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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. How DID he go in the books? Out of curiosity... I've only seen the movie.
  2. In this order... PotC Master and Commander (not really a pirate movie... but lots of good stuff) Cutthroat Island Peter Pan (the new one) Muppet Treasure Island Hook (Robin Williams is a hoot) Shipwrecked The Goonies (gotta love a good treasure hunt) Treasure Island (Robert Newton) Haven't really seen alot of the others, 'cept Treasure Planet... which for some reason or other, just struck me as really odd.
  3. A few verses from the Bilge Pumps... My favorite singing pirates _____________________________________________ Put a little lobster in his breeches, Put a little lobster in his breeches, Put a little lobster in his breeches, Earl-eye in the mornin' Way hay, and up she rises, Way hay, and up she rises, Way hay, and up she rises, Earl-eye in the mornin' Turn him over and we'll hide our treasure map, Turn him over and we'll hide our treasure map, Turn him over and we'll hide our treasure map, Earl-eye in the mornin' Way hay, and up she rises, Way hay, and up she rises, Way hay, and up she rises, Earl-eye in the mornin' Shave his back and we'll knit a sweater, Shave his back and we'll knit a sweater, Shave his back and we'll knit a sweater, Earl-eye in the mornin' Way hay, and up she rises, Way hay, and up she rises, Way hay, and up she rises, Earl-eye in the mornin' Slam his pizzle in a rusted porthole, Slam his pizzle in a rusted porthole, Slam his pizzle in a rusted porthole, Earl-eye in the mornin' Way hay, and up she rises, Way hay, and up she rises, Way hay, and up she rises, Earl-eye in the mornin' Then send him off to pee in the poison ivy, Then send him off to pee in the poison ivy, Then send him off to pee in the poison ivy, Earl-eye in the mornin' Way hay, and up she rises, Way hay, and up she rises, Wait, HEY, Help me scratch this! Earl-eye in the mornin' What'll he do when he gets ashore He'll run like hell to the nearest whorehouse What'll he do when he gets to the whorehouse Way-hay, up he rises ___________________________________________ And a couple of me own verses: :) Send 'im in the powder room with a lit match, Send 'im in the powder room with a lit match, Send 'im in the powder room with a lit match, Earl-eye in the mornin' Way hay, and up she rises, Body parts o' diff'rent sizes, Blown to hell, and there he fries's, Earl-eye in the mornin' Put 'im in a dress and stand 'im on the corner, Put 'im in a dress and stand 'im on the corner, Put 'im in a dress and stand 'im on the corner, Earl-eye in the mornin' Way hay, and up she rises, Diff'rent things for Diff'rent prices, 20 bucks and he'll make ye rises He Love you long time! And that's what ye do with a drunken sailor... in the mornin'... hmm.... can't figure out which would be worse... hehe
  4. I know it be off topic 'ere, but.... Whereabouts in Ansteorra be ye from? I'm assumin' ye be from Ansteorra from one of yer other posts... I may have a few answers fer ye as well.. I "float" between 1520 and 1620, depending on me mood. That's a pretty narrow "float period" compared to some of my SCA friends...
  5. Thanky Nigel, Thanky.... 'Ere, 'ave a drink, on me (email sent)
  6. I too, am on the quest for the perfect piratey tatoo... somehow, a simple skull and crossbones doesn't seem to cut it. Any suggestions for flash art? Or a good artist?
  7. Aye, That'd be 'is excuse if'n 'e got caught starin' at that er... treasure... of a chest there...
  8. The part about PotC 2 is the part she was referring to.
  9. I was pleasantly surprised by the movie... damn fine costuming, and the mermaids were more true to what I would think a mermaid would be. All around, this was a great movie... and JI as hook was perfect.
  10. I try for as accurate of a look as possible, but when it comes down to it... if it looks good, and is plausible, go for it. I carry a flintlock, even though they weren't invented until the early 1600's (I'm currently portraying the mid to late 1500's) I have a nice doublet with nice buttons on it, even though one of the "Know it all's" in my local SCA group claim that buttons weren't invented until the mid-1700's... Then there's the one oddball person who has some degree in medieval history that claims that no form of firearms existed until 1650 or so... No one really knows anything, as history is just one narrow-minded opinion of a person who happened to write it down... As long as obvious anachronisms are avoided (carrying a colt .45 revolver instead of a flintlock), then who's to say a person's gear isn't plausible for their period? Just use a little common sense, and most people won't bother you about it... and if you've done your research, and someone argues with you on something, then politely ask them for documentation that they're opinion is correct.
  11. Nice... my first boat was a 15 foot tri-hull... the one I got now is a pitiful 12 foot sailboat... but she'll make a pretty little sloop when I'm done with her. we also have a junked 20 foot v-hull we're thinking of gutting and converting to sail... we be poor pirates
  12. wow... that's alotta motor... how big of a boat?
  13. Between the 8 members of my crew, we own 3 boats... unfortunately, only one of them be seaworthy, and even she is in drydock at the moment, being re-fitted. She floats, but at the moment is more of a longboat than a sloop... The other two are motorboats, and having no motor.... well, one doesn't get very far If I had a way to get to California, I'd happily crew aboard the Royaliste meself... that is one beauty of a boat... er, ship.
  14. I 'appen to have a fine crew of 8 at my command... course, we are still working on our ship... (more of a little boat, but it'll look the part when we're done ) Then we'll start takin' over whatever lakes strike our fancy. And 'er's a round to ye captains who are still searchin' for a crew! May the wind be ever at yer back, and may ye 'ave luck in yer travels.
  15. Depends... we have alot of water in oklahoma... many a fine lake to sail on, depending on where you live.
  16. Greetin's to all o' ye... I got ta' thinkin' to meself the other day... There have to be other pirates in me area, sez I. So, curiosity got the better of me, and here I am, askin' you rogues. How many o' ye are from Oklahoma?
  17. I thought I recognized ye there... When I saw ye, I could have sworn I'd seen you a'fore! I was the Pirate wanderin' 'round with the drum... Also worked for the kettle corn booth off and on.
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