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Hunting Hawk

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Posts posted by Hunting Hawk

  1. What a great idea.

    I'm commandeering this thread! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

    I just picked up some great suede pelts for $1.40 a yard (I think that's a good price) and was wondering if it would be proper to make a sword frog from it or should I use smooth leather? I was planning on using some of the suede to make cuffs for off the shelf suede boots I own. Any help is appreciated. :huh:

    You didn't buy that ye stole it. :lol::lol: Tell me where ye shop.

    Redvipers, from the picture it looks like ye did good.

  2. Happy Birthday lass. I'll buy ye a drink, what're ye 'avin'.

    *picks pocket of navel officer as he passes*

    An I brought ye this,,,,er,,,,necklace, I thought ye would like. It took awhile to find jist the right gift fer ye, a lot o' thought went inta it.


  3. I usually make me own boots, or rather remake me own. Find yerself a pair o' boots ye like, at least the shoe part an' change the tops. I find that a pair o' "Dingo's" with the square toes are adaptable fer most time periods.

    All ye need do is carefully cut the threads to remove the tops, use the old tops fer a patern. Make sure ye have leather large enough to make them as tall as ye need. Sewin' leather isn't much harder than fabric. You might want to buy an "Awl for all" (now available at Walmart), they make a good locking stitch. Doin' it this way ye can make any pair o' boots ye wan't at about a tenth of the price ye can buy them for.

  4. I want one o' yer coins too, Capt'n Jack. An' I also don't use pay pal or credit cards. If ye have a way to pay usin' snail mail, that'd be good. I figur as oft as me wife curses me, I might as well have a cursed coin. :huh:B)

  5. [Now if only they would make a life-sized Jack Sparrow...


    :lol:   ;)

    You mean like "blow up" doll size? ;)

    That's discussting,.................Now if they had a blow up Elizibeth Swann... ;);););)

  6. What's a SAG award?
    Screen Actors Guild Award. Includes TV and Film.
    So this is a good thing then.

    Yes it is a good thing, even though it sounds like an award that they would give to aging actors. :lol::ph34r:

  7. I entered a few different versions of my name and this is what came up

    Jolly Buckthorn

    The Dread Pirate Foote

    Gunwalls Brilliant

    Geedunk William

    Skylarking Isaiah

    Then I typed it in in Cherokee and got

    Black Fowler

    I think that's the best one of all. :blink:

  8. Then there is the version for the lad who couldn't quite cut it as a pirate,

    Bein' a pirate can be such fun,

    Drink up me earties Yo Ho

    Unless you are a seasick one,

    Drink up me earties Yo Ho,

    No mo yo ho, no pirate life for me.

    Every time I go out to sea,

    Drink up me earties yo ho

    Me stomach churns, I'm weak at the knee,

    Drink up me earties yo ho

    No mo yo ho, no pirate life for me

    I'm stayin' ashore, can't take no more,

    Drink up me earties yo ho

    The captain comes round, I'm lockin' the door,

    Drink up me earties yo ho.

    No mo yo ho, no pirate life for me.


  9. Look how many sequals they made of Hollween, Friday the thirteenth and Nightmare on Elmstreet. If they can do that many sequals of bad movies they can do it with a good one like PoTC can't they? ;)

  10. My interest in pirates began when I was but a wee lad of nine or ten. Way back in the early 60s, I would stay up most of the night watching the late show and the late late show on t.v. (that was back when t.v. had good shows on late at night instead of infomercials) I loved the old movies from the 30s and 40s, like Captains Couragous, Captain Blood and Treasure Island. Then when I were about 13 I went on the PoTC ride at Disneyland the first week it opened, I were hooked fer life.

    When PoTC the movie came out it resparked my interest. Now my wife says "Great, now he's on a pirate kick." Little does she know it runs deep in me black heart, aarrrrgh! :)

    I think what sparked me interest though are the stories me granny told me about me pirate ancestor. She wanted me to know who I were named after.


  11. Where can I buy that doll? Not that I am overly fond of Johny Depp, but PoTC has become one of my favorite movies. I'd like to get all the other characters also. I have been doing re-enacting in several time periods for the last thirty years, now that I have an interest in piracy my youngest daughter like the idea of being a pirates daughter.

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