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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Yeah, I know, there are Jacks everywhere, including female Jacks too. I only know 2 guys who dress as Barbossa. They'll both be at Dragon Con. And the poor guys, unless people know the movie, most people don't know who they are. It's like, "hey it's Jack and.....some pirate guy!" Sad really, people are stupid! More guys need to dress as Barbossa! Oh, yummy!
  2. Here's Toby standing next to the Jack doll.
  3. Nay, that be me who knows Kenny, Elvis Storm Trooper. He knows my guyfriend Wally, it's how I met him like 2 years ago. And then thru Kenny I know Toby, one of the Jacks running around. That picture of Jack and his lady is Jimmy and his girlfriend Brandi. I only know of him and her thru another friend. :) Did you see when Kenny did Ghostbuster Elvis? LOL! Him, me and Toby were all sitting around coming up with ideas for his Elvis. Other characters he could combine Elvis with, so funny! It'll be interesting to see what he does next-lol!
  4. Wishing you a great birthday Bess! Here's to ye
  5. I took pix of the Jack Sparrow doll at the NECA booth. Also have pix of the HMS Surprise, the one they used for "Master and Commander". Too bad I didn't go when my friend Toby did. He was in his amazing Jack Sparrow costume. He showed me the pix of him at the helm and stuff like that yesterday. It was a blast, so much fun! Now I go back to work today. The vacation has ended. The only people I saw from here was Captain Wolfy Wench. That was at the showing of Pirates on Friday night. Not many people dressed up, only a few. I went with my Elvis Storm Trooper friend Kenny and Toby *Jack Sparrow*. A lot of Elizabeths dressed up with the Barbossa dress. Made me wish mine had been finished in time. Ah, well, some people still wanted to take my pic in my maroon colored faire garb and cursed coin. The best part for Friday was not just seeing the movie again, but running around downtown San Diego with Kenny and Toby. People were flipping out over Toby's Jack costume. That was great! Yes, I did see the fireworks that night and also Saturday night too. I only have a few pix left and then I'll get them developed.
  6. I'm here at my hotel at the Hilton, checking email and stuff before going to bed. Got my guyfriend up in the room, probably wondering what is taking me so long-lol! Anyway, just saying hey and also say that I saw the Jack doll at the NECA booth. Looks awesome! Too bad it was behind glass. They also had pix up of what the Barbossa, Wil and skeleton pirate dolls look like as well. No dolls of them yet tho, damn! Barbossa looks awesome BTW! Yum! Can't wait for that to come out! Alrighty, today is already Friday. Tonight is Pirates, woo-hoo! See ya on Sunday when I get home. Unless....I feel like checking email again. lol!
  7. Aye indeed! Let's not even talk about how cool that cave was they built...and then tore down once filming ended. Geez! They're kicking themselves now!
  8. Alrighty, I read on the main Comic Con website that Pirates will be shown this Friday night. It starts at 7:30 and will be in one of the convention halls. I'm sure those of you going to Comic Con will most likely be going to this. I know I'll be there, in garb of course. :)
  9. OMG! That is so cool! I have one of the cursed coins from the movie. My guyfriend got it from a friend who made them for the movie. I also held and tried on one of the rings Johnny wore. The one with the skull and the green stone.
  10. I'm also going to try and check it out. I'm having faire withdrawals. Last one I went to was the San Bernadino one in May. Yup, I need to go to another faire again.
  11. A tear in your bear eh, Wil? LOL!
  12. Here's to ye MerryD!
  13. Wow, that is really cool Dream Wench!
  14. Sounds like a good idea to me. Have all pirates storm the gates! LOL!
  15. I've been hearing that on Friday night there's going to be a showing of Pirates. And it's going to be interactive. Anyone else hear about that? That would be so cool!
  16. LOL! I have yet to see that one. But I think I may wait til it comes out on dvd. I prefer to see the big ones with special effects in the theater instead. It's already a bit too pricey these days to see a movie. So might as well see one that's loaded with the special effects and blaring soundtrack-lol!
  17. Oh, yes, I've heard of the Pirates drinking game. Something like take a drink everytime you hear the full name of Jack, Captain Jack Sparrow. Another for everytime Elizabeth grabs her chest, searching for the coin. And so on. You get a might smashed there by the time the movie is done. Passed out on the couch-LOL!
  18. BAWAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! <cleaning up coffee spurted out> Hey do you think if I stand in the Disney Studios lot with that outfit on, people will want my autograph, even though they haven't got a clue as to who I am? Hahahaaaaa! Rumba Rue **I can imagine quite a bit!** Great outfit there Rumba Rue! :) And I say go for it about standing in front of Disney Studios. It'd be so damn funny to see people's reaction to it. LOL!
  19. I'll look for you both. Only 2 more weeks to go. Crazy huh? Are you both going to preview night as well on Wednesday? It's when my vacation starts so I'll be heading down that day.
  20. Friday I'll most likely be in my faire garb, complete with my cursed coin. A friend I know of will be running around as Captain Jack Sparrow. He shouldn't be hard to find-lol! On Saturday my guyfriend wants to dress in a character he made up for a TV pilot he wrote. The name is Uncle Davver, he's some ways like Beetlejuice, a creepy dead guy, but funny. The show is like MST3K. Anyway, he wants to dress up as that, to help promote his character and show. Uncle Davver is always shown with at least 3 women, the Davverettes. So me, and 2 other friends of mine will be decked out in some outlandish costumes. Mine will be known as Bone Crawford. A vinyl black bodice, skirt, gloves and knee high boots. I may go all out with the make-up too, very white face and dark make-up. The other girls will also be all out as well with names like Elizadeath Taylor and Droola Roberts. LOL! Should be fun!
  21. Here's to the Captain Barbossa! Probably out wrecking havoc on the city. Plundering and ravaging his little black heart out! LOL!
  22. Happy Birthday to ye Stitch! May it be a good one!
  23. Here it tis ladies and gents, the 1 year anniversary of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl". A toast to this great movie! Thanks to it for forever changing us all! Woo-hoo! So, who's watching it tonight?
  24. Me favorite be, "Save a ship, ride a pirate!" LOL!
  25. Wow! That's uber cool!
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