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Hunting Hawk

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Posts posted by Hunting Hawk

  1. 'appy birthday sir, an let's not forget Goldie Hawkins and Blackhearted Pearl.  A birthday party fer three, I better get a bigger tankard. :angry:   :ph34r:

    Gh's isn't for another week, there matey.. Jewels is this Thursday.

    Aye an Black Hearted Pearl aint til June 2nd. But what kind o pirates are we ifen we cant keep a party goin that long?

  2. Nay, sir it only mentions guns.

    Aye, Tiny. That reminds me o' me safe sex talk with me daughter's lads. Only one sentence.

    "No sex with my daughter is safe, savvy?"

    Of course it helps punctuate if ye be sharpenin' yer cutlass at the time ye say it. :lol:

  3. Unfortunatly, 'ere in Washington state they has passed a law, makin' it illegal to scare off yer daughter's boyfriend with a gun.

    Fortunately, the law don't take inta account swords, knives, clubs and other various impliments of distruction. :ph34r:

    Fer me oldest daughter, I wouldn't let her go out lest her date crossed blades with me before the go. Two of em didn't even try. They decided it were best to leave the crazy man alone. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

  4. Now that the congradualations 'ave been said, comes the bad part. The curse of all parents. That beautiful wee babe in yer arms will someday be a teen-ager. :ph34r: I 'ave two o' those an' I kin tell ye, that be the time when YE will need be fitted fer a straight jacket an' a rubber room. :ph34r::ph34r: :) :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

  5. Ye could go to all the trouble of steamin' it, but just runnin' cold water over it will soften it enough to shape it the way ye want. Bin doin this fer thirty years. Jist run cold water on it awhile then bend it the way ye want it, til it holds an let it dry.

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