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Everything posted by Sjöröveren

  1. I'm more in agreement with Bloody Jack. Too many contrived situations, such as the concservative preacher as governor and the liberal theologian as the lay minister. Or indenturing a servant to the one couple he had asked not to be put with. Seems like a set up for TV. Why not just put them together without these modern contrivances, and see what happens? I'd rather watch real situations that one planned by a producer. I was also disappointed that they only gave 30 seconds (at most) to their training at Plimouth Plantation. At least Frontier House devoted 10 minutes or so. Hope they add more time in later episodes. I think a Pirate reality show is a great idea. I was hoping Survivor Pearl Island was going to be more piratical, but it really just used it as a backdrop (though Rupert is definate a Member of the Brotherhood at heart) I think we should do it. Who says it has to be on TV? If we do it well enough, we'll make the news! In a bizarre 'life imitates art' incident, a Royal Navy vessel was boarded today by several dozen pirates armed with muskets and cutlasses... :angry:
  2. Nay, Merry! Ye don't want t'see meself nekkid. I don't want me ship t' be mistaken fer a whaler haulin a great rottin carcass of a sea monster. It be an acquired taste.
  3. Yarr! Happy bloody birthday, Barbados Jack! I'm here first, so dipping meself a big tankard o Merry's rum an toasting ye heartily! Many more, mate! and ye be right, Merry dear. The naked rum bit got me attention. And it weren't Barbados Jack I was figuring were naked. Don't disappoint us, now...
  4. Just got mine in the mail today! Very nice quality! Not much action though. Their arms move a bit, but no slashing/hacking/gouging action. Leave it to Archie McPhee to realize what Disney did not: sell more pirate stuff! Can't wait to open them, but I'm waitin' til Red Bess gets home, or she'll disembowel me.
  5. Only 5 days late, but I hopes yar still be celebratin! Skål och glad födelsedag! (as we say up in Sweden)
  6. I've seen Muppet Treasure Island at least a dozen times, and I still hoot every time I watch it. Tons of double entendres and other things that sail way over the kids' heads. Watch it once with kids, and once with adults. It'll be two different movies.
  7. Ye mean t' say this pub ain't bout dogsleddin? Boy, am I lost! Yes, and please stop the cross posts to alt.spankme.com, willya. gets confusin.... I will if you will, Zorq!
  8. Ye mean t' say this pub ain't bout dogsleddin? Boy, am I lost!
  9. It will replay again on Saturday, May 8 at 7:00PM ET/PT. That would be 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain. But then, I taped it the first time!
  10. Geez, ye asked real nice and everything, and they still choose to ignore ye. Well, I think the only recourse ye have now is to cut their hearts out and shove them, still beating, down their ungrateful gullets.
  11. To clarify for our non-native English speakers "rip him/her a new one" does not refer to ripping a new throat. Instead, it refers to the opposite end of the digestive tract. Perhaps the last place on one's body wants any ripping at all.
  12. Very nice, I'm anxious to see the next panel. You've captured the pirate dialect well. The only edit I would suggest is "cut your throat out." The word "out" is not needed, or perhaps a different prepositional phrase would work. "Cut your throat" would suffice, or "cut your throat from ear to ear" although that is such a common expression as to be cliché.
  13. Came across this site tonight quite by accident, regarding Royal Navy Surgeon William Loney. It has more information than I could even begin to recount. Biographies of dozens of RN captains, members of the Admiralty, and many others. Ships logs, maps, photos, scans of commissions and warrants, it just goes on forever! Pour yourself a cuppa something, and plan on spending an hour poking around.
  14. There were some folks sailing radio control yachts in a local park the other day, which got me to thinking..."I wonder if anyone makes R/C tall ships?" Well, yes; someone does. Check out their model of the HMS Suprise! Love to get one, but BALLS! Is that a lot of money or what? $13,500 for a finished, ready to sail model. (bet the Royaliste spends that much every month just keeping it afloat...) It's nearly six feet long, weighs over 100 pounds and needs its own trailer. But no working cannon. What a shame. I'd love to see a few of these engaged in battle.
  15. Well, I think mostly it were the trowsers...
  16. Something ta keep ye warm or cool or both. Besides libations, I mean. Like a cloak, or a big shady hat. Something ta break the ice and meet people. Music and public nudity are sure bets, check your local laws. Something ta pass the time in case the event turns out to be entirely unlike what ye expected and yer stuck there until Sunday evening.
  17. Oi! Black Jack! Sorry I missed yer berpday proper, but it still be the weekend, so I hope's ye still be celebratin, or at least comfortably sleepin it off!
  18. A new one goes for anywhere from $800 to $3000. Average is about $1500. I got mine used from a desperate seller for $400, but it has some damage (cracked tailpiece, getting worse) that will cost me maybe $150 to repair. 99% are made in Sweden. I know of at least one person here in Minnesota who is making them, not sure about the rest of the US. I know they (and traditional Swedish music in general) are most popular in Minnesota, and around Seattle, Chicago and the Bay area. There's some good mp3's by the Nyckelharpa Orchestra avaiable here, and links to other music downloads here. (scroll down to "sound samples") Enjoy!
  19. WOW....That thar thing looks like a weapon! Have ye killed a person with it? I've never killed anyone with it, but there's an old Swedish legend about two nyckelharpa masters engaged in a musical battle to the death. The old masters supposedly sold their souls to the devil in order to gain supreme skill in playing their nyckelharpor, and thwart their opponent with spells. The old fellers could make the other guys bow lose its hair, make the nyckelharpa go out of tune or even fall apart. (And you thought it was just blues guitarists that did that!) Eventually one drove the other mad, and he ran off and threw himself over a waterfall. And this was at a wedding dance! Try that the next time some drunk tells you to play Unchained Melody.
  20. How'd I miss this topic? I am an unreformed an unrepentant collector of musical instruments (oh, hell let's be honest. I collect everything I see.) I can play most of these a bit, master of none: 1. Acoustic guitar (a Lyle, hand me down from me brother. He kept the Martin. And the Epiphone, Gibson archtop, National Steel,...) 2. Concertina. Anglo style, meaning it plays the same note pushing or pulling. 3. Banjo. 5-string, open back. Picked it up at a thrift store about a month ago. Gradually bringing back into playing condition. 4. Assorted pennywhistles & fifes. Anything with six holes. I saved the oddballs for last... 5. Sälgflöjt. Swedish for "willow flute" pronounced SELL-ya-flüt. It's a flute without any finger holes. You change to note by covering or uncovering the other end, and changing breath pressure. Imagine being able to play a real song by blowing on a coke bottle. Here's a link on how to make one out of PVC pipe. Should cost you less than a buck. '6. Nyckelharpa. The most incredible instrument you've never heard of. It's the national instrument of Sweden. The name translates as "keyed fiddle". Here's a picture: It has 16 strings, but you only play 3. Kind of a cross between a fiddle, hurdy gurdy, sitar and accordian. Better yet, got to The American Nyckelharpa Association's home page, and learn all about it. It has a huge sound, almost like a string quartet in the hands of a master. And it looks SO DAMN COOL! I have to plug the great music coming out of Scandinavia in the last 10 years or so. There's been a huge revival of traditional music and instruments, rejiggered by a generation of musicians who grew up on the Beatles, Ramones, Nirvana, etc. etc. These are definately not the songs my grandparents played. If anyone is really insterested, I can go on and on and on.... Try googling Väsen, Hedningarna or Värttina. Ye won't be disappointed.
  21. Are ye talkin booty as in plunder/swag/shiny bits? Or are ye talking booty as in boo-TAY/naughty bits? Either way, I ain't tellin. Find yer own wimmin.
  22. Ahh, nuthin says Happy Piratey Easter better'n Alvin & the Chipmunks, and watchin some pullet shoot somethin out 'er arse. Nice to see some folks still follows the old traditional celebrations!
  23. I raise a tankard in yer honor, Redd! Happy Birthday!
  24. Ye can be proud o this child ye whelped, Angus! And I just have to believe anyone called Bloody Buckets has got to be a worthy steward. Long live the Administrator!
  25. I says it's never too early to get a child accustomed to skulls and weapons. Plus, they say babies only sees in black & white, so the Jolly Roger or other flag would fit right in. Once they start to see color, I'd introduce the drippin blood. BYW, why do they call ye"Capts Curvy Screw"?
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