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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Aye Ladd.... Would ye believe me if'n I says, Both? I grew up on the rivers in Pgh, PA... spending more hours in a boat, canoe, or th' water itself than out up until me 20's... Now, th' occasional trip these days is all I get to use my sea legs....
  2. And a Fine Welcome to ya Lass.... Ah, yer well name'd fer bein' on the account... Chesapeake was, n' still is a fine place fer pyratical folk... Com'on in, 'ave a sit-down, a full tankard, and an open ear... plenty o' talk ta keep ya here fer hours, or days...
  3. Aye Cap'n Weaver, Good books ya have... I also own th' Konstam book, plus; "The Pirates of Colonial North Carolina" by Hugh Franklin "Piracy: Days of Long Ago" by Kenneth W. Moulder "Pirates" by Joshua B. Feder "Pirates and Piracy" by David Reinhardt "the Wordsworth Dictionary of Pirates" by Jan Rogozinski And, ofcourse "A general History of the Robberies & Murders of the Most Notorious Pirates" by Captain Charles Johnson An' those are Just the ones on Pirates....
  4. Just figured I'd add a place ta list what books we all find a must ta have n' read 'bout life before the mast.... Not just folks in the sweet trade neither, All maritime books included... So.... WHAT'S IN YER LIBRARY?
  5. Ahoy Cap'n Flint, So, how much darker can a black leather hat get? I must apologise fer bein' a smart arse here, but most tricornes I've seen are black or dark brown... I've never seen a white tricorne, unless ya count them theres that's covered with all that lace... sooo fancy-shmancy...
  6. Hmmm..... I agree with Capt. Flint... Now, Aye, the pressgangs, etc did put many a novice onboard, However, they did practice, some captains had their crews more practiced than others..... Their was an allowance of both Gunnery and Hand Weapons practice on HM Ships.... Give me two weeks, one ta two hours a day, an' I could have the beginner able to hold their own in the worst foray... If they have the aptitude for it, even better....
  7. Oh, I'll throw in my Piece o' Eight... Two good sources fer hats; www.smoke-fire.com www.jastown.com Two excellent stores fer the reenactor, very helpful folk....
  8. DeCouer, Ta answer yer wonderment of why a pyrate would prefer a cutlass o'er a rapier... take a gander in the "Borders Away" subforum of the "Rabblerousing" Forum... Yer answers lay there.... Quick answer; A cutlass is much more useful in close quarter combat, and just plain more useful aboard a ship...
  9. Aye Capt. Flint, A grand plan... grand indeed... I be out o' The Burgh of M'Lord William Pitt in Pennsylvania... I am willing ta travel a bit to enjoy some fun, O'course the summer months are th' best, prolly th' most free fer me would be July, or mid June... This next year comin' I'll be pretty free anytime... Any other year, my present day job has me traveling in Jan., May/June, and Sept. so those are th' months I must work around... Tis a pisser too, since May, June, and September are good reenacting months...
  10. Ahoy Lad, I ply my trade in the three rivers... My younger days on the Allegheny out of a port in Verona... At present I'm a few miles down river from the point on the Ohio... Dunno o' many pyrate groups here... I also "play" in the SCA... bugger th' politics an' have fun! There are a few pyratical groups, but most are more party/fantasy oriented...
  11. Hells Bells! There be plenty a' folk 'round here... well within a few hours by horseback... I'm in Pa, just outside of Pitts Burgh on the Ohio River... There be a few river pytates here, I've been havin' the same trouble contactin' 'em.... I may just havta get real close n' personal... fire a postol at 'em ta get there attention... I'd be willing ta make a trip into Marys Land for a gatherin' wi' ye fine folk...
  12. Ladds n' Lasses, Hmmm, I too, have been stopping in ta see what's goin' on in the chat to find the same... I try ta rove the cyber seas between 9:30 n' 11:30 EST an' frequently refresh th' site ta see who mayhap shown up... to no avail... Mebbee by then ye've all had a few too many tots o' rum?
  13. Or should I be askin' Brenna ta post them lyrics? Which of ye be the bawdiest ta do such a thing? Speakin' o' alter egos... My brudder, Angus, th' one who looks like me but wi' one less leg? He'll sing any o' them songs to anyone... mind ye, 'e's half crazy...
  14. M'dear, Charity, Well, what migt be stoppin' ye from postin' the lyrics? Get on wi' it Lass!!! If'n I had th' words ta Friggin' i' th' Riggin, they'd be posted....
  15. Cap'n William, Tis good that ye've read th' first book... Ye must read th' second, tis excellent, and is actually the second half... Borders Away was originally intended as one book, but Master Gilkerson found far too much information ta skimp out an' make only one volume... I actually bought th' second book first, if'n they had both been on th' shelf at th' same time I'd have gone mad tryin ta decide which ta buy first, fore I couldn't afford 'em both at once... Anyone doin' Maritime Reenacting NEEDS these books...
  16. Ah Capn' Luigi, Ya missed a few o' yer favorites... Showin' th' new cabin boy the "Golden Spike", or 'is first turn in th' barrel... Hmmm.... mebee we could have a barrel-built-for-two fer the lass, bein' th' 'undreth pyrate on this board.... ? An' fer those o' ye tha' can nay count, 'Undreth bein' after nynee-ninth...
  17. Greetings, I'll put my piece of eight in on this one... I think the #5 Wasp be th' one... Ta follow another topic, "Borders Away", in that fine set o' books, book one, Borders Away - With Steel, on page 15 there is that description o' the fight 'tween Wasp an' Reindeer... It covers th' boardin' action quite nicely... They describe th' Wasp as a ship-sloop of 22 guns and 173 men, commanded by Master Commandant Johnstone Blakely.
  18. RedHand, I sail out o' Pittsburgh.... Hysterical Galleries, yep.... hard ta get inta them, maybe get a referal from someone? Griffing & Buxton are nice fellas, when I met 'em, they spent half o' there time grousin' at each other... AArrrrrgghhh!!! Maria, yer a lucky one.... and so are the rest o' th' folks who got a piece o' the Black Pearl.... I'd give me left leg for somethin' like a cannon offa that.... doin so might even help out me persona...
  19. Aye Redhand, I meant I wonderd if'n the makers o' POTC might be doin' the sellin'... Sorry, I wasn't clear there... My, what brought ya ta my fair state all the way from th' left coast? Ooooh, ya hit a thorn in me side... LOTM, I shoulda put in me application... I know a few folks who were in it... Ya know them artists, Griffing & Buxton? They remind me o' "Grumpy Old Men" Met 'em up at Ft. Niagra...
  20. LOL Redhand! I could see doin' it up on a fightin' top... Or the ratlines up th' bowsprit... Or.... Hey! Ya got me thinkin' 'bout that way too hard!
  21. Red Hand, Ya say Loyalist Arms supplied th' steel fer POTC? Hmmm... wonder if'n they'll sell off some o' th' props with an authentication certificate? Hopefully at a reasonable price... I might hafta sav up some pieces o' eight fer somethin' like that.
  22. Aye Redhand, I do believe yer right, tis based on a Capstan shanty...I'd love ta find th' original... There's also another song of which I can't remember all but the Chorus... "Friggin' in the Riggin'" "Oh 'we're Friggin' in the Riggin, Friggin in the Riggin! Friggin' in the Riggin' 'cos there's fuck all else ta do!" Many, many verses ta that'n too.... Mind you, I do know many Clean Shanties....
  23. Capt. Weaver, I Thank Ye Kindly fer the compliment... As another asside to that song, many, many more verses can be added, ya just gotta figure out a good rhyme ta go with which ever body part ya wish ta lay yer hand upon... What I wrote is the original with only two ( I think) added verses, the lead in, and verse 6... And yes, them there folks who do the SCA thing, I started singing this at Pennsic about 10, 12 years ago, so you may have heard a version of it there...
  24. Capt. Weaver, Many thanks to Ya... The wooden walls screensaver is spot on! Now ta find a cutlass cursor...
  25. Greetings, I'll be sailing to Honolulu in the early part o' June... I'll be semi marooned there, so how far by land is this grand Mermaid Cove?
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