Bos'n Cross
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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross
how does "buyer of boys" sound jess? i like it...has a dr.suess feel to it.......
Huuumm if your refurring to the voodo bible cut think for israel cross the carpenter, i think i wont actually use a real one, though the steward, being the opposite of myself, would probably be a devout christian, which also fits well with getting along with the captain.......
wow......you all still scare me.............who the heck came up with the FB thing? .........Mike...i think you are a FB, im jealous of you even this year....stupid mad dogg...............
CURSE YOU DIOSA!!!! KEPPING THE BLACK MAN DOWN! NNNOO MORE WILL I SIT IDLY BY, AND LET YOU MUM THE BLACK MANS MOUTH AT THE WALK THE PLANK!!!! NNOO MMOORREEE....after that auction....bets are off....... oh..and i <3 you and your boobies Diosa.....
its like you have a car full of angry badgers.....and you get off on stabbing at them with a pointed stick...just to piss them off more........of course i do the same thing.....kinda......lolololol.......and im really upset you missed that kiss missoin....but you made up for it......your lips are so soft............
Wows thanks for the kind comments everyone....what is FB status? it sound familiar...? Wonderful pictures all around everyone, you all seriously made this the most wonderful time iv had in years, and i really do mean that <3 Im gonna miss shay and those wonderful smacks she kept pulling out of nowhere........and that damn huge gun.......... Gentlemen of fortune, thank you for you noticig of that oh so favorite of stitching...the pri-ket-y stitch......... <3 yee all.....any pics of a certain....auction.......
Great photos guys, im so glad to have been exec...i mean included......i must say some of the shots are weird for me to look at.....but cool all the same lol......we should definitely do video in the future........
....why oohh wwhhyy was i not there for the shark feeding!!!!!...oh and rats you forgot the part that we all become camera whores....lol
I am so gladd that everyone looks out for my well being, and for all i know i could end up down Duval street and not even know it lolololol Plus if there's good cuban food im all for it(the "entertainers" frighten me not)............i still dont see how we got on butt paste though...........
I agree with mission! I REEAAALLLYYY REEAALLLYYY look forward to that!
.......and now i am accused of ageism......shame.....though badger may have a point....i dont have any guns yet....cant afford them......one day though...........i must say the more im around you people...the more normal and sane i feel in comparison...........especially compared to the old grey sutler guy.........whats his name? .................tim?.....no matter...SEE YOU ALL AT PiP !
all i wanted was an innocent post about readiness at PiP......and iv gotten a discussion on.....butt paste........some sutler insults me(but he's from the an older time so ill let it slide......stuck in the old ways....)......worry not you fiends i shall have baby powder for my sensitive bottom.......oh an Madd'Dogge................IV SEEN YOUR LANTERN!!!! SAID HELL NEVER GIVE IT BACK................THEN HE LAUGHED MENIACALLY IN FRONT OF A CARNIVAL WITH LIGHTENING....as carousel music played..........he must be stopped.......*cough hhummm i have insols already....yyaayy...and thank you william for the good link!
baiting suit....i wonder what id try to catch.....*wicked grin..........thanks for the good ideas everyone...turns out iv done a decent job...for i have all these things( even an air mattress).......cousin robbie.......this person has come up before.....................oh and my dearest lily...i dont think i need the sun screen.........................im already pretty tan, tis too late for me............plus i have never in my life experienced sun burn....have no idea what it feels like...neeevverrr had it ............
Truth be told this is my first real overnight-er outside in a tent.........that makes it the longest also......so my question is this my brave sailors and ne'er-do-wells..............what do you HAVE to have to survive at Pirates in Paradise.............mind you im a novice and am deathly afraid of forgetting something that ill drastically need...........
My research seems to correspond with mikes.....if the sailors had waistcoats, they seemed to be of a shorter cut that those of an average man(my impression has always been so that they would fit under the short jackets)....bbbuuutttt more than anything, iv seen more engravings and paintings showing sailors oonnllyy wearing the jackets and neckerchiefs on the upper body...but thats just what iv seen........
You know mike, you nearly scared the crap out of me...i was like....."so help me if mike bails".........sorry about your friends though ..............
NNNOOOO curse yee! I was gonna buy stuffs from ya! NOW WHO WILL TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!!....i hear Hawkyns sells stuff...........and a speedy recovery to the good Captain Sterling......you know i never trust those Physicians...a good leech will set yee right......
The problem with shooting from a horn is that a spark can set the whole thing off. The chargers in a bandoleer (the term apostles is 20th century) have one charge each, the same as a cartridge so they are at least as safe as cartridges. I think that the rules allow loading from a measuring tube and these should count the same. Personally, I think that they are safer. I'v seen priming flasks blow without setting off the bandoleer. If a charge should go off while you are loading, you have a good chance of the flash being directed away from your hand by the charger. I don't expect much protection from some newsprint. Mark I vveerryyy much agree with mark in this respect, thus why i want a bandoleer. To prove his statement, at this past blackbeard's , a royal marine broke some bones in his hand because a cartrage blew up while he was holding it. I think if it had been a charger, the small blast would have chosen a much easier direction to expel its energy in.....away from the person holding it. Plluusssss in my humble opinion bandoleers have a verry cool look about them..................of course though..........their no good if your too late in the GAoP...........I do also thoroughly agree about not loading from horns........muuucch worse than just a cartrige blowing..........
Silkie yee may know me too well already....for i sure dont mind at all.......Thanks again Mr. Couper, got some river sludge on it too...ill see what happens.......
While i do enjoy steampunk also rumba...Callenishes post is quite hilarious......yet true....actually laughed out loud...bless 'em
well I will actually find out if salt water works, i wore the coat last night at works(local ferry) and draped a wet line over my shoulder....ill see what it does........... im also gonna let the sun have a good run of it, by wearing it around all the time..........thanks for the salt water heads up, if it works, i may well get it a little wetter.............
Oh damn, that is just such a loaded statement with this crewe...watch out... .........hhuumm is it loaded in a "animal lover" way....or in a high school classroom way? .............*wonders if he should be afraid......
........i would make an ugly hood ornament....surly sterling is of high enough social status as to not want to degrade his car with my horrid visage........so instead hide me in the cab where no one can see me slee....*cough...........hiding from view..........i swear i may have to take up fur trade reenacting to deal with the wild "animal" population in these parts......i need leather...........in line with the thread............im going out looking for charcoal and a few other camping items on morrow, ill report my findings.......
Then a hearty HUZZAHH!!! for Fayma, and i shall attacke her person with hugs and thank yous at pip! ........................Indeed soap is my only remaining issue(that i can think of)...........which i hope to clarify soon..........
Ahoy! Mr. Cross, Know ye as Privateers, sometimes the letters of marque still be in the post, we are all men, free! We elects our Cap'n and he serves as long as he serves us one and all! None what sails wi' us is indentured to no man. So, Come aboard, Sir!