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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
Dog Watch...
Oops... I missed a key... That's what I meant, Morpheus.... New 'puter, still gettin' used to it..... Bloody laptop is smaller than the last one, but weighs more.... go figure....
The Shadow...
*Smiles at Ms. Fitzgerald* Nay Lass.... I's not in need o' such... medicines.... ::turns as M.Diego addresses the situation:: Aye Monsignor! Very goode.... :: picks up a speaking trumpet :: !!! ALL HANDS TOPSIDE !!! !!! WE'S PREPARIN' TA WARP OUR GOODE SHIP O'ER TA TH' COVE FER NEEDED CAREENIN'... MAKE YERSE'F'S READY FER LABORIN'S O' TH' LIKE !!! :: Walks forward to the bow, where Mad_Jack has done as requested, leans over the side :: !!! Aye Lads, make fast tha' cable and row it out tight, We's gonna part th' dockside lines an' will be under weigh... !!!
::Nods with a smile to the surgeon:: Aye Lass, my compliments, I prey all is well in yer Ward... Nay, nothin' insane ta be goin' on 'ere.... :: clasps hands behind back, grins :: This idleness be killin' me....
Hmmmmmm..... I's hopin' th' goodly Cap'n gets 'ere soon,'r 'e's gonna miss th' boat... We all set ta warp 'er o'er ta th' cove ta commence careenin' ::looks about dockside, runs his eyes up, down, and around the ship:: Mad_Jack, ye been released o' yer light duties I see... that is well... That bein' th' case, drum up a crew an' get th' Barge in th' water, rove out a cable through th' port hawse hole down ta th' barge so's we c'n make ready ta warp out... Thankee Lad...
Steve Allen...
Aye Diego, Where be th' Cap'n? :: walks to the binnacle cabnet, retrieves the logbook that he's been keeping notes of all the goings on aboard, returns to main deck to await the arrival of the Captain:: Diego, I gots sharp eyes n' I still don't see 'im...
Captain? Where be th' captain? I hasn't seen 'im in some time.... Aye Rummy, ye got alla yer supplies at hand then... get yer mates an' all others, make ready fer th' careenin' all topside work thaa' has been done ye needs ta inspect.... We be warpin' the ol' gal taday... Christine, 'ave ye a chocolate pot on th' fire? 'r just coffee? Tis a fine day mates! Work ta be done! William, all is ready at th' cove? Tem--Ms. Fitzgerald, all is well wi' ye an' yer servant? M. Diego, any blessin's fer th' day?
Alcoholics Anonymous, 5 years sober pin....
Glenfiddich! Reminds me of a friend I have in Canada... Came over from Scotland in '67... Used to go up to Canada on Vacation every year, once we bought him a bottle at the duty free shop at the border, we drove straight to his shop to give it to him. He really appreciated the gift, but had a funny look on his face... told us his uncle used to work there as a cooper, drank a raw cup of it for lunch every day, he's been dead for many years, probably pickled him, if ya dug him up he'd probably still look the same! Later we asked him what the funny look was about, my buddy who handed it to him said we wondered if he might be a recovering alcoholic... he reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet and showed us his 5 year pin! My buddy cringed and said "Oh man, I feel like a turd!" He looked at him and said, " Ya should!" Sorry it's so long, but that's what I thought!
::chuckles:: Lass, ye flatter me.... I's once told by a gent that if I 'ad one o' me leg made o' pine I'd 'ave better grace... Granted I learnt much from a fine swordsman 'r two... Well, th' cutlass, as I said afore, needs not th' same skill as the rapier... I think ye'd be a quick study on it.... mayhaps start wi' a light blade... An' as fer relyin' on yer pistols... unless ye has threefold brace 'r more, or ye c'n reload 'em swift as th' wind... they's on'y good for a short while... Yer cutlass be yer best friend, it need not be reloaded... I's sure betwixt th' Master 't Arms n' m'se'f, we'll get yer skill sharp... Now enough o' tha'.... Let us enjoy th' breeze fer a moment more.. afore we set ta gettin' this ol' gal set ta rights.... *smiles*
Cripes......... I gotta stop speed reading... Thought that said 'New He Brides'.... Big surprize fer th' groom that night!
*smiles* Aye, tis a fine spot... :: makes his way up to where the surgeon is enjoying her meal and the view:: Ah.... Thankee but, no... no cognac just yet.... Hmm... My apoligies, I fergets ta do somethin'.... ::walks over to rail, spies Master Wake:: Aye, Master William! My compliments, an' when ye be finished wi' yer meal, inform th' lads at th' cove ta make ready as we will be warpin' th' ship hence... Take yer time, no need ta wolf down yer vittles... :: walks back and sits on a battened down hatch combing :: Right..... Any thoughts on our exercise of earlier? :: takes a drink from his jack ::
Selkirk Ilsand...
Ah, there ye be.... Might I join ye?
Isle of Skye....
Mmm... I see... no matter, I be 'appy ta have a helpin' o Christine's..............fine.........cookery..... :: heads to the galley, fills plate with the fine meal, heads back on deck :: Ah, does a body goode... now where has Tem.... Ms. Fitzgerald gone off???
Ah........ Does tha' mean we won't be goin' o'er to th' Kate? ::licks his lips thinking of all the fine, rich food William serves there::
Beefeater Gin...
Lassey, ye need not fret so much... Master William 'as constructed a fine fortification fer which ye c'n spend yes day... No need ta bustle just yet! We's a fine meal awaitin' at th' Kate! I appreciate th' verve at which ye do yer duty...
Work Shanties...