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Everything posted by Korisios

  1. Would every Pirate/Bucaneer/Sailor/Marine have had a sword of some sort? You might think that the most sailors would do with a big nife or some sort of machetee and bording axe... Considering the more simple designs how about these from Armourclass: http://www.armourclass.com/Data/Pages/17Century_8.htm http://www.armourclass.com/Data/Pages/17Century_7.htm
  2. This topic is a spin off of this thread... My idea is to have a log here, in wich I will write down all my discoverings about Guatemala's Pirating history, that I can find. (mostly just putting their URLs here) And offcourse to discusse them with you people... To start with a little story I found on the internet: http://www.bc-alter....esen/pirate.htm cheers!
  3. I do ment how much would you reenactors anno 2010 be willing to pay?
  4. Cool! Keep it comming! It's still a long time before my humble ship (read jumbo 747) take's sale to the caribbean again... Then again how much would people be willing to pay?? Would they go fore a authentic made pease (Naturaly collored)wich might cost a bit more or rather have something sheap?? In other words how vain are you pirates???
  5. Indeed I am allready talking about the Maya Spanisch mixture... also indeed was I thinking about these pants with stripes, and/or embroidery. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_l-0YBWgNgFM/Sz_3tP8WIuI/AAAAAAAAzeg/yDitdaZsNck/s400/traje2 and embroiderd bandana's / head wrap's... oh and woolen feltlike jacket's mostly black or red with decorations made out of cords also most likely more spanisch...
  6. Let me be honnest with you guys, I am not an Pirate reenactor. But i do have a relationship with Guatemala and therefore a bit with the Caribbean eara. Visiting Guatemala I begin to know a lot of stores and people wo produce and sell traditional Guatemalan dress. From very sheep modern stuff up to handmade traditional and a bit more expencive clothing. Besides this I started to wander about how many of these traditional mayan dress would have been mixed with the europian sailors clothing durring the ages? And would it maybe an idea to pursase some of these clothing and sell it back here in Europe to pirates reenactors?? Is there anyone out here who might have a clue?? what mayan traditional dress lookes like? Just google guatemala dress and jou'l find out!
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