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Everything posted by CaptainB

  1. Ahoy there mate, welcome to the Pub! A brewer you say? What fine style do ye brew?
  2. Welcome aboard Master Morris! You'll ne'er find a greater crew o' scallywags, then the fine folk here in the Pub!
  3. Ahoy! Ye pyrates from the other side o' the Red River! Iffin' any o' you "fine" an' "noble" Lone Star types ever get lost, an' head to the right side o' the Red River come May for the OKRF, feel free ta drop me a line!
  4. Iffin' it were gonna be me own private bar, I'd hafta ha'e a few ol' fashioned lanterns hangin' from the rafters. If ye can find the old style that use wax candles, I'm sure that battery-powered candle like lights yould work just as well...
  5. hmm... i could make you one of the patrons of a Tavern on the main pirate haven, give you a line to say in relation to a particular event or story the main character is telling? would that be alright? That be right fine by me Commodore!
  6. Aye sir, I be more than willin' ta make a cameo in yer writing! Cap'n B. (or iffin' ye want to be more proper Cap'n Daniel Bellamy) be a silver tongued rogue, drinkin' rum an' sailin' his triple masted Bermuda Sloop, The Sweet Maria (6x 9-pounders on deck). Cap'n B is well-known fer his sense of humor, and abilities with a blade.
  7. Got Home yesterday after a 36 hour stretch at me office. The roads were passable for the most part, but I did get stuck turning into me apartment complex. Fortunately, a few kind-hearted souls helped me out, and I made it safely. It be me sincerest wish tat all o' you good pirate folk that have been affected survive in safety and comfort til the end o' this disaster (which is what it has been officially declared here Oklahoma).
  8. After some loose calculations, it's been tallied that I've been stuck at my office, for the last 32 bleedin' hours. I need rum... lots of rum...
  9. Been stuck at work for almost 24 hours. My relief never made it in this morning, and none of the other employees could make it in either.

  10. I tied on o' the ribbons I've collected to the guard on my hanger, jes for a bit o' color.
  11. I agree with William on this. If the reports of Blackbeard's death are to be believed, Blackbeard died upon Lt. Maynard's ship, after fighting Maynard sword to sword. I would think that Blackbeard's sword would have been claimed as a prize by one of the surviving sailors under Maynard's command, if not given as a gift to Maynard himself.
  12. Welcome lass! Tis good ta hear about youngin's adoptin' the piratical life style!
  13. What makes a pirate? Well, in me humble opinion it be rum, a swagger (often caused by rum), and a free-bootin' attitude!
  14. Chrispy -- PM me and mayhap we can work a deal... Jendibyns -- I use a simple slipknot that can be adjusted fer various thicknesses o' locks.
  15. No problem there mate, I ain't one ta let people get me down.
  16. Okay, I want that boat. I can just imagine the fun I could have at the lake with it...
  17. Who knew that me simple beads would raise such a ruckus?!?! And Ransom, many thanks fer the compliments. It be good knowin' that even simple things can be appreciated.
  18. Indeed! Mayhap in our travels, we might storm the same port!
  19. Avast! I signed up fer ya lass!
  20. Never much on sellin' em... yet... Mainly I give 'em out as gifts to me mates, (all o' me mates ha'e strands with coins at the ends. Kind o' our way o' indicatin' loyal crewmates) An' I be likin' the idea o' "good luck charms"... Put a interestin' twist to the whole thing...
  21. Cannister Shot! Clears them decks! Schooner or Indiaman
  22. Aye, I had issues with getting smacked, hence why I tend to NOT put 'em in me hair now-a-days. I mainly hang the buggers off various buckles and buttons on me gear. People always ask where I acquired them, an' beg fer me ta make them some.
  23. And it's reputation is well deserved! I've been a regular OKRF visitor for many a year now!
  24. I make strands o' traders beads & hair/bandana dangles (much like what Cap'n Sparrow wore). It started simply as a way ta add a touch o' color to me garb, but has thus become a hypnotic way ta spend the evening (with a glass o' rum o' course). I have a few examples to share (others have been traded off, or are locked in me garb trunk). Opinions greatly appreciated. This is the five I had on hand today (showin' a mate who wants a strand or three) Closer up on the best three: That be a Cowry shell at the end, Blue Agate, Hematite discs, and carved bone tubes, all on hemp cord. Another Cowry, Glass beads, Tigers Eye, and Hematite spheres, on hemp. Again with the Cowry, more Tigers Eye, and Polished Jasper, all on hemp twine. Iffin' ye want to see a few o' my more exotic strands (the ones with no Cowry shell ends, I'll be happy ta post them as well.) In addition to the trader's beads, and hair dangles, I also make strands ta decorate mugs an' tankards!
  25. Welcome aboard! Tis nice ta see piracy goin' international!
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