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Everything posted by Sjöröveren

  1. I was skeptical too, but DANG this really is the coolest thing ever!
  2. Red Bess & I are both for sure, along with our boys, who are getting toy swords & pistols to fight each other with. Hope Bilgemunky & Cap'n. Pete Straw can make it!
  3. Check this one out! He's calling this monstrosity a "Pirates Of The Caribbean Crows Nest Prop!" It's just a crappy piece of macrame! The only ship this has ever been on is the container ship it came over from China in! If he keeps this up, he'll blow his credibility by the end of the week.
  4. He was indeed! I let Jas. Townsend know about it last week, and Jon Townsend emailed me back, saying that they had told him to stop using their photos. Guess he stopped. For awhile at least. I'll keep an eye on him.
  5. Geez, wish I would have known about it, might have been worth the drive. Though their schedule of events looks a bit lame. And their "Theives Market" is mostly dog grooming and massage therapy and the like - not too piratical. Maybe it wouldn't have been worth the drive after all.
  6. So let me get this straight... The COA comes from Pirates-r-us? People who buy this stuff must be the same people who play 3 card monte, hoping that they'll get lucky eventually.
  7. Jas. Townsend & Sons has a PDF document showing the buttons they stock, mostly American Revolution Regimentals, but they say they can make custom buttons, including brass plating. Worth checking out.
  8. Here's his copy cut directly from the listing that Ace of Harbor Bay just linked to: ORIGINAL MOVIE PROP "PIRATE BONE BOX" From the Block Buster PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN Now is you time to own a piece of MOVIE HISTORY. You are Bidding on a Original Movie Prop used in the Pirates of the Caribbean. This was used as a background prop. This listing seems to be from a different seller, but same old crap. I've seen items like this bone box selling at tourist traps selling for less than $5.
  9. OK, I get it now. I must have been a bit sleepy before. I haven't heard back from them, so I hope they're following up on it.
  10. Theft of intellectual property, like a copyrighted photo, is still theft.
  11. My thoughts exactly. I'm sure he went out and found a nice picture of a legitmately good hat, and delivers one of those "hillbilly" hats straight out of Dogpatch USA. (you know the ones with the little x cut so you can stick a corn-cob pipe in it.)
  12. I just sent off a message to Jas. Townsend & Sons, letting them know that they're being ripped off. They may not be the size of Disney, but they are still honest merchants trying to make an honest dollar, and don't need any "help" from charlatans. This guy needs to learn the full definition of "no quarter given." Until he stops pulling this crap, we will not let him find safe harbour! The oddest thing about this is that most of this stuff is quality merchandise, but since he's already paying retail price, he has to find a way to sell it for more. Just tell the truth, stupid! People will still buy it. Or find a wholesaler! Cripes, what a lowlife!
  13. I assume you're hitting all the Tanglefoot highlights like Pictou Harbor, the Black Rock, etc. If you do, take some pix and share with us fellow Footheads! And for all of you who don't know what I'm on about, Tanglefoot is an incredible Canadian band, who are certain to become your favorite band the moment you hear them. Really, they're that good.
  14. Looks like the web site is in Czech, but you can click on the UK flag in the upper right corner to get and English version. (or Russian or Polish, if you prefer)
  15. ...the gnashing of me own teeth, and the throbbing of a vein in my temple. I need coffee...
  16. Can't beleive no one ever got this one from last week! It's from Beetlejuice! Here's one from a holiday favorite: "Would you please, for the love of God, stop the G-- D--- hammering!"
  17. Since I can't make it over to Blighty to celebrate, I plan to honor Lord Nelson by drinking myself half-blind. It's the least I can do.
  18. The book is called "Lobscouse and Spotted Dog" I got it a couple of Christmases ago, and I either lent it to a friend or mis-packed it while moving this past January. It's a very entertaining read, but I didn't have the opportunity to actually make anything from it before misplacing it.
  19. It didn't sell, didn't even have one bid, but dang if he didn't relist it at the same price! Can't blame him, "fools and their money" and all that...
  20. "Sjöröveren" is Swedish for "the sea rover." And it's supposed to be spelled "Sjörövaren" but I guess it's too late for that. And, as discussed in other threads, it's best not to try pronouncing it without a safety net and liability insurance. That, and the burden of figuring out how to type a "ö" have led to most folks round here calling me "Sea Rover" which is fine by me.
  21. My only complaint about the NMM site is that many photos are too dark to see any detail. What were they thinking, putting a navy blue uniform against a black background? In some photos, all you can see is buttons and braids!
  22. When I'm "in character" in the pub, I talks like this, a right proper salt, but when I'm "me" I tend to use complete sentences, proper punctuation, correct grammar and the like. I like both ways, because I love using language. Maybe it's because I don't get an opportunity to talk much at work. The pub is about the only place I have to exercise my brain on a regular basis.
  23. inane cartoon music from some damn game my sons are playing on Game Cube.
  24. I just came across this hat on eBay, billed as a "Musuem Quality Replica" accurate down to the last detail. He must be talking about that Museum of Crap I heard about somewhere...
  25. You and me and Red Bess make 3 that I knows of.
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