell No Tales, Port Royal, etc. We're not historical reenactors (except that we plan to have as good a time at this party as we did at the last one). But, we have fun. And pirate attire is required (mostly bandanas eye patches, and fake mustaches, forgive us). So, if you don't mind hanging out with a bunch of aquarium/wanna-be-pirate geeks, and aren't sticklers for authenticity, and like beer, music, and mayhem please come by. We're thinkin' 9:30-10ish until the tide goes out. Crowne Plaza Chicago, O'Hare 5440 North River Road Rosemont, IL 60018 Room numbers to be announced on Wednesday evening. Oh, and anyone who's into saltwater fish or coral reefs: we're in town for the International Marine Aquarium Conference (IMAC) which runs Friday through Sunday at the hotel. Come by our booth, Seahorse.org!
  5. Film Extras Wanted For Pirates Of The Caribbean Countries: Bahamas, St Vincent & the Grenadines Film extras are needed for the next two "Pirates of the Caribbean" films to be shot in the Caribbean. The casting crew is looking for extras/background who could reside and work locally either on land or on their vessel. The film will be shooting for 2 weeks in St. Vincent and 6 months in the Bahamas. Information is available at www.Piratescasting.com or you can submit a photo and information at submit@piratescasting.com
  6. I'm planning on going. See you all there!
  7. Th' crew o' Seahorse.org marked th' day w' new colors flying from her mast!
  8. Is anyone else going to be at the NYRF tomorrow (Aug 28)? I'm going, I'd love to meet up with you!
  9. This had got to be the longest slumber party on record. 32 pages? Wake me up when it's time to smoke those cigarettes we stole from your mom and crank call our crushes.
  10. If you're trying to discourage me, you've taken the wrong approach. Bring on the floggers. Mmmmmm.
  11. Hmmmph. I think I'll wait for the life-sized Real Doll version.
  12. OMG! You mean he sells fakes?? I bought this avatar from him! It isn't fake, it CAN'T be!
  13. Well, this here is a free port, but I don't let any ship dock too long! Too many fine, tall ships out there to want one to drop anchor for more than a little shore leave ... but I never board another woman's craft. There are too many ships in the sea for anyone to have to share, far as I'm concerned.
  14. Funny, all dictators think they're benevolent, right up to the time they're doing a hempen jig ...
  15. I'd like to join you, wannabe poser pirate that I still am. I'm studying my pirate lore, though, so someday I'll be able to buckle those swashes with the best of them.
  16. Scupper, what time is everyone going to be there? I'm thinking of hauling my wannabe pirate self up there to see some real piracy in action!
  17. I made this using Pirate dingbat fonts called, oddly enough Pirates 1 and Pirates 2, from Font Freak. I printed it out for my friend's daughters to color, and they loved it! Maybe your kids will, too. I'll have it on my site for a limited time, bandwidth limits, you know.) Font Freak Pirates Coloring Book
  18. Outstanding! I'll be in NC for a Seahorse retreat. Mebbe I can get a crew together for a raid!
  19. I'll be there, in my pirate best. It'll be fun to meet some local scalliwags!
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