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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. ::Knuckles forehead:: Aye,aye Cap'n... Master Hawks, Ye says ye inspected all the' metal works aboard an' ashore.... We's soon ta right th' ship, seein' as all hull repair be done... Please make reperations ta repair all necessary bits.... Also, when yer finished their, I have a request fer ye ta make some spare trunion straps fer the various cannon... an' some mounts fer th' swivels... Carry on Lad...
  2. ::sets down on a tree trunk that has washed up on shore, within easy sight of the ship and the fortifications. opens logbook...:: Soon we be seaworthy... Lessee about a few things ta be done... Watches Traditionally, a 24-hour day is divided into seven watches. These are: midnight to 4 a.m. [0000-0400], the mid-watch; 4 to 8 a.m. [0400-0800], morning watch; 8 a.m. to noon [0800-1200], forenoon watch; noon to 4 p.m. [1200-1600], afternoon watch; 4 to 6 p.m. [1600-1800] first dog watch; 6 to 8 p.m. [1800-2000], second dog watch; and, 8 p.m. to midnight [2000-2400], evening watch. The half hours of the watch are marked by the striking the bell an appropriate number of times. Need ta get them settled... Need ta resupply 'r water stores.... need ta repair th' barge... And th' longboat ain't seaworthy either... Dingy needs ta be repainted... An' we needs a cutter.... AN' th' guns need ta be repaired... Still lots ta do.....
  3. Jersey Devils? Hockey!
  4. Aye Lad, Hmmm.... That I could, howe'er th' careenin' be nearin' compleation... my attentions 'r needed there at present... :: rubs chin :: Lessee Iffn' we c'n both find th' master gunner... seems he be slack in 'is duties.... By-th' -by... what ye yellin' 'Boom' fer?
  5. Ride, Sally, Ride.......
  6. ::Tthe QM find himself awake at first light, rising quietly, he retrieves his belongings and heads out into the fresh air where many of the crew are slowly coming alive as the light and heat of the day progress:: Mornin' Lads, Lasses... This day'll be fine..... we'll 'ave th' ol' girl afloat this a'ternoon, gods willin'... ::he makes his way to the cook fire, finds a cup of tea and some vittles, then continues to walk about the camp, noting the progress of things...:: Aye Lad, ye be one o' th' gun crew... How goes the drillin'? What drillin' ye say? Th' master gunner hasn't been instructin' ye on th' cannon? Hmmmmmmmm.........
  7. *smiles* Very well... let us away...
  8. ::as the door opens, he sees the surgeon seated, squinting in the glare entering over his shoulder:: Ms. Tempest, I prey ye be not busy...? Just wonderi' iffn' ye'd like a walk about, as all work is progressin' well enough...
  9. ::as the hull repair and careening move along, most of the crew busy with it doing their part, a feeling of well being comes over the camp... the QM, makes his way into the stronghold, and back to the Surgeons rooms...:: *knock, knock* Ms. Tempest? Armand? ::He stands, awaiting a response::
  10. Hmmm.... I was thinkin' Leeches ta draw blood...
  11. ::much work is being done on the exposed hull of the ship, several damaged areas have been patched, most of the seems have been caulked, all is moving along in due course:: Grande, grande indeed... :: observing the workings and goings about of the crew, the QM sees that most of the gunnery crew stands about passively.... Finding the master gunner by the sound of him firing his pistols :: Aye! Master Petee..... Wot says ye take yer gun crews an' drill 'em wi' th' fortification armaments? Otherwise I'll assign 'em ta workin' on th' hull.... But, drill 'em dry... we can't be waistin' so much powder... unless yer pockets be deep enough ta replace said powder... ::nods:: Make it so... :: turns and eyes the progress on the hull, seeing Mad_Jack scrabbling across her side, using a crowbar to pull up bad spots...:: Lets hope 'e don' fall inta th' water...
  12. Cardiovascular system....
  13. Most excellent... Thankee Kindly....
  14. No Lad, Ye won't.... Not until th' ol' girl be righted.... You try ta service 'em guns aboard an' yer liable ta loose it thru th' bulwarks! Mind th' fortifications... ::nods and walks away.... shaking his head::
  15. Reminds me of a song that I don't dare post the chorus to here... X rated...
  16. ::see the master gunner approach:: Mornin' to ye.... I 'ave some work fer ye an' yer mates.... Some o' them swivels what was purchased need ta be serviced... three as a point o' fact 'r unusable... Also, two o' th' main guns aboard 'r likewise... Number three an' number six, both be eighteen pounders... Once we be finished wi' th' hull, an' she be righted, I'd like ye ta get ta work... Thankee....
  17. Aye Foxe, Ye opened a fine can o' worms fer yerself.... I have a book with three masters in it, Degrassi, Saviolo, and Silver... I wonder if what I have is a condensed version, and would also be honoured if ye could email a copy of what you have on DeGrassi
  18. Jack Nicolas??? Would ye be referin' ta Jack NicolSON? Per'aps???
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