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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. watching POTC, the curse of the black pearl THEN I'm going to watch the lost disc.

  2. Historical accuracy is in the budget. The budget for Mythsbusters is for a 2nd rate cable television show. How accurate did you expect them to be on that kind of budget? It's not like they had a budget amount similar to Avatar's. Reality Television.... Low budgets, No SAG gotta love it.
  3. Me birthplace. I would be considerin it.
  4. Ms. Callahan, I've sent an email to your aol account. Cordially, V.Wagner
  5. Looking to make plans. If'n the govern is oblidging (and he's a sour puss most of the time) then me mate, Gunner Gordon and I will be making port this year.
  6. Aye Captain, Me mate, Gunner Gordon and I were discussing going to yer seas and meetin up with the likes of you. We're scouting territories for when me cabin boys are afloat on their own. Can't be planning to early, I says.
  7. Me mate, Gunner Gordon and I were just discussing these facts as well. It would be a waste to use all up all your powder and not get the effect of splintering.
  8. I can't wait for POTC4 to hit with a bang. I'm sitting on a boatload of collectibles from the other films and am looking to make a killing when I sell off my collection. I'm trying to save up for a trip to Key West.
  9. Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes. I had a grand time this year with me mate and me cabin boys. Tis one of the nicest I've had in a long time.
  10. world's smallest cannon. Nay, I want the world's BIGGEST cannon.
  11. The Big Bear Valley Renaissance Society, Inc., is having it's 5th annual Big Bear Pirate Faire June 5th & 6th 2010 on the NORTH SHORE ON THE LAKE!!! There will be battle re-enactments and battles on the 'New Pirate' beach, court martial & court re-enactments, stage shows, shopping and food!! All profits go to the youth of the Valley for educational endeavors. Some activities at additional charge. Mark your calendars! PIRATE FAIRE June 5th & 6th, 2010 10am to 6pm Big Bear Pirate Faire
  12. The more drama ahead of time...............mo money at box office? I'm thinking Titanic.
  13. The store in Escondido had several of the Hyacinth Macaws. They are beautiful and HUGE! There was a 'couple' and the male would hiss and poop on anyone who came near the cage. The female was always leaning against the cage, trying to get pet, but the male wouldn't let anyone near her. He was purple with jealousy.
  14. I can completely relate on the parrot issue. I have been taking care of two and had the chance to keep them. I passed. One is a red-tailed Macaw. Sweet, but hadn't been handled in years. Screeched the paint off the walls when you vaccummed and threw his poop out of the cage. He was deafly afraid of wooden perches. The other was a yellow-napped amazon. She would draw you in with cute phrases and then nail you if you tried to keep her from running off and boy, could she run fast. She would give you a reason for an eye patch and a nose prosthesis unless you held her foot to your hand with your covered thumb. The new cage for the Macaw cost over $500 and I spent days scrubbing the Amazon's cage. Beautiful feathers, but I can't wait for them to go to their new home. I'm done being the mother of two-year olds.
  15. I've been on hold for over 30 minutes so far.......oh wait agony. worse than Davey Jones's Locker.
  16. I'm sure there's more to this story than what is being spinned by the media. First, the story down the coast and in the Grays Harbor newsletter is that the Lady Washington was in dry dock this winter for routine repairs. This was 'why' we were told she was not sailing the California coast this winter. Second, her sailing mate, the Hawaiian Chieftan, was recently purchased by Grays Harbor. If they had the money to buy the diesel spewing Chieftan, why didn't they use it to upgrade the Lady's diesel then? Don't get me wrong, I love the Lady and she needs the money, but I suspect the Pirates here are the ones holding her ransom for your donations. I only have so much money for charity right now and have to decide which, of the many beautiful tallships on the west coast, will get my small amount. The list includes... Adventuress Alma American Pride Balclutha Bill of Rights Bounty USCGC Barque Eagle Californian HMS Surprise Spirit of Dana Point Pilgrim of Dana Point Exy Johnson Irving Johnson Lynx Mallory Todd Nehemiah and of course, Hawaiian Chieftan Lady Washington I try to rotate each year. Always, ~BHP
  17. Hey Mateys, Tis a grand event and benefits the Ocean Institute and their research to save our Oceans. Come down and visit me mates at the Port Royal Privateers encampmen and come sail aboard with me mates on board the ships. The sea air, the sea shanteys, and the Pirates of the Black Swan at the Jolly Roger to finish out yer day. Priceless. Pirates of the Black Swan MySpace
  18. Hey Mateys, Tis a grand event and benefits the Ocean Institute and their research to save our Oceans. Come down and visit me mates at the Port Royal Privateers encampmen and come sail aboard with me mates on board the ships. The sea air, the sea shanteys, and the Pirates of the Black Swan at the Jolly Roger to finish out yer day. Priceless.
  19. Sammy Davis Jr. (my first 45 record, dating myself, 'Candy Man' by Sammy Davis Jr.)
  20. Congratulations my dear. You are an inspiration! Now, don't blush...Pirates don't blush. They smile with an evil grin of satisfaction.
  21. well, then......if money was no object....I want the Maltese Falcon. Maltese Falcon for sale.
  22. Now that has the lines of one of those old wooden boats like in 'On Golden Pond' I know you said no boats, but I had to post this. (Met a recent passenger on this, quite a story)
  23. I knew the picture of the tank would spurr you into response, so I am surprised you didn't mention the Stuart Tank. In the end for me, it's all about the ship. All I want is a car that can service my ship.
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