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Everything posted by Korisios

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  2. Korisios


    From the album: weapons from Colonial Guatemala

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  3. What about ironing???
  4. Just discovered this on the site og Manning Imperial. I thoughd I share it here... Sheers!
  5. If i look at this site, go to: uniforms/coat... you might get an idea. To me the packet flap is clearly sewn on top of and slightly above the triangular slit. I would say: hold the flap upside down and inside out, slightly above the slit then stichs throw flap and coat front panel. Maybe in two rows of stiches for strength then fold the flap down. If everything is ok the flap would then cover the slit with the front of the flap foreward.... on some pictures on this site it also lookes as if the have been sewing also throw the top of the flap flattening the fold a bit... But hey I am an beginner myself you know... I'm shure there are more experiensed people around here...
  6. Thanks Cap. Sterling. Time to change the plans a bit... and to buy some real heavy canvas(?) for the skirt part...
  7. I am using this pattern for the lokation of the padding on the chest near the shoulders. This extra padding makes sense to me because that's the location where you ware the sword baldric and oke extra cussioning wmight gif more comfort...? And by felt I mean real felted wool felt... The above drawing also locates padding in the skirt part but there just the liner seams more apropriate to me...
  8. Some interresting Spanish (Uniform) bits and parts... My link ...
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