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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I sincerely doubt that a single studio can bring about the downfall of an entire genre. If that were true, then George Lucas should have doomed Sci-Fi flicks forever with his abysmal "Star Wars: Episodes I-III". So, we'll just have to wait and see.
  2. Just thought I'd ask before diving in again. For those who remember me, I'm buying! For those who don't, I'll be drinking rum. And make it snappy. Oh! And the profile photo! No, I couldn't breathe, and yes, I didn't especially care.
  3. 21 days. 23 hours until we sail. Nah, I'm not excited. Not one bit.
  4. "probable" 4th film... ;-) Noted, love. Here's to hoping. *twirls his "WWJSD" bracelet*
  5. Thank you kindly, Iron Bess!
  6. I'd appreciate seeing a Director's Cut boxed set. Maybe before the possible 4th film?
  7. Now, how did you slip aboard without me noticing? Oh, right. The Baron's scotch. That's one weekend I'll never forget forgetting.
  8. "Salty Sea Dog" for me. You really have to skim the questions.
  9. Freezing fog. Delightful.
  10. “Good men bent on doing good must learn how to be bad.” ~ Niccolò Machiavelli Think about it...
  11. Oh yes, you will. Town and Country
  12. MacArthur Park
  13. 25 days 'til we sail... I'm happy.
  14. (I resemble that remark! :angry: ) banishment
  15. Desperate actions
  16. Oh, yes. Well dressed, fair faced, and adept with firearms. What's not to love?
  17. Someone who'll look at you with a certain, specific hunger? Someone who'll look at you over his glass with eyes aflame and a smile that promises delights to come? Or am I wide of the mark?
  18. William posted a picture on this very subject a while back. That delicious redhead in "The Brotherhood of the Wolf", when she was dressed for hunting. That could certainly put steam in a man's stride.
  19. My issue of "Pirates Magazine" arrived today. And I have it on good authority that the next issue will be even better.
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