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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Then you just go buy new. :) That's fun in itself too. And then modeling it for him once you get home-lol!
  2. You never had lobster before?! Well, then tonight is the night! Let's take it to the kitchen Cheryl.
  3. *sees the lobster on the floor near the open window* Well, I know what's for dinner tonight. Wouldn't you agree Siren? lol!
  4. *gasps* Faith Hill song! *runs to sing next to Siren* This Kiss, unthinkable! It's the way you love me...." LOL! Aye, perhaps that be a good idea, rig the place. If he does that again I'm definitely going to knee him in the family jewels!
  5. Nope, guess not-lol! *takes bottle and downs it* Blah, need to get the smell out of me, that was freakin' gross! *takes another drink, upon another, but also giggling here and there*. I feel like we're back in grade school or something. When the boys like you they do gross things to prove it. *gags again at the smell and downs the whole rest of the drink* Oops, need another bottle, I drank all of yours, sorry about that-lol!
  6. *finally bursts out laughing at seeing Siren fall off chair* LOL! Oh, my goodness...LOL!
  7. *completely taken by surprise, lets Studley kiss her. Stands there looking very surprised as he then leaves. Moves to the piles of blankets and pillows and just sits down quietly. Turns on the tv.* Um, okay....anyone up for a movie?
  8. *quickly pulls out dagger and puts it to Studley's throat* Find that funny did ye? I think not! *thinks for a few seconds, a small smile at the corner of her mouth* Without giving him a moment to react knocks him to the floor instead.* Out! Party is over for ye mate! Ye have no respect for the ladies! *still trying not to laugh as best as she possibly can*
  9. No need to pretend to be a lass, the gents have been crashing this place many a time. A kissing game eh? Hmmm....Could be interesting. Would ye like to start?
  10. You? Not Crazy? HA! Running around in a nun's habit and talking to the barkeep. LMAO! Nay, luv, you be just as crazy me and I just love ye for that. Makes the day even more interesting. :)
  11. Oh, yeah and damn proud of it too!
  12. Ah, just had to get naked and sword together anyway. LOL!
  13. Ye forgot to mention nakedness too there Siren-LOL!
  14. If they step out of line you could change their religion with just a flick of the wrist there-lol!
  15. Oooh, that be uber cool Bess! :) Pirate lingerie eh? Interesting. Lingerie never stays on long enough tho. Silly to buy expensive stuff when it will just end up on the floor. Not that I would know such a thing....*ahem*....lol!
  16. *notices the movements from the corner of her eye out the window. Moves over and calls out* Hey Crimson and Animal, would you like to come in and join the fun? Perhaps you guys can also dance around for us. Who knows, we may just dance for ye as well. *smiles brightly*
  17. There you go, you're dancing! *throws coins into the hat*
  18. *pushes out the coffee table. looks around and just plays bagpipe music instead on the stereo* There you go, dance to your hearts content!
  19. Hmmm...just the scarf is staying on huh? Interesting.....lol!
  20. Well, I meant the costume and make-up. We put the skirt and coconut bra over his clothes. But if you want to take everything off then go ahead-lol!
  21. LOL! First, you better take off the costume and the make-up. Everything is easy to remove. :)
  22. I'm so sorry this happened. Merry, you know who your friends are and we are all here for you. *hugs*
  23. LOL! I do so love your signature Shelia! That's great!
  24. I have one thing to say LadyC, what goes around, comes around. You know Scupper's heart belongs to Merry and vice versa. You start meddling where you shouldn't and karma will get you. I'm in a similar situation and I strongly believe karma will bite that person in the arse for causing such stress.
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