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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. Captain Hand, You looking fer a ships surgeon? I'd be proud to sign the articles. I've been kicking around a comic book or graphic novel about something like airship pirates. I used to play a wargame called Gaslight which was Steampunk like. Victorian era armies with steam powered jump packs and steam powered weaponry. Very cool alternate history type game. We played it as a break from the more traditional historical games. This was before Warhammer took off.
  2. The list is long and distinguished (like something else I won't mention) Something on the lines fo a 60 foot Ketch Rigged Cruiser with a fully stocked galley and a warm and willin She Pyrate to help me sail her through warmer waters. Maybe tie up at Tito's Island fer a spell string a hammock up and enjoy the tropical breezes.
  3. I was Jonesing real bad for a steak.. so in 20 degree (before the winds chill) weather and a snow squall I was out at the grill in the dark cooking a steak.... I must be nutz.
  4. We've all said it. "if I get in to the rack now and get right to sleep I'll get 3 hours of sleep" or something similar. I'm back to less than 4 hours a night again. Can't seem to get to sleep before 1 AM and I'm wide awake before 5 AM. The roller coaster cycle continues.
  5. My hands (and other parts) are always warm. I think I was a polar bear in a past life.
  6. Between the sheets????? Who needs sheets? They just get in the way
  7. Uggg Midnight and I'm still rattling around the house. Gotta put the dogs out and get ready for the rack. Court in the morning so I have to at least look awake....
  8. Well you know I like to keep you up all night..... My head is full of all manner of naughty ideas (gee there's a change...)
  9. Wait... you want me to lick you to sleep????
  10. I'm a baaaddddd Pyrate..... I need to be punished.....
  11. Over what? Where should I throw my leg? Just need an impact wrench to loosen up the screws and it should come right off....
  12. MMMMMMM.... Velvet......
  13. Don't know about leprachaun sized but grabbin my sprite sounds painful...
  14. Nice shots. Isn't that Grants Tomb in the middle of the skyline n shot 1?
  15. Welcome aboard. Be mindful of the She Pyrates here... I always seem to lose my money whenever they're around.
  16. I jest love gettin ye hot and bothered. Small parts??? well I am Irish....
  17. Thank you Doc for your faith and support! - Stynk

  18. She's a stout one she is, We'll make 'er right agin.
  19. Oh Thank the Gods... All Hail Stynky.... the Pub is back. I was adrift in a lonely sea for a while. Good t' be back home.
  20. Was out shooting with the new Canon and went to the river for some shots. Bannerman's Island "Castle" actually it belonged to one of the first "Army - Navy" store owners in the state. He started reselling stuff left over from the Civil War and went from there. Built this place to store his merchandise and he also had a house on the island. The River Valley looking south. Around the bend to the right is West Point.
  21. Why, he's a graduate of the Merchant Marine Academy and there ain't nuthin he don't know bout drivin a boat. Or so he thinks. We used to use two fenders, one fore and one aft which came up right after leaving the dock and went back down right before docking.
  22. I was taking the evil puppy to the river for a swim to burn off some of his energy and happened to spy my former place of employment. The "Pride of the Hudson" is an 88' dinner cruiser that plys the Hudson River between Westchester County and Dutchess County. Looks like it was on a regular sight-seeing run (no wedding type decorations visible). For three years I was Deck Boss/Second Officer until the owners kid took over the operation and became a raging tool to work for.
  23. They don't televise the events I'm interested in. Sailing, Archery and Shooting. Thankfully there are websites that I can get some of the coverage.
  24. Wow...you remember that? I only know it from movies... Although I've seen it as a contemporary reference in UK movies made during my lifetime. Not only milk twice a week, but eggs weekly (on Fridays). We even had a Pepperidge Farm guy who came by twice a week with bread, cakes and pies.
  25. Yet another Air National Guard C5-A warming up for takeoff. 10 minutes ago it was a flight of Blackhawks.
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