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Everything posted by Korisios

  1. Ok I will start with a soldiers coat... and I'm going to make a "Yucatan Pardos Militia coat. wich is white with yellow liner... I have a drawing of a later pattern uniform but i'm just going to transform it to a 1700 pattern... I bought an ofwhite corse linnen and a little finer yellowich faded like linnen for the liner. I resently redrew the pattern on my computer using a vector based Program (Illustrator), thus allowing me to scale the whole thing up to 1/1... And then I printed it on 28 a4 papers, then stucc them all together "again" and cut the pattern out. Now I have the pattern for a coat that would suit a man with a verry slim waist and heavy muscled arms... Hm... that's not me... So to start with I wil ad a view inches to each 4 parts... If I look at temporate drawings I see the sleves are indeed made of a lot of fabric so I keep that as it is... One question The collored liner inside of the sleevs that's going to be on the outside (makes this sentens sens??? ) and will show, is this supposted to be sewn on top of and therefore be dubbled with the other fabric?...? for the padding, I will use some offwhite felt I have laying around... Oh and what buttons can I skip?? (now do we need to stransport this discussion to the sewing room??)
  2. Well: Cup Hilt? Match lock? Dog lock? Frock coat? Any of us will be glad to help you out in understanding English words. To start with, try entering the words you don't understand in Google Images http://www.google.co...hp?hl=en&tab=wi You will get pictures of what you are looking for. >>>> Cascabel Well I do know the meaning, I only can't find the Dutch word for it...
  3. Well: Cup Hilt? Match lock? Dog lock? Frock coat?
  4. The English and Dutch language are prety much related to each other. I belief English effolved from a language named Old Dutch... But unfortunatly I am no expert on this... I miss interpretate (while using Google translations) the word checkers thinking it ment one of the 4 playing card symbols... But now I recall te bordgame indeed... This game we call in Dutch: Dammen.... One Dam is two of these cilinders on top of each other...
  5. Dominos = Domino Checkers = Ruiten (the red square on his point) So we have: Ruiten = Checkers (red) Harten = hearts (red) Klaver = the 3 lobed leaf kind of thing... (black) Schoppen = the upside down (black) heart with the little extra bit... And then form high to low: Aas Koning or Heer Koningin or Dame or Vrouw Boer Tien = 10 Negen = 9 Acht = 8 Zeven = 7 Zes = 6 Vijf = 5 Vier = 4 Drie = 3 Twee = 2 Hope we solved a little of the language puzzle here...
  6. Again nothing much...

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  7. Being not English or Native English speaking, I frequently encounter the problem of not knowing a word in my own language (Dutch) while I do use the english word for years all the time, using all kinds of English based forums such as this one, my brain starts making cris cross connections between visual data and all kinds of tongues... For example the word "cup hilt" The Dutch translation google gifs, does not work if I use it as a search word again in google... Such specialised words would be hard to find in my own Printed dictionary. To make things wurse I do look for things considering Spanish speaking parts of the world. Knowing some Spanish I do get familiar with some Spanish words also what makes me wander about their English and Dutch equivalents to... And this is only about my interrest in the 17th 18th century. If do my researche about the Iron age period on the continent (my other pasttime) I find my self buying and reading (or at least trying to) Frensh, German and Italian books to.... Oh and can anyone translate for me my Russian book I bought in Moscow... I know theres a whole lot of interresting stuff in there I would love to know more about.... I quess I have to start moving away from the computer and start speaking to Dutch people with knowledge of the subjects at hand....
  8. Hm... very interresting for a beginner... Keeping a close eye (now is that the right expession?)
  9. Thanks Dutchmann i found the artikel on the "reconstructinghistory" site.
  10. Thanks guys this kind of gifs me an idea...
  11. as far as I can tell, it is visible.... The thread is just locked so no further posts can be added to it. Do you mean you want the topic unlocked so you can add questions or other info to it? Or is it that I can see the topic and you can't for whatever reason? Let me know and I will try and fix it for you. I can read it, but I can't see the pictures... I am a visual learner you know...
  12. I was wandering if the pictures of this thread could be made visible again.... So I and others could learn from it to??
  13. I have been looking at period drawings and such trying to find any reverense for wearing a head wrap of any sort under a hat, but up to now couldn't find it. I am about to asumb that that's another Hollywood invention... Am im right?
  14. I think I just post this for those that are interrested... My link If i do a quick counting, the Rum/Sword ratio would be something like 62 bottles to 1 Sword...
  15. ...and one more of this type here...
  16. Just found a very cool Spanish Broadsword Cuphilt here and here. As some one stated "the broad blade would be typical of Carribean type cup hilts.." ...or is it a fake all together...?
  17. Korisios


    From the album: About the pirate, textile and clothing history of Guatemala

    Alférez. Tercio de los amarillos viejos - Mosquetero. Tercio de los morados viejos - Arcabucero. Tercio de los morados viejos - Piquero. Tercio de los amarillos nuevos

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  18. Korisios

    1700 a 1718

    From the album: About the pirate, textile and clothing history of Guatemala

    Dinastía Borbónica. Siglo XVIII (años de 1700 a 1718) <br /><br />Casa Real - Alabarderos: Guardia, Casa Real - Alabarderos: Oficial, Infantería de línea - Alférez del Regimiento de los morados viejos, Infantería de línea - Sargento del Regimiento fijo de Sicilia

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  19. That's one cool tube!! thanks for showing.
  20. I just reseved a very cool looking frensh 1656 map. (from PoD) Now my qustion is: If I where a 1700 persona, then where in would I keep my maps (save and dry)?
  21. Thanks PoD!
  22. Hm I am taking this as a very good advice and a strong suggestion... never te less... Oh by the way you won't belief how many times I allready looked at all the pictures of you and other people on Ivan Henry Pagebook gallery.... You guys there all look stunning and realy authentic!
  23. This one? now am i seing it right, that there are 4 rows of buttons on th skirt?? 1 on the front, 1 on the back and 1 for each side?? That's a lot of buttons...
  24. If I look at all to groups that do 1700ish soldier reenacment, all uniforms do look very much allike in terms of pattern, so I begin to take it very plausible that one could use the patterns pretty much for every Europian 1700 soldier from around the the world. I especialy like this revealing drawing: it shows where all the lining and even some extra padding and stiffeners are going to be...
  25. I'll hope you people don't mind i'll take this thread a little furter, by extending the subject to militairy uniform 1700-1750 (more or less) in general... ..because I found another nice site this time i'ts in Russian but is has nice pictures of real (I think)uniforms and some patterns...
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